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Trust Yourself Above All ~ Jonathan Trinity Martin

Hello Earth, hello humans, I am Tahinio good day. We welcome you to this momentary experience in creation for the purpose of aligning you further, if you desire, to your calling, mission and highest excitement in the world at this time. We thank you for being here with us in this way Jonathan Martin. For we are seeing a new future unfolding where you are playing a big part in the raising of awareness of our ships. We thank you for being part of the journey.

Cycles of Life’s Flow ~ Shanta Gabriel

Who of you with a thought can stop the mighty flow of the river? The sacred presence in the momentum of your life continues whether you agree or not. When you resist the flow, when you struggle or doubt, when you try hard to follow your plan even when it’s not working, you are out of balance with life’s rhythm.   When you are in harmony, following the direction of the River of all Creation, you feel more peaceful, interested in life and inspired for new creative directions. This is a belief system that you have outgrown, as hard as it may be to accept. In fact, you are learning to ground yourself into your heart to fully function in harmony with life’s rapid-changing perspective.

How to Nourish Your Soul ~ Shanta Gabriel

You are literally filling up your personal energy system with God’s love. You can even see it in your mind’s eye if you check in. With your imagination, look at your body as a sacred vessel that is empty and waiting. See how it changes before and after your spiritual practice. In your mind’s eye fill it like a vase of water and place the flowers of Love, Balance and Wellbeing into your sacred container. It feels so magical.

How to Nourish Your Soul ~ Shanta Gabriel

Do you know that your Soul is nourished by your spiritual practice? You are literally filling up your personal energy system with God’s love. You can even see it in your mind’s eye if you check in. With your imagination, look at your body as a sacred vessel that is empty and waiting. See how it changes before and after your spiritual practice. In your mind’s eye fill it like a vase of water and place the flowers of Love, Balance and Wellbeing into your sacred container. It feels so magical.

What Does It Mean to Embody Your Divinity and How Do You Do it? ~ Shanta Gabriel

It feels like I have spent years creating the energy field that would allow me to fill myself with God’s Light. It was the most important thing for me to do when I first opened to my Soul Path in the 70’s. I was not thinking of it as Embodiment, because being on the Earth was not priority to me for the first 20 years of my spiritual practice. In the past 20+ years however, grounding has become essential to my happiness. The more grounded I become, the better I feel in my body. There has been a lot of energetic bush-wacking by fellow older Lightworkers since the 70’s which helped open the way.

Wholeness is Now from Archangel Gabriel ~ Shanta Gabriel

Do you feel a subtle pulsing within you today? There is a very new rhythm being created through your life right now. A new empowered substance of divinity is flowing through your energy system. The rhythm of your heart is pulsing God’s name throughout your being. The meridians are lighting up with this essence. With every candle you light in the name of God, a deep connection to your spirit is illuminated. This is enhancing your experience of the new rhythms sparking with Divine Connection.  More and more as you bring Divinity into your human form, an integration is occurring that will allow you to live a more blended life as a Divine human.

December 2018 Solstice Energies ~ Daniel Scranton

We have begun to explore the various possibilities that are in front of you all regarding the Solstice and the energies that will be upon you shortly. Now,there are many different ways that this could go for humanity, but we are seeing that the most probable outcome is that you will awaken within you a sense of unity amongst all of humanity. And this is the type of unity that has yet to be seen, felt, and experienced on planet Earth.

