Home Channeled Being Council Shine the Light of Consciousness ~ Sara Landon

Shine the Light of Consciousness ~ Sara Landon


Come into This Moment

“You, dear master, can create any reality that you choose. But when you start to come into the moment and you bring this expansive potential that is you into this moment and you focus it on what you want and what you want to see and what you want to hear and what you want to create, what you want to touch and what you want to smell and who you want to kiss and what you want to experience, then you’re bringing all of your focus into this now moment. As you expand this moment and fill it with you and your focus and your intention and your desire, then you begin to focus the consciousness that is you, which is what moves the energy into form, creation, reality.”

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on October 18, 2020

We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you all on this fine day, this glorious day, this magnificent day indeed.

Dear master, we remind you that while our words to you are important, this is a vibrational experience of you really remembering all that is available to you in this moment, in every moment, that everything is in the moment, everything is in the moment. Your mastery is in the moment. Your dreams are in the moment. Your hopes, your wishes, your desires are all in the moment. The fulfillment, the purpose, the realization, it is all in the moment. And you, dear master, have the power, have the ability, have the knowing that you can expand this moment, expand this moment as high as you can see, expand this moment as deep as you can go, expand this moment as far across the horizon as you can imagine.

Expand this moment. Expand this moment and fill it with you. Expand this moment and fill it with you. Fill it with your light. Fill it with your light. Fill it with your love. Fill it with the wisdom that is you. Fill it with the awareness that is you. Fill it with the conscious field of infinite potential that is you.

Your realization is only and will ever be available to you in the moment. Your power, your power, oh, your power. You’re beginning to know your power, but it is always and only available to you in the moment, in this now moment. And we hear all of your questions. We know all of your questions. And the answer to every single question you are asking is the moment. Come into the moment. Come into this moment. Be in the moment—it’s all in this now moment—and expand this moment as far up as you can go, as deep down as you can go, across the horizon. Expand this moment and fill it with you.

The answers to your health questions are this moment because in this moment you can access a truth, a reality, a vibration, where you are perfect health, where you are always perfect health, where perfect health is always available to you, where you align with your infinite wellbeing. But only in the moment. So, when you’re in reaction to your health, when you’re in reaction to a pain, when you’re in reaction you’re always creating resistance. When you are worried about your health, when you are worried about a diagnosis, when you are worried about figuring out what is wrong with you, you are not in the moment. You are creating worry and resistance and overwhelm, that is holding you in a vibration that is not aligned to your wellbeing.

There isn’t one of you who could even be convinced at this point that the end of your body is the end of you. The edges of your body are not the end of you. The end of your experience here in this body isn’t the end of you at all. It’s just another part of the journey. So, why, why do you allow such fear about your bodies? Why do you allow such fear about it ageing, about the pain?

Your body is your friend. Your body is your friend. Treat it as such. Treat your body like your friend. Be nice, be kind, be gentle, be caring, be loving, be compassionate to your body. When there is uncertainty, be gentle. When there is discomfort, seek to comfort your body with your thoughts because you are either condemning or comforting yourself or any other with your thoughts, the thoughts that you are thinking.

But your questions, all of them—and we’ll address them all if you’re ready to hear it—it’s all coming from your thoughts. And when you allow your thoughts to not be in the moment, you create chaos, you create suffering, you create resistance. It is really important at this time that you master your thoughts and your thinking. If there is anything that is not okay, if you’re worried about anything, if you’re stressed about anything, if you’re in resistance to anything, it is because the thoughts you are thinking are creating an emotion that you are responding to.

And it’s not thoughts that you’re thinking about this moment. Because if you really came into this moment and expanded this moment and you really filled up this moment with all of you, there would be peace, there would be love, there would be wellbeing, oh, and there would be so much abundance, so much abundance, so much abundance.

If you’re ready, it’s time for you to experience infinite abundance in physical form. Infinite abundance, prosperity, wealth, richness of a life only imagined by most all of you. Some can’t even imagine how abundant your life is about to be, how prosperous and filled with wealth and riches.

What is it in you that thinks it not holy to be fully and wholly abundant? This idea that struggle and suffering and poverty—vows of poverty, vows of struggle, vows of making it so difficult when all you have to do is allow— Allow in the infinite abundance. But it is the way you’re perceiving who you are, your body, your wellbeing, your abundance that is determining what you experience in this now moment and therefore what you continue to create and recreate.

We would like to take you all into living a really, really abundant life, an abundant life where your relationship with money is pure joy, pure joy. But money is an energy just like everything that you love. People are energy. The ones that you love, you love their energy. The people that you love so much, what do you love about them? Their energy. When they’re there it feels good because their energy is there and focused on you and that feels good. When you’re focusing on another and your energy is focused on them, that feels good to you, that feels good to them. It’s energy. Food is energy. You all know what energy is. You all know what energy feels like. You all know it feels really good to have a lot of energy. Money is energy. 

