Greetings and love, I am Archangel Amethyst, I come forth with a light and vibration of clarity, clearness, and expansion. I bring forth with me, the crystalline and the angelic vibrations to merge and synthesise, creating the most beautiful energy bath for you to exist within. Allow yourself to absorb the energy I am expressing to you now. Clarity, clearness, and expansion are immensely important in the ascension process now. It gives you space and time to reflect, to create with the immense currents and rivers of light flowing into your being, activating wisdom within your cells. There is much to contemplate. Clearness, clarity, and expansion, all support your connection with the wisdom that is evolving from within your being now.

I, Archangel Amethyst wish to come forth and share with you something that is happening between the Earth and the Inner Planes, it is a very beautiful process. Mother Earth, the Guardian of the Earth is synthesising with the Divine Mother Energies. The highest frequency of Divine Mother energies is merging and over lighting Mother Earth currently. Mother Earth as the soul, the spirit is receiving this tremendous nourishment, an upgrade of light codes activating further the Divine Mother energies of the Creator within Mother Earth. This is an ascension process for Mother Earth. Mother Earth is being assisted by the Divine Mother energies of the inner planes, the Goddess vibration of the highest realm. Mother Earth will benefit tremendously from this activation and synthesis. Upgrades in Mother Earth’s energies and the Divine Mother energies will be radiated across the Earth, to all beings.

You may notice yourself wishing to connect with or honour Mother Earth, or your own inner Goddess energies, whether you are in a female or male body activating, coming forth to be welcomed and acknowledged. There is a far greater ascension opportunity that is occurring in this moment due to the synthesis of Mother Earth and the Divine Mother. As the Divine Mother sits within the energy of Mother Earth, this creates an incubator. It is a collection of energy, of Mother Earth’s energy and the Divine Mother’s energy or Goddess energy. You have the opportunity as does, every being upon the Earth to enter this incubator. Within the synthesised light of the incubator, you can plant seeds of that which you wish to create, your biggest, your greatest, your most fulfilling dream, goal or aspiration.

What is the one thing that you wish to create in this reality upon the Earth for yourself?

What is the one thing that you wish to experience?

With the synthesis of Mother Earth and the Divine Mother Goddess energies, an incubator is created that is alive, that is active. If you place yourself and your intention into that incubator, you can plant seeds, you can really ground your dream, goal or aspiration and bring it into fruition. It is almost like you enter a trinity creating this dream with Mother Earth and the Goddess vibration. After you have entered the incubator and you have planted that seed, you have created the dream, the desire, you will be invited to let it go, to detach from it. As if you are watching it drift away and yet you hold a firm knowingness that the dream, or desire has been created and is in the process of fruition? This is an immense opportunity of co-creating, bringing yourself into alignment with the next stage of your ascension and with your ultimate self upon the Earth.

In meditation or quiet time, you may call upon me, Archangel Amethyst to be your guide. I will surround you in violet light, cleansing your energy and preparing you for the process.

Then ask to connect to and be transported to Mother Earth’s Incubator. Mother Earth has merged and is being over lighted by the Goddess energies. This is creating a womb for you to enter of sacred Mother Earth grounding energies, nurturing energies and Goddess Divine Mother energies. It is a very welcoming and warming space and you may feel yourself surrounded by this energy.

We invite you to hold with clarity your intention of that which you wish to manifest. You can visualise it, you can think about it, you can talk about it, and you can feel it. Take as long as you wish and enjoy the process. Enjoy the energies that you are absorbing as well from Mother Earth and the Divine Mother.

When the process is complete, you may ask Mother Earth, the Divine Mother, myself Archangel Amethyst to ground you and to ground your creation.

Then imagine that you let go of your creation, almost watching it float away and holding the knowingness that it is in fruition, that it has already manifested. Then when you are ready, you can ask me Archangel Amethyst to transport you back to your physical reality.

This is a very, very special time of creating. It is now time to create with the Goddess and Mother Earth.

We thank you; we love you,

I am Archangel Amethyst

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Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love. Natalie is known for her pure and powerful channeling ability which attracts many wishing to evolve spiritually to study with her. The Creator’s love and the manifestation of inner bliss are always at the center of her communications, due to these qualities being valued by her soul. Natalie’s soul extends from her Soul Group the Celestial White Beings who exist from the 14th dimension and beyond, she is currently acting as a representative of their energy and consciousness on the Earth. Natalie’s first book was published in the UK in November 2010 entitled, Twelve Rays of Light, a Guide to the Spiritual Hierarchy. The book was later published and is available in the Lithuanian language. The Twelve Rays of Light is a unique guidebook to the spiritual hierarchy and energy levels beyond the Earth. The book helps you to discover the guides, teachers, leaders and Ascended Masters of the spiritual planes upon whom you may call daily to advance your development, expand your awareness and awaken your true self. Through the study of and integration with the rays and spiritual hierarchy, you will discover the keys to your own ascension process on the Earth. Natalie facilitates channeled workshops in London, Glastonbury, Ireland, Wales and Lithuania. She has also visited Egypt and Israel as a channel for spiritual groups. Through her website, the Sacred School of OmNa, In her spare time Natalie enjoys focusing on her own spiritual awakening, playing her crystal singing bowls, painting and practicing kundalini yoga. Born and brought up in Wales, Natalie now lives in Gloucester, UK.