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Voices of the Light Tribe ~ Anrita Melchizedek

Beloved hearts, join us in this powerful Masterclass as we activate the Stargate of our Loving Hearts and expand ever deeper into Unity Consciousness. Our Path toward Unity Consciousness is a process of nurturing and loving ourselves and others as the seeds of  Unity, Peace, and collective Prosperity amplify for all. Unity Consciousness beloved hearts recognizes that all and  everything is interconnected. Everyone and everything are part of a holographic singular whole. By transcending and expanding beyond the old, we deepen into feelings of Oneness and further expand into Zero Point, co-creating our realities in each Now moment as the Unity of God We Are.

444 I Am Presence Light Code Activation ~ Anrita Melchizedek

Beloved hearts, embedded in our DNA is our Divine Soul Blueprint of Crystalline Consciousness and Plasma Light. A multidimensional map, intuitively guiding us in this lifetime and each Now moment, as we become our Higher Selves upon this sacred earth in deep trust and surrender to our Universe.

Lion’s Gate – Invocation and Activation with Anrita Melchizedek ~ Anrita Melchizedek

Welcome to the 08-08 Lion’s Gate. As we deepen into this Powerful Sirian Stargate of the Lions Gate Portal, aligning with the Sun, the Spiritual Sun of Sirius, Orion and the Galactic Center, and with Orion’s Belt perfectly aligned to Giza, along with the Solar Flares, Plasma and Gamma Rays, it is a deeply significant Now moment of Soular expansion, Power and Love.   

The Cube, Golden Sun and Flower of Life Unity Grid Invocation ~ Anrita Melchizedek

Beloved hearts, you are invited to join us in a beautiful Cube, Golden Sun and Flower of Life Unity Grid Invocation as together we amplify the Light of God upon this sacred earth, as the Unity Grid, as the vibrating Stargates of Divine Love, sharing our Light codes and receiving all through the One Heart of All That Is. The primary technique we use to expand into the Unity Grid is called The Golden Sun and Flower of Life Zero Point Activation.  The Golden Sun represents Source Light, and the Flower of Life represents the the building blocks of life that take us into Zero Point, the infinite, eternal, ever present Now moment. The Flower of Life further holds the Patterns of Perfection of our multiverse, and together the Golden Sun and Flower of Life activate the Divine Blueprints of Creation.

Sirian Initiation of Empowerment ~ Anrita Melchizedek

As we deepen into this sacred year of 2022 beloved hearts, all aligns for us through the 222 Light Codes of Solar Crystalline Consciousness, and in this Now, into new levels of Empowerment, Expression and Divine Service. As our Beloved I Am Presence, and One with the Beloved I Am Presence of All Awakening and Awakened Souls, we are offered an opportunity to experience a Sirian Initiation of Empowerment, also known as the Initiation of Revelation, through the first ray of Will and Power.

Virgo Full Moon and the Heart of Compassion and Love ~ Anrita Melchizedek

On March 18th, we experience the Virgo Full Moon, offering us an opportunity to go deep, deep within and to bring to “light” all the sub-personality aspects of ourselves still needing to be loved, seen, appreciated, embraced, and transcended through the Heart of Compassion and Love. Leading up to this Full Moon in this last week, from March 13th, we experienced a full-halo CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) lasting nearly 12 hours. And Tuesday/Wednesday, we experienced 3 Class-M (Moderate) Solar Flares affecting us energetically and emotionally.

The Empowered Master and the 10-10 Gateway of New Beginnings ~ Anrita Melchizedek

Beloved hearts, through this powerful 10-10 Gateway of New Beginnings, we experience the Tenth Ray of Divinity. The Tenth Ray of Divinity holds the perfect balance of the three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom, allowing us to be the Divine, Holy Light of God that we are, as we experience a new balance and equilibrium through the Will of God, the Wisdom of the Higher Mind and the Stillness of the Loving Heart.

Healing Invocation ~ Anrita Melchizedek

All my cells and organs function perfectly. Each cell in my body is an expression of perfect health, vitality and well-being. Each cell in my body is replenishing, repairing and replacing according to the perfection of my original divine eight-cell blueprint. Each organ in my body functions at peak efficacy taking me deeper into Divine Love,  taking me deeper into the knowing of myself as a sacred Flame of Divinity.

Resurrection Codes of the I AM Avatar Race ~ Anrita Melchizedek

WE ARE TRANSFORMING at an accelerated rate in this Now moment, bringing up all that needs to shift personally and on a planetary level, triggered through the coronavirus, as we release the old and bring in the new. In the midst of the next level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and expansion, we hear the calling as the I AM Avatar Race, as the awakening and awakened Souls upon this sacred earth. We step forward to deepen our mission as we energetically reset the timelines of highest potential for Mother Earth and all her Life.

The Arcturian Sacred Geometry Healing Templates – Energetic Support for the Coronavirus Pandemic ~ Anrita Melchizedek

As we experience the ripples of fear and anxiety being released through our bodies and energy fields in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic around the globe, we deepen into our loving hearts remaining steadfast in the Light of God We Are upon this sacred earth. With this, the intuitive knowing that the next level of the collective forward evolution of the I Am Avatar Race has arrived accelerates as we come together as One Heart, One Love and One Unified Field of Light.

Perceptions of Reality

Due to all these Planetary activities of Light, we are being propelled into a whole new reality of Unity Consciousness that is removing seals, veils, illusions and the letting go of what is no longer appropriate to our forward evolution, and with the dimensional shifts, this is happening very rapidly, and may cause moments of disorientation, short term memory loss or just feeling not quite in your body. However, there are many gifts to be experienced through these dimensional shifts, including the activation of the dormant DNA and the ability to activate our Light Bodies or Sacred Merkaba fields.

Anrita Melchizedek

Note : All these videos are links to their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PL0583D85A9FA22186&layout=gallery