Remember the formula for creation. Consciousness is what moves energy into form. That’s the formula for creating wellbeing. That’s the formula for creating abundance. That is the formula for creating more love. That’s the formula for everything. You have the formula for the creation of anything you could ever desire and more. That’s it: your consciousness. 

But your consciousness is affected by your thinking. Your consciousness is affected by the thoughts you’re thinking. Your consciousness is the basis for creating everything you could ever want and more, and yet you let your thoughts that you’re thinking be of unwanted, of lack, of limitation, of struggling, of suffering, of sickness, of dis-ease. You let it go and you let it get a lot of momentum, and then you feel really awful because you’re not in the moment. You’re worried about the future, you’re stressed about the past, you’re anxious. You’re not in wellbeing, you’re not in abundance, you’re not in freedom, you’re not in the flow, so your consciousness is very limited at that time or you are in a lower level of consciousness that is not allowing you to access all of the energy of creation, the energy that is in everything.

It is all energy, and it is all here for you. It is. But it is the consciousness, your conscious awareness, master, that is creating, that is creating your reality. And there are “big” realities, and there are “this now moment” realities. And you think, Why isn’t the big reality that I want here? Well, because you’re not creating it in this now moment, because your consciousness is in a very low level of awareness and you’re in separation and you’re in struggle and you’re in the lack of.

And so when you allow the thoughts that you’re thinking to get so far away from what it is that you want to experience in the now moment and create for the next now moment and the next now moment and the next now moment, then the only thing that matters—not fixing any problem, not figuring anything out, not trying to figure out what’s wrong with you, not going into shame and guilt and worry and struggle and suffering. No. It’s to get back into the moment and be aware of the thoughts that you’re thinking, and maybe even shift from your head down into your heart, where you can begin experiencing a whole new level of awareness and experience. Understand?

Anything and everything is available to you in the now moment, right here, right now, but it’s your thinking, the thoughts that you are thinking that are affecting your emotions. Your body is responding to the thoughts that you are thinking. Your body is responding to the thoughts that you are thinking. We’ll give you an example.

Your body doesn’t know whether it’s beautiful or ugly. It simply doesn’t. It simply doesn’t know. It actually has no way of perceiving that, until the invention of the mirror, where you look in it and decide whether what you see is good or bad, beautiful or ugly—thin, pretty, handsome, strong, or not. Your body is just responding to what you direct it to do, what you direct it to experience, the thoughts that you’re thinking. While you are not your thoughts, they are creating your reality. The thoughts that you are thinking affect your emotions.

So, a perfectly beautiful person is happy, peaceful, feeling wellbeing. Then all of a sudden they see someone really, really beautiful or handsome and they compare themselves and they go, ‘Oh, compared to that person I’m not attractive.’ It’s the thought that then affects the emotion where now you don’t feel good enough, now you don’t feel young enough, now you don’t feel pretty enough, now you don’t feel strong enough or handsome enough. But it’s the thought. It’s just the thought.

And you can change that any time you choose, dear master. You can decide that you are the most handsome or beautiful person. You can decide that you are strong and powerful. You can decide that your body is exactly perfect, and the emotions that follow will feel very, very good.

Now, some of you would say, ‘But I don’t believe that, that’s not true.’ Well, it’s only not true because those are the thoughts that you’ve been thinking and you continue to think them and you allow thoughts that like. We’ve given you the best tool of all for that. Just stop it, that’s silly. Just stop it, that’s silly. You’re beautiful, you’re handsome, you’re Source, you’re God, you’re the Divine in physical form. How amazing this body! How amazing this body.

So, you could be feeling a little tired or having some symptoms. Your body doesn’t know that it’s sick or well. You might feel tired, you might be being guided to rest, you might not have as much energy one day as the next day, but it is human’s creation, this idea of sickness. It’s true. Think about it. All the labels, all the diagnoses, all the diseases. You don’t have less sickness on the planet, you have more, more and more and more and more and more, more diagnoses, more things that could possibly be wrong with you.

You have absolutely no limitations except for the ones you impose upon yourself. And humanity has created a whole lot of limitations. There’s nothing really wrong with that if you think about it. It’s just rules for the game. When you play any game—basketball, football, tennis—isn’t it sort of the rules that make it fun? If you just said, ‘I don’t know, we’re going to run around the field,’—‘Well, what’s the object?’ ‘Well, there is not one.’ ‘Well, what are the rules?’ ‘There aren’t any.’ ‘Well, what’s the game?’ ‘Well, there really isn’t one.’ ‘Well, then what do we do? We just sit around the field?’ ‘No, no, no, play.’ ‘Well, but we don’t know the rules. We don’t know how to play. What’s the game? What are we trying to do here?’

And so you come to physical form to play the game, to the grand experiment, to this human experience, and you say, ‘Well, what are the rules?’ The answer is, whatever you want them to be. What do you want the rules to be? Well, I want everything to be easy, effortless, harmonious. Great, fun, go do that. Well, I want to be able to play and create and dance and sing. Great, go do that. Well, I want to love people. I want to have lots of friends, and I want to laugh, and I want to create things together, and I want to have fun times together. Great, go do that.

