Home Channeled Being Council Galore, Galore, There is Always More ~ Sara Landon

Galore, Galore, There is Always More ~ Sara Landon


Galore, Galore, There is Always More

“This is the formula for creation. Consciousness moves energy into form. Consciousness moves light into life, into form. This is the formula for creation, and it begins with your consciousness. And it goes to the next level through you fully allowing energy, and then everything that you could ever imagine as a joyful, exciting, inspiring experience for you will move itself into form, that and so much more, because galore, galore, there is so much more.”

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on January 17, 2021

We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to be with you here and now. We say galore, galore, there is always more. Galore, galore, there is always more. Galore, galore. As you integrate all that we bring forth to you, that we have said to you, that we offer you into your lives and begin to live it, then galore, galore, there is so much more. There is more awareness here for you. There is more consciousness here for you. There is more love here for you. There is more abundance here for you. There is more wellbeing here for you. There is more inspiration here for you. There is more magic here for you. There is so much more than you have ever allowed yourself to even think to explore. 

Your life experiences ‘til now have been you really understanding that you are not your circumstances and you are not your conditions and you are not the things that have happened to you and you are not the things that have happened in the world and you are not an accident or a victim to those things that have happened in the world. You are not your circumstances. You are not your conditions. You are God. You are Source. You are the Divine expressing yourself in physical form. You are not what is wrong with you. You are not what has happened to you. You are not even the result of the things you’ve been through, although your experiences expand you and provide data and information that lead to the expansion of your consciousness and your awareness and what is possible for you.

But all that you have known yourself to be is from who you are not and what you couldn’t do and what went wrong and what wasn’t right. You have never come to the highest place of the truth of who you really are and allowed yourself to begin from there.

As we have said, you can elevate your consciousness to a place where the fear, the unwanted isn’t even part of your recall anymore, that the failures and the mistakes and the pain and the suffering is not even part of your recall, meaning it’s not even something that you even focus on, it’s not in your awareness, it’s not in your experience. There is joy, and there’s more joy. There’s peace, and there’s more peace. There’s love, and there’s more love. There’s abundance, and there’s more abundance. There is worthiness and even more awareness of your worthiness. There is purpose and even more purpose. There’s freedom and even more freedom. There’s creativity and even more creativity.

Some of you are really starting to understand that you do not have to ever again entangle with lack, limitation, fear, separation in order to expand into more, in order to allow more, in order to become more, to be on the journey of becoming without having to dip down into the lack, the limitation, the fear, the separation.

Can you imagine, can you imagine just for a moment if you never ever feared anything in your experience, where you never felt fear or entangled with fear or gave your power to something outside of you because of fear?

You don’t realize, many of you, how often you worry each day of the little things and the big things, most of which never happen. The big things that you fear and worry about that never happen. The little things that you fear and worry about that never happen. They never happen. And yet you look at your television and you look at events of the world and you allow yourself into a lower level of consciousness and entangle with fear, and none of these things are even happening to you. They’re not happening to you. They’re not happening in your reality. And watching them from a fearful place when they’re not part of your reality is even more fearful than those that are living it because those that are living it are in a whole different level of awareness and focus and have the proper systems in the body that allow you to navigate through certain things in your experience.

But going beyond the fight or flight fearful place— Do you notice this in your experience when fear comes up? You call it flight or fight. Fear comes up, and you fight it. Oftentimes you’re fighting it in your head. You’re fighting it in this place where it doesn’t even exist. You’re projecting a holographic reality of a fearful thought or a fearful image or a fearful experience that is not even happening now and creating a response in your body of fight or flight when it’s not even happening.

Who are you fighting? You. Who are you taking flight from? You. You are running from you. You’re fighting you. You’re fighting this impossible dragon. You’re warring with this invisible army that isn’t even here.

You can know yourself and be yourself and free yourself to live beyond fear. It’s truly just a game. It’s an illusion, and it’s a game. And in a lot of ways it’s how you distract yourself from really being powerful.

Why would you distract yourself from being powerful? Why would you fear your power? You only fear your power if you do not really want to take responsibility for your life. But then who is responsible for it? Some god on a cloud out there? Some karma? Some destiny that you have no power over? You wouldn’t be here, you wouldn’t come here, you wouldn’t have focused yourself into this experience if you were not Creator within your own creation, if you did not have the power to be all that you wanted to be, if you did not have the power to, through your consciousness, move energy into form.

