The dreams in your heart are real. They are there for a reason. They have been planted within you as a guiding light to your destiny. Destiny moves through you as the force field of consciousness that you are. Reality moves through you as the force field of consciousness that you are. Magic and miracles move through you as the force field of consciousness that you are.
As you expand your force field of consciousness, as you elevate your awareness of more that is possible for you, you gather within your force field of consciousness even more particles of infinite creation that create greater potentials and possibilities that may not exist for others in the way they exist for you because you have expanded your field of consciousness through your awareness and your vibrational frequency.
You are leaders. You are wayshowers. You are guides. You are trailblazers. You are pioneers of new energy, new consciousness, new realities, New Earth, new experiences, new potentials, new possibilities. And what will often trip you up is when you’re in this new energy, trying to do it an old way. It often entangles you with the 3rd and 4th Dimension because you are not allowing yourself to fully exist and thrive and create in the new that you have summoned to you.
Anything is possible. Anything and everything is possible. You have to know in every cell of your body that you are the thing you most desire. You are the dream in your heart. To know in every cell of your body you are the very thing you desire. You are the very dream in your heart. You are your destiny. The you, if you wish to call it future you, who’s experiencing all that you have become and the summoning of new realities and expanded levels of your destiny is you. You can take years to get there and align with that, or you can do it right now.
Let’s bring destiny to you, through you, here and now. Go within. Go within. Go within. Go to your heart. Go deep, deep, deep into your heart where you keep your most important heart’s desire. Go to that place within you where you keep the most important desire within your heart. And as you reach that deep desire in your heart, it is time to set your dream free. It is time to set your desire free. You have held it within your heart. You were trying to keep yourself safe. You maybe even thought that keeping your desire so deep in your heart somehow kept others safe.
You have been the keeper of the dream. You have been the keeper of that desire. It was given to you, it was placed within your heart, but you forgot that only you can set it free. And as the old saying goes, if you really love something, set it free. If you really know that you are that desire, then set it free. If you really know that you are worthy of the full-blown manifestation of that dream come true here and now, set it free.
Set it free. Give that dream absolute freedom. Give that desire, so deep in your heart, give it freedom. Allow it to be free. Put it into reality. Put it into the world. Put it into the physical. Put it into form. Give it to the light, and let it be free.
See, you have kept it hidden away all these years. It’s time to set it free. And as the saying goes, if you love something, set it free. And if it comes back to you, if it is destiny, it will move through you as your reality. If it’s meant for you, it will come to you easily, effortlessly, harmoniously, and quite possibly in the most expeditious way because you set it free.
Give it to the light. Let the dream be free. Let your desire, the desire placed within your heart by your soul, let it be free, and you will also set yourself free.
Give it to the light. Give that dream in your heart permission to fully move into form as your reality. Let that desire move fully into your experience as reality. Fully give permission for your destiny to come to you, for your destiny to move through you, for the dream in your heart to be your experience. But not because you are keeping it tucked away for fear that it will not come true. No. Set it free. Set it free. Set it free. Set yourself free. Set your dream free. Set your desire free.
As you allow your dream, your desire to move forth from your heart into the light, into reality, you will see that all along it was you who kept this seemingly safe and tucked away, and that only you could allow it to be, could move it into the light as reality. Only you could set it free, free to be the true creation in your highest expression of all that you are as you meant it to be.
Your dream, your dream, your dream, set it free. Send it into the light infused with love, aligned to the highest expression of all that you are as the powerful creator of reality. And now hear this even deeper. You are the powerful creator of your reality, and you summon — through your energy — your destiny to you.