Precognition, seeing into the “future,” is the fourth and fifth dimensional ability to move beyond the constraints of third dimensional time and into the mutable time of the fourth dimension and/or the NOW of the fifth dimension. Precognition assists us to create our personal road map through life.

As we expand our consciousness, we begin to perceive our physical reality from different points of view. While only using our five physical senses, we can only access the perspective of being in the forest among the many trees that block the vision of where we are going.

However, many of our expanded perceptions allow us to move beyond third dimensional time, which blocks our vision like trees in the forest. A higher dimensional perspective is similar to seeing the entire forest from a control tower at the peak of the highest mountain. From this “tower,” which is beyond time and space, we can see where each trail of thoughts, emotions and actions leads.

With this information, we can change our course at any time by:

raising our consciousness,

changing our thinking,

expecting another path

and perceiving solutions that we could not find before.

It is for this reason that our future is very fluid. Once we have accepted our precognition as “normal,” we can more easily discriminate between a “possible reality” and a “probable reality.”

possible realityis a choice of the ego and may or may not happen. On the other hand, a probable realityis a reality that already exists in the NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, if we are in alignment with our fifth dimensional Soul, we can choose to manifest that reality.

The challenge for this manifestation is that, no matter how much mastery we have attained, our precognitive abilities usually a “blind spot” when it comes to ourselves. Therefore, our best choice is to tune into and follow the directives of our Multidimensional SELF.

By surrendering control of our physical reality to our Multidimensional SELF, we have our SELF to assist us to maintain our expanded consciousness. In this manner, our daily consciousness, thoughts, expectations and perceptions can be harmonious and loving.

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Dr. Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. Suzanne first stepped onto her spiritual path in the mid-1970s when she met her first spiritual teacher. Since then, she has had many teachers and initiations. Her life in the physical plane was quite “normal” as her spiritual work provided her with the confidence to continue her educational training to obtain a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Her studies included personal psychotherapy and focused on alternative methods of psychotherapy, such as hypnotherapy and guided meditation, which gave her tools to help herself, as well as others. Suzanne is available for personal sessions and would love to connect with and assist those ready to explore multidimensionality and who feel drawn to the Arcturian teachings.