This is the formula for creation. Consciousness moves energy into form. Consciousness moves light into life, into form. This is the formula for creation, and it begins with your consciousness. And it goes to the next level through you fully allowing energy, and then everything that you could ever imagine as a joyful, exciting, inspiring experience for you will move itself into form, that and so much more, because galore, galore, there is so much more. 

And that doesn’t mean that anything’s wrong with the moment. That doesn’t mean that there’s a lack of anything in this moment. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It doesn’t mean that you’re in any limitation in this moment. It doesn’t mean that you’re in fear in this moment. Doesn’t mean you’re in separation in this moment. There’s just the expansion of. There’s just more. More expansion, more expression, more experiences. The very reason that you are here: expansion, without needing to entangle was fear to expand into more. 

The silly game you play yourself about being able to express all that you are and the silly stories you have about why you have the fear to express all that you are—and oh, we love you so very much, we truly do—we love you so very much—and the games you play with yourself to hold yourself powerless, to express all that you are. It’s quite comical from our level and yet when you just laugh and remember oh, that’s so silly, it’s not that big of a deal, just let it go.

When you see all the ways that you’ve created these holographic images, really fearful ones of what might happen if you really express all that you are— In fact, it is those who really allow themselves to express all that they are that experience the greatest level of their own power and joy and fulfillment and creativity.

Whatever your story, if you believe it to be true, you will continue to draw those experiences to you. Some of you might say, I really, truly fear expressing who I am because I will be rejected, I won’t be understood, people won’t approve of me. I will be shamed or embarrassed or punished for being who I am. But what you do to yourself by not allowing yourself to express yourself with absolute acceptance for who you are and absolute honoring of the truth within you…

When you blame others or fear what others might say or do, truly, what you do to yourself is far more painful. Holding yourself stuck, shaming yourself, judging yourself, holding yourself back, holding yourself in lack, holding yourself in limitation is more painful to you than what anyone outside of you could ever do to you, truly.

You are Source. You are God. You are the Divine. You are the infinite. There is no end of you. What would be more painful? Really stepping into your truth, into your power and set yourself free and shine your light and know that you stood in your power from the highest state of consciousness, knowing who you really are no matter what happens?

But what happens, truly, is you living from a higher state of consciousness, being consciousness in action, being love in action in the world, being the most powerful version of you, being the most beautiful version of you, being the brightest version of you.

You have a lot of stories that if you’re looking for a reason to keep yourself small you will take on the story. If you’re looking for a reason to fear being who you are you will take on the story—even if the story isn’t really what happened, even if the story was about someone else and you don’t really know. Because again, when you’re looking at someone else’s experience and it is not your own, you can’t understand their perspective, their state of consciousness, and what their physical body is going through at that time. You only know where you are.

But you are projecting a holographic image in this force field of consciousness that is you all the time, and it’s either one of you in your power, you standing tall, you in the light, you being all that you are, you expressing yourself, you focusing on the experiences you do want to have, you focusing on the expansion of all that is here for you, because galore, galore, there’s only more, or you’re projecting a holographic image, a fearful story. Well, in my past life I was beheaded for really sharing my gifts with the world. Really? Do you want to project that holographic image into this force field of consciousness that is you and recreate in this timeline an experience that would reflect that back to you? We do not think you do.

Some of you don’t even realize how deeply subconscious these stories are about why you can’t express all that you are and be who you are in the world. My kindergarten teacher wouldn’t let me. In second grade, this one kid made fun of me. When I was 10, my dad said this, my mom said that. They said thousands of really nice things to you, those people in your life, your friends, your teachers, your parents, your family. They’ve said a lot of really nice things to you. You often don’t remember that. You remember the one thing that’s kept you from being who you are, the one thing that’s kept you small, the one thing, the little thing, the little story.

And we know it doesn’t seem like a little thing, but it’s really, really, really just a little thing no matter how big. Even the biggest thing that all of you have out there, the biggest thing is really a little thing because when you remember who you really are, an infinite being, a sovereign infinite being of light where anything and everything is possible for you, a multidimensional being expressing in numerous different dimensions of consciousness, all while being fully present here and now to this potential and possibility that is this moment, that little thing someone did or said to you is going to keep you from being all that you are in this life, is going to keep you from having the love you want and the life you want and the relationships you want and the success you want and the fulfillment you want and the purpose you want to feel and the meaning you want to feel and the way you want to serve and the way you want to contribute and the way you want to help others? You’re going to let one little thing—because it is a little thing, we promise you—?

