We are speaking now in order to assist humanity’s collective transcendence into fifth dimensional life. Individual souls are ascending into the fifth dimension in extraordinary numbers at this time, some in the body, most out of the body through death. Now is the time of the great harvest of souls spoken of by Christ (John 4:35).

When this ascension process is complete, all beings of the earth will be fifth dimensional in nature, in etheric light form only without a physical body.

“We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing.” II Corinthians 5:2

Once-human souls will coexist in harmony and immortality on the physical planet Earth. This remarkable change will signify the fulfillment of this prophecy of Christ:

“….They will no longer die, because they are immortal like the angels, and they are children of God, because they are children of the resurrection.” Luke 20:36.

Throughout this transition, etheric bodies will naturally gravitate towards kindred spirits of like intention to form etheric soul groups or families.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and that which so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1

The great cloud of witnesses spoken of here is a supernatural gathering of souls, similar to the process of condensation in which clouds are formed. Water evaporates from the earth and ascends to the heavens where it gathers into clouds. When a cloud retains enough droplets of moisture, it reaches a tipping point and begins to rain. The collective gatherings of ascended souls will reach a point of heavy saturation, dense with life, light and goodness. Then they will spill out upon the earth in the sweetest of refreshing spiritual rains, bringing extraordinary healing, joy and growth.

“The Supreme Good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to.” ~Lao Tzu

“Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill.” ~ Lao Tzu

You, as a physical and spiritual being, holding this text in your hand, are a recipient of this etheric rain. It comes to you now in the writings of this messenger, and is directed towards you for your benefit. This refreshing spiritual rain contains the wisdom and extravagant care of all the enlightened ascended masters, all those whom you know and a myriad of others who were unrecognized on earth.

Stand in this extravagant spiritual rain. Dance in the rain. Celebrate! Drink up the rain! Collect all the overflow and water all you care for with this precious rain. Splash the rain upon your soul and awaken and refresh your weary, etheric body. Do not think about the rain. Do not parcel out the drops and place them under a mental microscope for examination. Do not try to understand how it came to be, or how you came to encounter it. Do not ponder how you might bottle it and sell it on the open market. No, only dance, dance, dance in the loving rain/reign of the Masters. Find joy in all their love and grace poured out. Simply receive their delight.


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Anjie Hipple
Inspirational Speaker & Medium, The Judah Channel. Anjie is a highly-engaging inspirational speaker with 30+ years of experience as a women's group leader and recording artist. It is her honor now to channel Judah, considered the "Oprah Of The Cosmos," who invites in a veritable A-List of higher- dimensional beings (such as the Archangel Michael) to join in the conversation about human enlightenment, awakening your power, and spiritual wisdom from beyond.