Tag: helper


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An Invitation from The Creators ∞The Creators ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We come to you in this moment as helpers, as guides, as teachers, but in other moments we come to you as pure energy, energy that you can use to co-create with. We desire to be more a part of your creations, and we assist you at times with an inspired thought, an idea, an impulse. We don't just come to you through this particular channel with words of wisdom to share to you. We come to you in a variety of ways, and we are not alone.

Why Are So Many E.T.s Interested in Humanity? ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are quite enriched by every experience that we have with all of you there on Earth, and we include these transmissions as experiences that we are having with all of you, because we know when you receive the transmission and we feel the effect that each transmission has upon you. We also get all of our ideas about what to broadcast to you from you. So we are connecting with you all the time, and we are enriched and enlivened by each and every experience that we have with one of you.

New Helpers & Help Coming Thru Physical Doorways ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very impressed by the way that you all are handling the energies that are upon you at this time, and we want you to know that more transformative experiences are coming your way. You cannot possibly dodge those experiences at this point, because you decided that you were going to transform and evolve into your fifth-dimensional higher selves in this lifetime. Those of you who are awake are doing it consciously and deliberately. You are taking the steps that you know are necessary to get you to that place, and you have a lot of help as well. What will always be coming to you is more help, because there simply are more helpers than there are beings there on Earth at this time. 

