The Cancer new moon on Friday, July 9, 2021, is bringing in positive energy.  This new Moon relates to positive change, freedom, excitement, and higher self-awareness.  This is a great time for you to tap into this energy to bring yourself a new burst of positivity.

If you experience any delays, restrictions, unexpected setbacks, and disappointment associated with love and money, this new Moon will help you to overcome any of these delays.  Your intuition will be working at a high rate during this new Moon, so trust what you are feeling and put all this positive energy to good work for yourself and others.

Archangel Gabriel

What Archangel will preside over this New Moon?

The great messenger Archangel Gabriel will be working with anyone who asks for his assistance during this new Moon.  Gabriel will be bringing to this new Moon the attributes of sympathy and sensitivity. Archangel Gabriel is an Archangelic messenger and the Archangel of communication, secrets, and strength. Gabriel in Hebrew means “God is my strength” and so, Gabriel is a very powerful Archangel to connect with.

So as you do your special rituals talk to Archangel Gabriel and ask him to help you bring in all of the new things that you know are necessary for you to move forward on your spiritual path.

Six Ways to Celebrate Every New Moon

  • Set free what no longer serves you.
  • Take time for self-care.
  • Offer yourself some alone time.
  • Meditate on this moon phase.
  • Connect and ground with Mother Earth.
  • Honor this cycle.
  1. Set Your Intention

Every month, the moon delivers us an extra boost of intention-setting energy.  Set your intentions and let them blossom.  Make your intentions clear and specific.  Expect answers.  Trust that all that is divine is working with you.

  1. Light a Candle

Lighting a candle on the darkest night of the month signifies our desire to bring just a little more light into our lives. Ask the Universe to shine light on you during this new moon and all the ones that follow it.

  1. Begin Something New

The new Moon is all about new beginnings.  So start something new.  It could be something like a class, applying for a job, or asking someone out on a date. This is the time to start anew.  What ever you feel passionate about now is the time to start.

  1. Make a List

Write out a list that is detailed about what you want to see develop in your life.  Set out those intentions.  It’s important to write them out and put them aside and come back in six months and read them and see what has manifested.

  1. Create a Sacred Space

If you are doing any type of spiritual work it’s important that you have a special sacred space in your homes that is just for your spiritual work.  So if you have not created that space do so and every Moon spend time there in meditation, manifestation or just enjoying the peace.  This is your special place.

  1. Make Your Own Ritual

Making your own ritual is simply a way for you to connect to the new Moon each month.  It can be very simple such as meditation, listening to relaxing music, or making a list of what you want to see happen in your life.  You can also take a cleansing bath using Epsom salts to remove toxins from the body and the spirit.  Be creative and make your own ritual.

A new moon symbolizes new beginnings when you look at old goals and set new ones. It is a good time to contemplate upon your life. The meaning of a new moon is the opportunity to start anew and refresh your dreams and desires. It is a time of magic! Did you set New Year’s Resolutions that may need a little boost to them by now? Have any of your goals gone from bright to dim? Now is the time to support them with the new moon energy and its significance and symbolism.

Spend a few moments breathing in the energy of this new reality making it more tangible.

Work this for one moon cycle and re-access and energize on the next new moon if needed.

New Moon Life Path Reading by Cherokee Billie

What Energy is this New Moon and Solar Eclipse bringing to you?  Will abundance be yours?  Will you find that new beginning you’ve been looking for? Find out with my Special New Moon Reading.

Let this New Moon help you make a difference in your life and in your part of the world. Refresh, Renew and Rejuvenate today!

Blessings of the New Moon to you!
Cherokee Billie

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Billie Chainey
Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor offers help through the lens of clairvoyance, self-help, wisdom, philosophy, and spirituality. Cherokee Billie is the Author of “Heavenly Seduction” a best seller . In addition, Cherokee Billie is a Naturopathic Doctor (twenty years experience) Life Strategist, a Radio Personality, and an Ordained Minister leading people to a pathway to spiritual enlightenment. Visit: Call for Clairvoyant Comfort It’s Better than Chocolate! ®© Call (786)-375-5434