We provide you with tools that you can use, but you do not need to use. For you are the ones who get to decide how you go about shifting. It is not as if there is one way to do it, and you all must find the right way, and then you must follow the steps as they are laid out in the correct order, for so many minutes per day, and for so many days in a row. We know that this is how you go about changing many things in your lives. You have your exercise routines and you have your other regimens that are designed to get you to a certain place.

And that is all well and good. There is nothing wrong with that. You are setting aside time for something, and you are focusing in a way that supports what it is you are wanting to do. And when it comes to your shift in consciousness, you were not given a road map by your teachers in school. So this is new territory for you. Let us say this to you about where it is you are and where it is you are going.

Whatever it is that is in front of you in your lives is there because it is a necessary component for you to make this shift in consciousness. You are not only born equipped with the tools necessary to make this shift, but you are constantly being given scenarios, people, relationships, bosses, children, and so on, that are in your lives to help you. There is something about those people, those circumstances that are triggering you in all the right ways, that are moving you in the right direction.

So even though it may seem that you are taking steps backwards in your lives, that is only because you have something left to do. And there is nothing wrong with any of it. So relax and know that there is nothing for you to figure out. There is no secret formula for you to find. There is only the living of your lives and the choice to do so, consciously.

Image Credit : Pixabay.com

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Daniel Scranton
Hi, I’m Daniel Scranton. I am a verbal channel, and I bring through beings like: Yeshua, Archangel Michael, The Hathors, The Arcturian Council, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Quan Yin, The Buddha, and The Creators. I also teach channeling, sound healing, meditation, and a whole host of other courses. I work with individuals one-on-one, and I do group events. I meet with my clients via phone, skype, or other internet portals. I channel a message from the beings I work with every day, and I post it on my website and send it out to my email list. I look forward to hearing from you! Love, -Daniel