Tag: God


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Your Godself & the New Earth ∞ The Creators by Daniel Scranton

We acknowledge you in ways that you almost never acknowledge yourselves, because we know someone has to do it, and while you are eternal, infinite beings of unconditional love, you often do not think of yourselves in those ways. You need constant reminders from above to take you out of this illusion and to bring you back into your true creaturehood. Your Godself is what we would call that, and your Godself is the aspect of you that you sometimes do acknowledge but only really pay lip service to. In other words, how many times throughout the course of your day would you say that you are operating from that knowing of yourself as your Godself?

Becoming God ∞The 12D Creators ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We see you in your majestic evolution, and we see ourselves. We know that the ride you are on is also our ride, and that is one of the many reasons why we seek to help you. We want you to know how much you are growing and evolving in each and every moment you are there. You are becoming more precise creators by being there on Earth, where you have stacked the deck against yourselves in so many ways. You have made it more challenging to manifest the reality that you want to experience because one of the experiences you really wanted to have there on Earth was and is faith. You wanted to see if you could believe in something that you could not see, feel, hear, taste and touch.

Do Not Limit Your Uses of the Violet Flame ∞ St. Germain ∞ by Daniel Scranton

I invite you to work with the violet flame in whatever way you see fit. If I were in human form right now, I would not be limiting the uses of the violet flame to just one or two things. You can use your relationship to that energy to manifest, to heal. You can use it for help with problems, issues, challenges you face in your life. You can use it to clear the energy in a room, and of course to clear your energy field. You can use it to heal a part of the world that is in famine, war, or experiencing other types of emotional upheavals.

Live a Life in Service to Source ∞ St. Germain ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You who have the physical lifetime to live need to realize that much more of you is nonphysical and coexists in this moment with this lifetime. You are meant to anchor in more of that which you truly are, and you do that every time you find something in your physical reality to love. When you give your attention to that which inspires love within you, that’s when you know yourself more fully as you truly are. And the trick is to not then become dependent on the object of your affection staying in that lovable state.

The Eight Shifts of Enlightenment Part One ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Where do you think Human emotion comes from? Where do you think love comes from? I will tell you this - it''s part of God in you! Why do you feel the way you do when you have so much love for another? You think that's all Human, don't you? No. That's the God part in you being activated even between Human and Human. Even the Humans who don't believe in God can't help the fact that it is still so. You might not believe in a kidney either, but you still have one. You are creatures of free choice, so you are free to accept what's going on now at this moment or not. You are totally free, and Spirit isn't going to come and touch you to make you believe it. This is our gift to you - free choice.

Bask in the Wonder of Life by Shanta Gabriel

Life is a special gift from God, filled with infinite beauty. Your appreciation and gratitude for this beauty brings forth a new dimension of love within you. Take the time to pursue beauty. Find one flower and look with wondrous eyes upon this divine miracle. Notice the grace of a tree, the strength of its trunk, the power of the root system diving deep into the ground, and the play of the leaves in the sunlight. Put your arms around a tree and take a moment to sense the life force pulsing inside. This slow, steady pulse will soothe and calm you in times of upset. Try sitting with your back against a tree and feel the peace grow within you. Listen to the songs of birds. They sing for the pure joy of it. This is nature in all its glory

What is the Difference between a Human Being and God? ~ Pulkit Mathur

They say that God has made man in his image. So is there anything that differentiates a human being from God? The answer is a surprising one! – Ignorance. Ignorance is what separates man from God. Our souls are already a part of the divine consciousness of God, yet we remain ignorant of this truth and so the divinity within us remains unmanifested. Marisa04 / Pixabay “The Buddha is not a person but a (state of) realization to which anyone can attain.” – Swami Vivekananda explaining Lord Buddha’s last words on his death-bed. “Who was there ever like Him?” he once spoke of Buddha, his whole face aglow with inspiration. “The Lord – who never performed one action for Himself – with a heart that embraced the whole world! So full of pity that He – prince and monk – would give His life to save a little goat! So loving that He sacrificed himself to the hospitality of a pariah and blessed him!“ So immense was Swamiji’s reverence for Lord Buddha, Sister Nivedita relates, that he once told a lady “‘Madam, I am the servant of the servants of the servants of Buddha!’ as if even the title of a believer would seem, to his veneration, too exalted to claim.” So it is not at all surprising to note that the deeply cherished ideal – Lord Buddha Himself, choose to appear before his ardent devotee, to shower his blessings on 2 noteworthy occasions.

Your Godself & the New Earth ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We acknowledge you in ways that you almost never acknowledge yourselves, because we know someone has to do it, and while you are eternal, infinite beings of unconditional love, you often do not think of yourselves in those ways. You need constant reminders from above to take you out of this illusion and to bring you back into your true creaturehood. Your Godself is what we would call that, and your Godself is the aspect of you that you sometimes do acknowledge but only really pay lip service to. In other words, how many times throughout the course of your day would you say that you are operating from that knowing of yourself as your Godself? 

Power of Silence and prayer ~ Trudi Hsu

For a while now, I often thought of Ramana Maharishi. He taught by silence. People went to him, sat silently with him and came away with benefits. I thought, how much I like to have that, to be able to do good that way. But one has to reach that level to be able to do it. I know I am not there because my ego is still very much alive and I am not free from attachment.

Steps for Getting Closer to Your Higher Self & Source ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are existing within a plane of existence that we can feel constantly expanding. We can focus on that expansion while simultaneously focusing on yours. Your scientists know that the universe is expanding. So on that physical level, you can confirm that this is true, but on the metaphysical level, it is something you have to feel for in order to know the truth of it. Feeling for your expansion is easy, but it takes a little bit of focus. You must take your mind off of everything else that you are normally focusing upon, and place your conscious awareness on your heart.

Are You Awake to Source’s Greatest Gift? ∞Thymus:∞ by Daniel Scranton

You have a wonderful consciousness to explore, and your consciousness is your greatest gift from Source to get interested in and excited about. Another way of looking at it is that you have senses that go beyond your five senses through which you experience the physical world. For example, you have your feeling sense with your nerve endings, and you can touch something like the coat of a cat, and you can have the physical sensation on your hand, but then there is your consciousness and your experience of it at that level. 

The Absolute ~ Trudi Hsu

Nisargadatta, I am trying to get into his writing, I am that. I believe he is the one who said something to the effect of, I am a simple man, I have little education. He stayed in his house above the streets all through his house, visitors from all over the world cramped into his humble lodgings. Do not hang my photo, do not make me a god, he said. That is what struck me about these Indian mystics of the early 1900's, they have little education but possessed the ultimate truth.

