

Simulation Theory & How You Feel About It ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been coming together with many other beings and collectives at this time to strategize as to how to best help humankind next. We notice the trends there on planet Earth, and we know that more and more people are receiving the information that none of this is real, that everything you experience is an illusion, a simulation. And while that can bring great comfort to a person who was once believing that they were responsible for fixing a broken planet, there are others for whom this information is not so wanted and not so helpful. 

The Challenge of Artificial Intelligence ~ Francesca Thoman

At this time many are worried about artificial intelligence: a created device and system by which human beings may be copied, mimicked with appalling accuracy, and perhaps replaced. That fear has been in the background of the psyche of many developed nations for nearly a hundred years, and it seems far too likely that the slowly, anxious nightmare of total dehumanization is not only on the horizon, but at your door.

Coming Discoveries ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Let me go back and revisit some messages you may have heard before: Major inventions that have changed the culture of this planet often seem to happen all at once, all over the globe, almost like they were delivered to consciousness all at once from somewhere else. Seldom do you have just one individual with an idea that then changes the planet. That may be the story they tell you in history, but these profound inventions and discoveries usually happen simultaneously, and the first individual to manifest it is the one who gets the credit.

Physics in the Next 500 Years~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

There are always those who would ask, “What does this have to do with my spirituality? Why does an angelic form come in and then talk about science?” Before I am done with this information, I think you’ll know. Dear ones, are you really willing to separate physics from God? Is the bias of your three-dimensional existence so structured that you would leave God out of creation? Of course not. But when we start to put these together, there are some who are not interested in the scientific portions. So we’re going to make it simple.

A Plea for Scientists~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

This is something students of physics learn in their first courses. It opens a door in their teaching that comes from their teachers: “We don’t know everything, so whatever we teach you is only what we believe we know today.” A good, balanced physicist will always acknowledge that there is a great deal that humanity doesn’t yet know. These scientists are very interested in the things they observe but cannot explain. So, in that, there is full acknowledgment that there is much to learn about how things work.