It’s not that big of a deal, but the fear you’ve allowed it to create for you seems like it is. It’s not that big of a deal. Let it go. Experiencing more is you experiencing yourself without the recall of the lack that you’ve experienced, without the recall of the limitation, without the recall of fear, without the recall of separation because you have stepped into a level of consciousness and awareness where the truth is known by you because the truth is you, is the real you, the who you really are you. Not the silly stories that you have told yourself about being small or powerless or having screwed up or having made mistakes, or where you were ashamed, or where you were embarrassed, or where you were hurt, or where you were punished. You are not those things, and this you know, so let it go. Let it go, let it go.

Now, if you’re hanging around in the 3rd Dimension of judgment and lack and limitation and separation and lower levels of consciousness, you’re going to say, Wait, I thought I let that go, but it’s here. Why is it here? Well, you did let it go. You let it go, and then you elevated yourself into a higher level of consciousness, and then you went back down to look for it where you left it. It’s going to be where you left it. But why do you go back down there?

I moved away from this awful place that had a terrible smell and I didn’t like it. I moved away, but I went back just to smell how terrible it’s smelled there again. I moved away from this awful place that was noisy and dirty and chaotic and made me really stressed and overwhelmed, but I decided to go back just to feel that horrible feeling of stress and overwhelm and anxiety again. I moved away. I went somewhere new. I moved to a different place because it was so cold and so hot and so dirty and so humid and so dry and so desolate. I moved away, but I keep going back because I just want to make sure it’s still as awful as I remember it. 

Does that make any sense to you? No. Most all of you would go, I moved forward. I went to this place that I love. I love this place that I’m in. I’m discovering new things about it every day. It’s so beautiful. There’s new trees, and there’s new plants, and there’s new flowers, and there’s new people, and there’s new adventures, and there’s new experiences, and there’s love here, and there’s joy here, and there’s peace here, and there’s abundance here, and I feel such freedom here, and there’s such beauty here, and you allow yourself to be where you are because you’ve let go. You elevated yourself beyond it. You understand?

The same is true with your body. The same is true with your relationships. The same is true with your finances. All of it. Let it go. Step into this level of consciousness that is here for you, this awareness, this experience where the potentials and possibilities are beyond anything you could ever think to ask for yet are all here now. 

There is not some destiny or karma or plan for you to be less than all that you are, for you to struggle in this life because of a past life, for you to take responsibility for another instead of really taking responsibility for you and your life and who you want to be.

Oftentimes what you call responsibility—and we’re going to say this with so much love—a lot of times what you call responsibility is distraction, a way you keep yourself powerless. I’m responsible for this, and I’m responsible for that—which is just a distraction, which is just you creating something that you have to be responsible for instead of stepping into your power to be all that you are and living your life fully and loving fully and being all that you are.

So, power, responsibility, distraction. If you want to really, really, truly be all that you are and live your highest vision for your life and really step into all that is here for you, you must come into your power, elevate yourself out of fear, elevate yourself out of lack, elevate yourself out of limitation, elevate yourself out of separation, out of separation from the source that is you, out of separation from your connection to the god that you are.

It’s time. Doesn’t matter who you are. Doesn’t matter where you are. Doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter. The new energy, the new consciousness, the New Earth is here for you now. If there was a reason to not step into your power in the past, it’s not here now because here and now is every, every, every reason for you to step into your power and be all that you are here and now. 

This is the time. Truly. You’re not waiting. You’re not being patient. You’re not holding back. You’re not waiting for the planets and the stars and the sun and the moon to align into some different trajectory. It is now. It is time for you to fully step into your power and live beyond fear and live beyond lack and live beyond limitation because truly you being consciousness in action in the world really matters right now. You being love in action in the world really matters right now. What is that action? The action is showing up and being all that you are and being present and being conscious and holding the light and elevating your vibration and elevating your consciousness into another level of awareness, a perspective that creates a whole new reality for you and anybody else that is ready to create that reality with you. 

