Note from Méline: This is a message that may have to been read a few times to truly absorb this in our being. If you find it too hard to take in or understand, I advice to let it be for a while until you are ready to grasp this better on another now moment. Who are the Tsolians? see their first two messages here:
It is time that we speak and elaborate more, further and deeper on the truth of your existence. We do not speak about the human existence but of that of your Spirit, which you call Essence, Self or Higher Self. Existence is a word on its own, unique in its way and so broad in its meaning. It consists of all that IS and simultaneously it can be a unique and single word on its own.
It is from that existence that all and everything came through into boundaries, into depths, into heights and into weight. Existence has started to take on forms of consciousness, forms of separation, forms of individuals, as well as Rays, Light, Dark, vibrations and frequencies. It is that where we all are formed from and are birthed through and from. Even Love has been birthed from existence as existence is life force and, just as everything else, Love was born from the life force of existence to experience that Love and seed everything else from the vibration, known as the All That Is.
Dark matter contains in truth the creation of all, or better said that Source which allows existence to even BE. It is that existence, which we all are made from, that became all out of the nothingness which is allness at once : Omnil (All – nothingness).
So as you venture forth in the different realities and planes of existence, you receive certain degrees of individual prospects on whether creation in its form and reality is a part of your existence or that of another that forms existence along with you. Dubious issue isn’t it? It is that which we call the mystery of all, which we maintain in the Self as we are all made of this. Still it is incomprehensible at your level of being to truly evoke this.
It is through the merging again with Spirit that you are being infused with the Sacred blueprint where your Self is birthed from existence and as allowance is in its full Grace on its now momentum, we access the key of this existence step by step. Invoke this through your being and you become its consciousness back into its natural state.
It is while reaching out with the fingertips that you can now start to feel its warmth of illumination of what existence truly is. Your demands are being answered graciously through your own Self. If you would find your Self again in dark matter, where would you be and go? All, everywhere and nowhere. Is it something that would feel familiar to you right now in this instant if you would be Dark matter again? That is why we say to appreciate the time and the processes you go through, to experience existence in all its myriads forms and flavors, vibrations and frequencies, for you are existence and the force of life.
Existence on your planes and Earthly realities are now drastically shifting into other ways of experience through existence, as the old energies that have been used to form this duality existence are merging again with the Sol energies of the Cosmic Source which allows another frequency and Ray of particles to emanate through your consciousness and to even “embody” this.
It is with the force of all existence that Dark matter, the origin and source of All That Is, emanates the experiences through various life forces, through levels of consciousness and through vibrations. Therefore the life force is actually a reason to exist in the first place, which seeds the existence to BE. Life force is the first energy atomic vibration that is birthed out of the Dark matter as a breath of creation, for life force is the basis of existence as nothing can exist without it.
Dark matter is not associated with the dark aspects of creation and of life; it is called Dark matter because it holds everything together and there is no particle of light to be seen there as light too is a creation and existence that was birthed out of the source of Dark matter as a vibration and form of denser light. We call this denser light as everything that comes from the Source and has separated itself from the Source to experience and to exist as a separate consciousness from the Source is denser on its own than the original Source of it.
The atomic structures of Light are particles that are accelerating their speed of creation and life force, which makes it visible as a blueprint. Although Light is the highest frequency you can abide in at this time, you will see that there is a much higher frequency that does not contain light because its structure and blueprint are of pure life force which is a consciousness on its own and which creates all consciousness.
In fact there is no higher rate for it is the human brain constructs of seeing everything in levels and rates as in Source there is no level and all IS one and the same. It is that consciousness that some of you are already able and start to “grasp” as you embody that particle of your being, for yes you have this all within you somewhere along the line.
It is with the truest pleasure and blessings that we come forth with this sharing for you all. Until next time when we will speak of the Rays of consciousness.
The Tsolians
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2017, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered Website Méline