What does hurry imply? If one is hurried, what is that saying about the person or the situation?
They’re not happy where they are, and they’re trying to get into a happier place.
Yes. What else?
Fear of death, have to get a lot of things done. Because one day they might die.
Yeah. So since the time is running out, is time running out?
Time is endless.
That is correct. There is enough time for all things.
It’s funny, because I could feel what I thought was the energy of the 12th dimension and it was, well it was, but it was your energy. So the two were pretty much similar to me.
Yes, that is right. There are no deadlines here. No reason to rush from one thing to another. No conversations to be finished and nothing undone or need of completion. Your first answer being of most importance, for hurry implies that what is not acceptable in some way, what could be, what might be, will be is somehow better. And this is an illusion, a deception. Hurry implies that there’s more to do, more to be done. And that in the doing of this more, somehow things will be better, more perfect, more complete, more. Right? All of these ideas are false.
That’s definitely something I need to keep in mind.
Are you the movie projector? Are you the film in the movie projector? Are you the light being shown through the projector and the film? Are you the story projected on the screen or are you the audience? What are you in the metaphor?
I would like to say the audience. So that I’m an observer, just observing life…
And who am I in the metaphor? Who is Bhagwan?
I want to say the greatest man that ever lived. <laugh>. I know that may not, that’s not the right answer, but that’s what I…
Am I the projection on the screen. Am I the audience? Am I the film passing through the projector? Am I the projector? Am I the light shining through the projector? <affirmative>?
Either all of those or maybe the light.
I am the light in this moment, the vessel is the projector. I’m the light passing through the projector. Does the projector have a story?
Is the projector a story or the container of a story?
I would guess I would say the container of the story.
So I am the light passing through this projector of the film. The film is the story…
Play whatever story you wish. It makes no difference to me. I am just the light. I do not care about the projector’s film, for the film simply contains a story and the stories may be changed. You may pass any story through the projector. My light will project the story upon the screen for the observers. But I am just the light. I do not have a story.
I see what you mean now. Yes.
So you understand why I am not in a hurry.
I’m just being the light. There’s no story to tell. There’s nothing to be projected. If you would like to have a story, if you would like to pass a story through this projector so that you might be entertained or that you might experience a moment of triumph or sadness or despair or fear or happiness or whatever experience you might have from beholding the stories, the projections, that is fine.
But I go on just being the light. I am happy to shine through your stories. I can be found in your stories. I can illuminate your stories. I can vivify your stories. However, I’m not found in the stories. I am just the light passing through them. To be fifth dimensional in nature is to be the one in the audience observing the story. You may observe your own story or the stories of others or the stories of the collective conscious. To be third dimensional in nature is to be a character in the story. When you find yourself acting out the part in your own story or someone you know, you have left your fifth dimensional perspective and become an actor in the story. To be only the observer is to be your fifth dimensional self.
In the seventh dimension and beyond, you may simply be a projector. A projector is able to run a story and also fine with having no story at all. And simply projecting light, projecting light into others’ stories to illuminate them so that they might devise a happier outcome for their story, the story they are creating. That is something else a projector might do. And should you wish to be in the 12th dimension with me, simply be a light with no story at all. It’d just be a light.
For now, I think my story is I want to be out of the way and allow God, or whoever who’s in a higher dimension, to come through me to help raise the consciousness of other people.
So you want to be a projector?
Yes. Yes. True now?
Yes. So be a projector. Good choice. I can be the light passing through you to illuminate other stories.
I always remember you talking about being a hollow bamboo and allowing God to come through you.
That meant that story. That meant a lot to me. That’s what I’ve tried to do. So I would like to allow your life to come through me and into my patients to help relieve their pains. Suffering.
Yes. This is quite doable.
And I believe you’ve already been doing that.
Yes. The first step, the first step for third dimensional beings as actors, actors in the film of their story is to begin to understand that their script, their lines are not set in stone. As you know, teach them. They may create their own reality. They may create their own story, their own script for themselves, and may alter the script more to their liking. To discover this truth as a third dimensional being, as an actor on the world stage, as an actor in this project, projection of the matrix, to understand that you may alter your role is a profound awakening, a wonderful beginning. If all beings on the planet were awakened to this possibility of rewriting their personal role in the story of earth, the earth should suddenly be radically transformed. The story, his story, his story of the earth would be substantially changed.
You have been wise in your saying to this vessel and others: I cannot be in a relationship with those who do not believe they create their own reality. For to be in a relationship with one such as this is akin to buying a ticket to watch a tragedy. For anyone who does not believe that they create their own reality, who is asleep to this important truth, they shall be dragged through the mud to their death in their story. Why watch such a scene? So continue awakening others to this truth. That they are the star of their show, the director, the writer, and the main character. If they do not like where their story is headed, they need to write a different script for themselves, a different plot line, a different ending. And they must direct all in their environment towards a new climax and victorious end. And they must be the star of their own show.