Our message is strong and our message is clear and our message is now and our message is important, and you’re hearing it because you drew this to you. You drew this message to you right here right now because it is time for you to step into your power, and you take responsibility for you and your life and your vibration and your consciousness and what you’re creating and the reality you’re living and all that you have expanded into and how you choose to express yourself and the experiences that you want to have for you. You take responsibility for you, and all those people that you think are reliant on you, that you’re responsible for, will only become more, will only see A GRANDER PERSPECTIVE or potential for themselves by you taking full responsibility for you.

So many times all the things you think you need to do are just a distraction. All the people who are reliant on you, it’s just a distraction. If you ever needed permission to set yourself free it’s here. Give it to yourself now. Free from what? What are you setting yourself free from? What are you giving yourself permission to set yourself free from? What do you need to set yourself free from? For most of you, it’s the thoughts that you think about yourself, about your fears, about failures, about why you’re not free. But you are.

So, what do you get from this distraction? What do you get from this distraction? Well, then you don’t really have to come into the truth. You’re distracting yourself from the truth so you can get by, so you can make it through another day. Maybe the winds of change will make it all better for you. But no, only you stepping into your power, being love in action, that’s what’s going to make it better for you. You stepping into your power, being consciousness in action is what’s going to make it better for you. You being in your truth of who you really are is what’s going to make it better for you. You setting yourself free to live the life that you want to live for you, that’s the only thing that’s going to make it better for you. And the only thing that’s going to make it better for others is when you really make it better for you by living your truth. You may think you’re making it better for others, but you are not. You’re just holding yourself powerless to be the Creator within your own creation.

You didn’t come here to live anyone else’s life, and nobody else came here to live yours. You are Creator within your own creation, and, oh yes, oh, when you really come into the realization of all that you are and you live as the enlightened master that you are in the world, oh, yes, there are other masters who come together and you cocreate in your beautiful creations. Oh yes, oh yes, there is more. Oh yes, there is so much fun here to be had, so much creation, so much innovation, so much fun, so, so much love, so much joy, so much harmony, so much abundance. 

There will be a lot of conversation about abundance in times to come because your prosperity, your wealth, your richness is also important. Now, what that means to each of you is different—abundance, prosperity, wealth, wellbeing, the richness of life, living your highest potential, living the fullest expression of all that you are. It’s going to be really important because, as you come into your power, you’re going to step into another level of awareness that all the resources are here. All the resources are here and more for the fulfillment of your ultimate creation. And there’s not just one. There are lots of creations here. But ultimate creation, where you really understand that this life experience is a canvas for you to create a beautiful masterpiece.

What is the greatest version of you? What is the greatest version of you? What is the highest potential that you can imagine for your life? What is the reality that you see, that you hear, that you feel when we say the ultimate creation

As you expand your own consciousness, as your collective expands your consciousness, as you remember that consciousness moves energy into form, as you expand your own consciousness, as your human collective expands its consciousness you’re allowing more energy. There’s more energy. There’s more energy. And it’s moving faster. And you might call it new energy. But the new energy and the new consciousness leads to a new reality, a New Earth reality. And within it there is your ultimate creation, your masterpiece.

What do you see when we ask you what is your ultimate creation, what is your highest potential, what is the grandest vision for your life? Are you living it now? Are you realizing that every potential and every possibility for it is right here right now and you’re either choosing that or you’re choosing fear or you’re choosing the lack of or you’re choosing limitation or you’re choosing separation?

Your ultimate creation, your highest potential, the grandest vision for your life, every potential, every possibility, every path to it, every timeline, it’s all here right now, and you’re either choosing that—you’re either choosing that or you’re choosing to go back and recall the stories of fear, lack, limitation, struggle. You’re going back to the smelly place. You’re going back to the dirty, loud, noisy place that you expanded beyond. You already moved away. You already let that go. You already went somewhere new. Why would you go back to that terrible, awful place that you moved away from?

If you really let it go, then let it go. If you’ve really let it go, then let it go. If you really let it go, then what’s here and now? Potential and possibility for the grandest vision, for the highest perspective, for the ultimate creation that is yet to be realized by you but is here right and now and available to you if you choose it. If you choose it.

So, we are here to expand your awareness. We are here to offer you A GRANDER PERSPECTIVE. We are here so that you do not forget who you really are and why you are here and what is possible for you in this life experience. If a New Earth is the highest vision you can imagine for your life, then live it, then choose it, then be it, then create it.

