Tag: frequency


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Prioritize This Over Everything Else ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We know that you have lots of circumstances, conditions, situations there on Earth that you find to be unpleasant to say the least, and we know that you have to deal with all of that, and we don’t. And as a result, we know that some of what we give you can be considered by you to be easier said than done. So we are acknowledging that with you right now before we begin what we really want to say to you. 

Nothing is More Important than This ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You have so much to feel good about right now in your lives, and whether you feel good or not really does depend on whether you are focused on those things or you are focused on things that are missing or things that don’t feel so good about your life. You get to determine how you feel, and how you feel is how you are vibrating. And therefore, you get to determine what you are getting and not getting in your lives, because your vibration is everything.

Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts for the Newly Awake ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are able to detect the slightest changes in the overall consciousness of the human collective, and we feel you evolving all the time. But when there is a larger spike in the overall frequency of your vibration, we like to tell you about it. You have just experienced one of those spikes, and you will continue to spike as you move through this period of time you are in right now in your month of November. As you pay attention to your bodies, your thoughts, and your emotions at this time, remember that you are being called to these higher-vibrational states, and if you tune in, you can feel that calling. 

Insights from Unleash the Magic of the Universe ~ Sara Landon

If you’re going to perceive beyond, it is about going beyond the limitations you have imposed on your human experience – all while staying grounded, centered, present, in your power.  We want you to go higher, deeper, expand, go farther, go further, go beyond, summon the energy, unleash the magic, experience yourself as all that you are in the consciousness having it all in every moment, in the perfection. And the easiest way, the easiest way is to be totally satiated in this moment, needing nothing, wanting nothing, not even wanting this moment to end because the fullness and the wholeness and the expansion and the abundance and the love and the wellbeing that you are feeling in this moment you can’t even imagine, can’t even imagine it expanding into even more, feeling pure, total, bliss in this moment, so blissful. There’s nothing that could keep you from this moment because there is nothing worth your Heaven on Earth. 

Insights from The Frequency of Abundance ~ Sara Landon

You can’t even imagine how far you have come in the vibrational frequency of abundance and aligning to all of the abundance that is here for you, a plentiful supply of all of the good things in life, a plentiful supply of goodness in every area of your life. Abundance, the ability to do what you want to do when you’re inspired to do it, the ability to create what you want to create in the moment of having the inspiration to create it, the ability for what you want and what you need to show up even before you know you need it. 

Insights from Perceive Beyond, Go Beyond ~ Sara Landon

Every part of your life is going to another level, all of it, because you have brought it in through your ability to perceive beyond and raise your vibration and your consciousness. Everything is going to another level. And in everything there will be even more infinite love, infinite intelligence, infinite abundance, infinite wellbeing, and knowing of your infinite worthiness.

In Tune with the Universe ~ Pat Hogan

If you've read any of my prior posts you will find out that I love following the field of physics. I find string theory fascinating especially that it can vibrate at different levels. Imagine a string whether open, like a length of regular string, or one that is closed in the fashion of a loop. Now, some theorists have hypothesized that a segment of that string can vibrate at a different level than other parts of the string. Since strings are buried deep within atoms, within the particles themselves they interact in a way that determines what that particle is maybe a proton, electron, neutron, or another exotic one.

How to Tune Yourselves to Higher Frequencies – Daniel Scranton

We are sending you transmissions in every moment of every day. They are energetic transmissions, and so is this. This is an energetic transmission that this channel has been able to pick up and run through his physical body, and now here he is making sense of what we are sending and what he is receiving. You can do this as well. At any time, you can pick up on our transmission.

New Galactic Codes Are Coming – Daniel Scranton

We are looking for even more allies at this time to join us in co-creating new codes from all across the galaxy. These codes will activate within you that which has been lying dormant. You have so much inside of you, so much that you have been, so much that you have become, so much that you have mastered, and most of you are unaware of all that you have access to within you. And that is why we are looking for other collectives and beings who specialize in the creation of these codes. It is our desire for all of you to unlock the hidden gems that lie within you, and we know that you will. We just want to be a part of it.

The Higher Frequency Energies We’re Sending ∞ Daniel Scranton

We are elevating the level of our consciousness in each and every moment, as we prepare to shift our consciousness to the tenth dimension. That means the energies we send to you, and that all of our cohorts in the ninth dimension send you, are in a higher and higher frequency, as we all continue to move forward in this universal shift in consciousness. We know that you can handle higher and higher frequency energies because we monitor all of you so closely.

Impatience = Fear ~ Camillo Loken

What is it about the power of impatience that drives us to “rush” all the time? It’s so easy to get impatient when things don’t go your way. When you don’t get the answer you want. When you are not being heard, acknowledged, seen or appreciated. Or when a process we have started slows down due to lack of input from others. This creates frustration and we become impatient. It is also a sign of lack of faith. We don’t trust ourselves, others and the universe to deliver what we ant in time. Being Impatient is all about fear. Fear of things not moving fast enough according to the timetable we have laid out in our minds. And fear has a low vibration – a low frequency.

Creating Enlightenment From Your Frequency by Lord Buddha ~ by Natalie Glasson

Your frequency is akin to the rhythm or energetic coding of your entire being both on the Earth and the inner planes. It is everything that you are as a being who exists upon the Earth and the sacred essence that you are on the inner planes. Your frequency is pure and untainted. It is like a song you continuously sing that expresses all that you are. As well as all that you are as the Creator. To stand in the space of your frequency is to claim your power, love, enlightenment and wisdom.

