Greeting beloved beacons of love, I am Master Sananda. It is a joy to be in your presence and to share Creator love with you. Such a beautiful moment of sharing love as I express my love to you. You may wish to open your heart space and allow the love to flow. It doesn’t necessarily need to be in my direction. When you share love with any being, every being benefits.

We are all connected/interconnected and one. What benefits one benefits all, especially on an energetic level. With this in mind, I wish to speak to you about roles in which you can choose to participate, in order to support the spiritual evolution of the earth, the souls present and even the physical evolution as well.

You may understand what a light keeper is. You may have many different ideas or understandings as to what a light keeper is. I wish to share with you my understanding of a light keeper.

A light keeper, for me, is a being that is able to enhance light. It may be the light of their own being or the light of others. In truth, a light keeper is a being that enhances and multiplies light upon the earth, and maybe even throughout the Universe of the Creator.

You can recognise that, as a light keeper, your purpose is not necessarily to hold and keep the light but to also allow it to flow through you, to energise it, amplify it and to magnify it. This is something that you can do in your daily reality; magnifying your own light, which is a great service to yourself and others, magnifying the light of Mother Earth, of the Angelic Kingdom, of the Ascended Masters, of souls upon the earth, of the Animal Kingdom and all other kingdoms on the earth.

You can hold the intention that you wish to magnify or boost their light. You are acting as a supportive energy, and thus, the more people achieve this, the more light will be present

When there is more light, shifts occur; old stuck energies able to become unstuck and transformed. Everything flows with greater ease and this also means that your own being, in your own reality, will flow with greater ease, even from you supporting someone else or another energy group.

Supporting whoever it is you wish to support upon the earth, will benefit them and will benefit you as well. As I said, what benefits one, benefits all.

This is one way of being a light keeper. It simply requires an intention and thinking about energising your own light, and then choosing the light you wish to energise.

For example, you may discover your light within, or you may seek your light within. As you connect with your light, you can simply ask for your light to be enhanced, or you can ask your soul or the Creator to enhance your light. Then choose who you wish to support. Maybe you wish to support the insect kingdom or maybe you wish to support souls who are departing the earth.

You allow your light to flow to them with the purpose and intention of magnifying their light. You ask any other being of divine light and love that may wish to support this mission, to do so now. It doesn’t need to take a great length of time. It can simply be an intention.

Even when you hold an intention and carry on with your daily routine, your soul/energetic being will continue with that intention – working on another level – as if they are in another room and they are achieving that role.

I, Master Sananda, wish to speak with you about being a light keeper on a different level of awareness.

First, contemplate all the different things that happen that seem to make the world that you exist within, run.

A soul chooses to come to earth. A soul is born. A soul is a child, then an adult and then grows old and departs. Of course there are other scenarios and pathways. Each pathway is completely different and appropriate.

We can recognise that there is this cycle of entering into the earthly reality and then departing the earthly reality and that there is so much abundance and so many experiences while in the earthy reality at a physical/mental/emotional and spiritual level.

You can choose to boost, enhance and magnify the light of any part of that cycle; whatever your soul feels is appropriate, whatever you inspired and guided.

Maybe you wish to support a certain aspect of the entrance into the earth. Maybe you wish to support the exit. Maybe you wish to support people who are having challenging times upon the earth; maybe homeless people or people suffering with an illness.

There are all forms of experiences on the earth. You can choose a very detailed aspect and you can say, “I wish to support this area, I wish to boost the light in this area.”

You may need to share your own light. You may need to activate the light in that area. You may need to draw light into that area from the Universe of the Creator – from the Creator – in order to boost the energy in that area; to make transformation, to make the divine flow present, to make it easier.

This, for me, Master Sananda, is being a light keeper because although the title describes holding onto the light, what you are actually doing is boosting it in different areas.

You can choose to support different aspects of the cycle of life and different experiences that everyone is embarking through. What you may find is that, as you achieve this, you might have guides that come forth to support you.

You’re never taking on any energy when you do this. You’re only giving the energy because you hold an abundance of light within you; because you are a light keeper yourself.

I, Master Sananda, encourage you to explore my idea. See what comes into your awareness, what you feel inspired to do or support as a light keeper. Such acts and roles are transformational for you and for all.

I extend my love.

I am Master Sananda. I thank you.


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Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love. Natalie is known for her pure and powerful channeling ability which attracts many wishing to evolve spiritually to study with her. The Creator’s love and the manifestation of inner bliss are always at the center of her communications, due to these qualities being valued by her soul. Natalie’s soul extends from her Soul Group the Celestial White Beings who exist from the 14th dimension and beyond, she is currently acting as a representative of their energy and consciousness on the Earth. Natalie’s first book was published in the UK in November 2010 entitled, Twelve Rays of Light, a Guide to the Spiritual Hierarchy. The book was later published and is available in the Lithuanian language. The Twelve Rays of Light is a unique guidebook to the spiritual hierarchy and energy levels beyond the Earth. The book helps you to discover the guides, teachers, leaders and Ascended Masters of the spiritual planes upon whom you may call daily to advance your development, expand your awareness and awaken your true self. Through the study of and integration with the rays and spiritual hierarchy, you will discover the keys to your own ascension process on the Earth. Natalie facilitates channeled workshops in London, Glastonbury, Ireland, Wales and Lithuania. She has also visited Egypt and Israel as a channel for spiritual groups. Through her website, the Sacred School of OmNa, In her spare time Natalie enjoys focusing on her own spiritual awakening, playing her crystal singing bowls, painting and practicing kundalini yoga. Born and brought up in Wales, Natalie now lives in Gloucester, UK.