We want you to really, really practice getting good at creating your experience each and every day, which would start with you asking yourself what is it that I am creating? Not what is it that I am supposed to do today? What am I going to do today? What should I do today? What do I have to do today? No. Any time the ‘what am I supposed to do?’ comes up, What do I want to create? Replace it with ‘what do I want to create?’ What do I want to create?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the things you think you have to do and you’re thinking you need to work harder to make more money for something that you think you need, then stop and ask yourself the question, what do I want to create? What is it that I really want to create? Is it freedom? Is it abundance? Is it wealth? Is it prosperity? Is it a richer life?

Choose abundance, for example—I want to create abundance. You don’t have to move from whatever room you’re in. You don’t even have to open your eyes. You don’t even have to get out of bed. You can be laying in your bed with your eyes closed and create more abundance in your reality than most people have ever seen in an entire lifetime because in that moment you can choose ‘I’m creating more abundance’ and all the abundance begins to present itself to you and you begin to think about and you begin to project into your holographic reality, into the force field of consciousness that is you, you begin to focus all the images of abundance, all the things that are abundant—coins, gold, nature, friendships, opportunities, money, time, freedom, luxuries. You begin to focus on creating abundance, being in the creation of abundance, being in the experience of abundance, feeling into abundance, focusing, focusing, focusing on what you’re projecting into this force field of consciousness that is you.

You’re creating a holographic image in your mind that is all of abundance and the abundance all around you, and you begin to focus on the things in your reality right now, and you begin to reorganize the particles within those things to align to abundance, and all of a sudden something so simple that you were looking at looks totally different because you have reorganized the particles of infinite creation within that object to reflect the abundance to you.

We’ve never said anything like this to you before, and you’ve probably never heard anything like this before. But when you understand what you’re really doing as Creator within your own creation, you can understand how the highest perspective, the grandest vision has to become your reality, how the ultimate creation is already here, every potential and possibility for it. And if you would only focus and stop distracting yourself and being responsible for everybody else’s experience of creation, you would come into the power of all that you are and the ultimate creation would be here and now. 

You’re either focused, or you’re distracted. You’re focused, or you’re distracted. You’re either distracted, or you’re focused. You’re either distracted, or you’re focused. You’re either creating, or you’re holding yourself in a state of powerlessness or lack or limitation or fear or separation. You’re either in the energy of Source, the Divine, Creator, creation, light, love, joy, peace, abundance, freedom, wellbeing, richness, beauty, purpose, fulfillment, or you’re holding yourself or distracting yourself with lack, distracting yourself with limitation, distracting yourself with fear, or distracting yourself with separation.

We’ve never quite said it like this before. You’re either focused, or you’re distracting yourself. As we have said to those who asked the question, can you just sit around in your living room and think about money and money will show up on your doorstep without you having to do anything other than sit in your living room? Yeah, if you could hold your focus. But most of you would get so distracted—what if this doesn’t work? I really should be out there working, doing something. I really should be paying my bills. All the things that this person’s going to say and all the reasons why you can’t be in your power. You’re going to get distracted because you’re sitting around in your living room. And then you’re going to say, well, this doesn’t work, and we’re going to say, no, you just got distracted. And we love you so much, and there’s no judgment from our side ever, but it didn’t work because you were distracted.

I really want to create this amount of money or this business or this wellbeing or this health or this body or this experience or this relationship or this friendship or this whatever you want. I really want it, but I just got distracted. That’s the truth of it. You just got distracted. 

There’s nothing wrong with this. There’s no judgment. You’re either focused, or you’re distracted. When you’re aware of it and you begin to perceive and understand your ability to focus, oh, well, then, yes, you could sit in your living room, be really focused for as long as it feels good to be really focused on that thing, and then go out and do the things that bring you joy and create the things you want to create. And not only will you have a magnificently fun and joyful, exciting, inspiring time, but through your focus you will draw every potential and possibility for more wealth, more abundance, more richness, and more fulfillment to you.

But understand this simple exercise of how you begin really powerfully focusing your Creator energy. When you get up in the morning, as often as possible throughout the day, whenever you’re thinking about what you should do or what you’re supposed to do, replace the word ‘do’ with ‘create’. What do I want to create? What experience do I want to create? What do I want to create more of? What do I want to create? 

