Channeling Being : Angelic Guides , Channeled by : Dr Taryn Crimi
Not to throw myself a pity party at all but a lot of my life has been one thing after another especially these past five years. I do my best to stay positive and look inward and try and learn and grow but these incidents will not let up. I’m truly feeling cursed; even my family and therapists are at a loss as to why these things keep happening when I’m doing my best to smile and work hard to face each problem. I’m finding it difficult to get up each day because it’s overwhelming feeling helpless and hopeless. My question is: is there anything I can do to change this pattern or will I spend the rest of my life like this?
Okay, so let’s see what the Angels have to say:
“So we have quite a few things that we want to touch upon with this because it is not something that’s a unique situation in the sense that many of you get stuck in cycles that are not something you desire. It’s something that is clearly unwanted and it becomes more and more frustrating as it becomes more and more apparent that you don’t want to be there the longer. The negative cycle continues.
Many have come to us and asked is this something that I’m predestined to have to struggle through? Is it some sort of karmic debt or is it something that I did in a past life? Or is it something that my soul wanted to explore so that I could learn how to grow past this?
First and foremost we want to remind you that nothing matters more than your current vibrational state and so when you get caught up in a focus that does not feel good to you, you know and it doesn’t feel good because you have your emotions to let you know that; but when you get caught up in that focus you essentially dial into that vibration. We like to call it a vibrational channel that you are tuned to. So although you’re trying and trying to get out of it and you’re very aware you want something different, you’re also very focused on what’s not working. As you reflect on the negative circumstance we observe you saying “this is not where I want to be. I’d rather be over there, I’d rather be happy. If things would finally change for the better I could finally relieve myself of all this stress. This is THE biggest misconception and misunderstanding most humans have when trying to manifest something different because they are relying upon the physical environment to look differently in order for them to be able to feel better.
So inevitably, not much can change. It’s a different day, different time but overall the vibration hasn’t changed very much so the experience and situation hasn’t improved. You become almost expectant that there will be something else that goes wrong and so from that expectation, it inevitably does. Expectation is a very strong vibration; and so what happened is you’ve accidentally tuned to the unwanted experience.
It’s not that you’re cursed, it’s not that your soul came here to specifically submerge itself into a hellhole or something that felt incredibly dense and difficult just so that you could come out on the other side and grow. We always say, growth is inevitable. You you will expand, you will grow from every experience regardless of how you’re viewing it.
However, we want you to know that your soul did not come here to struggle, you came here to be able to use that ability to decipher between what you do and don’t like so that you could push off and create something different. Instead, what has happened is you have found an accidental yet strong unwanted vibrational channel that does not feel good to you and the only thing that’s going to assist you, the only thing that’s going to change it is a change in focus. A change and redirect in the vibration that’s most dominant, though we realize it’s one of the most challenging things to do when things are going wrong (or so you think) but from shift in focus it is the only thing that’s going to give you something different. You shift one thought at a time. You do that one rung of a ladder at a time, by finding something else to focus on that you’re grateful for, that’s working well or that you can use as your excuse to feel good.
In doing so you start to build some momentum in the positive direction and it starts to literally redirect the experience. That’s how you build that momentum with your thoughts. That’s the only thing that has kept you here and that’s the only thing that’s going to get you out.
So we hope that has helped.”
Much Love,
Dr. Taryn Crimi
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