Abundance. Mm, yes, very good. Abundance, yes, I want to create abundance. I want to create deeper connection. I want to create more love. I want to create more power. I want to create more awareness of my abilities, my psychic abilities, my telepathic abilities, my connection to Source. I want to create more beauty within me and around me. I want to create more harmony. I want to create more peace—whatever it is.

Most all of you would agree the answer to that would never be ‘I want to create more fear.’ No. ‘I want to create more pain.’ No. ‘I want to create more suffering.’ No. ‘I want to create more shame.’ No. ‘I want to create more failure.’ No. ‘I want to create more judgment.’ No. ‘I want to create more chaos and trauma and drama.’ No, no, no.

You can bless it all without any judgment, but you don’t come to remembering who you are and why you’re here and what’s possible for you, to answer the question ‘what do I want to create?’ with an answer that is more lack and more limitation and more fear and separation. Just not why you’re here. Just not why you came to this. Just not why you came this far. Just not why you’re on this awakening journey.

You are here—very important reason—you’re here for the expansion of your soul. You’re here to express all that you are. You’re here to have the experiences you want to have for you. You’re here to be Creator within your own creation. You’re here to come into the realization of all that you are and then live as a fully enlightened, embodied master in this world at this time. There’s nothing more important than you living your life to the fullest, living fully, loving fully, and being all that you are. We assure you there’s nothing more important. This is why you’re here. And yes, you’re going to see why you’ve come so far. You’re going to see how important you are. You’re going to really understand what all of this consciousness and all of this love and all of this awareness has been about and why it matters and how to use it in your life. You’re going to see all of it.

But as you come into Creator a within your own creation, the embodiment of the master that you are, really fully embodying the I Am, really fully embodying the god that you are, really fully embodying the power that you have, really fully embodying that all of the energy is here and here for you, really embodying that you are Creator within your own creation, as you really embody it and you ask the question ‘I as Creator within my own creation, what do I want to create today? What I want to create right now? What do I want to create here and now?’—more beauty—and you focus on the beauty and you begin to look at anything—anything—a coffee cup, a piece of paper, a pen, a flower, a picture—while you are focused powerfully on creating beauty and you begin to focus your power, your energy, your consciousness, this force field that is you, you expand this force field of consciousness. And because you’re focused on this object, on this thing, whatever it is, you’re beginning to expand your force field of consciousness to include this thing, whatever it is.

As we’ve said, within this force field of consciousness that is you there are particles of infinite creation there always responding to you. So, as you are aligning with beauty, the creator of beauty, and you begin to focus on this object, whatever it is, until you see the beauty in it, you are literally reorganizing the particles of infinite creation within that matter, within that form, within that density to align with beauty, to reflect beauty to you, to be the reality of beauty within your own creation.

That is what was meant by when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Through your focus. Play with this. If you want to create more love, if you want to create more abundance, if you want to create more inspiration—it doesn’t matter what it is—choose it and focus on it, powerfully focus.

You don’t have to go anywhere. You don’t have to change anything. You don’t have to move anything. You can take what is right here right now and focus, focus, focus, powerfully focus on reorganizing the particles of infinite creation within you and all around you to align with anything you wish to create.

This is the power. This is the power that you have. Focus, really focus, really focus on being the powerful creator that you are right here right now, because truly galore, galore, there is only more. Galore, galore, there is so much more. Galore, galore, there is more. There is more. There is more. With your power and with your focus you can begin to experience this more and express this more and expand this more right here right now. And so it is. And so it is.

Indeed, there is more. Indeed, there is more. But play with this. Create with this. Have fun with this. Let it reveal the magic to you because all that’s left is magic. This is magic at its finest, truly.

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on January 17, 2021

~ Sara Landon
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Sara has been called a leader of leaders for the next generation of transformation. A former corporate professional and entrepreneur turned inspirational speaker, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. Sara is recognized as a globally celebrated leader in the field of human potential and spiritual living. The Council is a higher level consciousness of non-physical beings who provide a grander perspective of the human experience and the wisdom to live one’s fullest potential. Sara’s passion is guiding leaders, wayshowers and change-makers to discover their unique life’s purpose and the power within them to create a positive impact in the world around them. Sara’s ability to channel The Council, offers clients, students and participants in her courses and Masters Class program, the ability to create their best life possible regardless of current limitations and life circumstances.