Well, what about this body? Well, what do you want? Well, I want it to be healthy. I want to feel good. When I’m tired, I want to rest. When I want to play and I have lots of energy, I want to play and feel good. Well, go do that. What about money? Am I going to need money? Sure, how much do you want? Well, I just want to always have all the money I could ever need and more. Sure.

You’re making the rules. But you look around at the rules that everybody else has created, and you say, ‘Well, I don’t like that rule, so I’m going to put it in my game. I don’t like the rule, so I’m going to put it in my game.’ Why would you do that? Why would you do that? If you don’t like the rule, create a new rule. If you don’t like the game, create a new game. If you’re sick of the old movie, write a new script, cast some new characters, come up with a new plot, get a new set. Write a new script.

You, dear master, can create any reality that you choose. But when you start to come into the moment and you bring this expansive potential that is you into this moment and you focus it on what you want and what you want to see and what you want to hear and what you want to create, what you want to touch and what you want to smell and who you want to kiss and what you want to experience, then you’re bringing all of your focus into this now moment. As you expand this moment and fill it with you and your focus and your intention and your desire, then you begin to focus the consciousness that is you, which is what moves the energy into form, creation, realityYou understand?

So, some of you would say, ‘But I have some real practical problems here. I really need some money right now. I really need a job. I really have this disease. I really have this pain. I really have this issue.’ We hear you. The answer is still the same. You, dear master, can create any reality that you choose for you. The only limitations are the ones you impose upon yourself. 

You’re seeding human consciousness with potentials. That’s all it is. Some come to this planet and seed human consciousness with all sorts of incredible, exciting potentials. You have a great master that has ridden in air balloons and airplanes and is creating space travel and has had many businesses and has had all sorts of experiences all over the world and has a plane and has beautiful hotels and has beautiful places they’ve experienced and created and has wonderful relationships and has a strong healthy body and plays all sorts of sports and does all sorts of activities, and every single one of those adventures seeds human consciousness with greater potentials and possibilities.

The same is also true. The person who always worries, always worries, always worries, always worries, always worries, always worries, always worries—oh, none of you, of course, right? You’re not that, no—the worrier that worries about everything that never happens is also seeding human consciousness with all sorts of things that you could worry about if that’s the reality that you choose for you. But why would you? Why would you?

Either/or, and there’s no judgment from our side ever, but we think you came here to live a really magical life. We think you came here to live a really extraordinary life. We think you came here to live your highest potential, not to worry all the time.

Whatever you’re holding in your awareness, what you’re focused on, what you’re thinking about, the thoughts that you think are thinking, that’s what you’re seeding human consciousness with, that’s what you’re contributing to the world and the world around you.

You can be totally in the moment and be the most miraculous dreamer. In fact, that’s what a creator is. That’s what Creator within your own creation really is: the dreamer in the moment, the dreamer that comes fully in the moment and dreams a new reality, never losing the connection to the moment, Creator within your own creation, here and now.

Right here, right now fill up this now moment. Fill it up with you. Fill it up with your light. Fill it with your inspiration. Fill it with your creativity. Fill it with your hopes and your dreams and your desires. Fill it with your creations. Write a story. Write a beautiful piece of music. Cook a beautiful meal. Create a beautiful loving moment with someone. Come into the moment and allow your wellbeing.

You could spend the rest of your incarnation just focused on allowing your wellbeing in the moment, and you would be more energized, more revitalized, healthier, feeling better than ever before if all you did was focus on allowing your wellbeing. You’ll know you’re allowing your wellbeing when your predominant feeling is of joy. When you are denying your wellbeing, you will not feel joy in the moment. Remember. And the easiest way to get into joy—because the very definition is the enjoyment of the good—is through appreciation.

We’re answering all of your questions, and you’re going to ask them again, and we’re going to entertain you while we answer them, but here’s your answer to everything: the enjoyment of the good; your ability, dear master, the power you have in every moment to enjoy the good.

If in this moment you have two ears that hear and two eyes that see, you have an incredible gift to be appreciating and enjoying. There’s no lack of things to see. There’s no lack of things to hear. There’s really no lack of anything ever—the greatest illusion of all—the greatest illusion of all—as if there could be a lack of anything ever. But in this moment you can see. You have the ability to see. You have the ability to hear. You have infinite opportunities to enjoy all the good things that you want to see, all the good things that you want to hear.

It’s appreciation. Appreciation will shift you into a state of joy. And if you want greater wellbeing, it is allowing your wellbeing in the moment. Allowing—you’ll know that you’re allowing when you’re in a state of joy. If you’re not in a state of joy, focus on appreciation, focus on the enjoyment of the good, the good about your body, the good about your wellbeing. And your appreciation of it and the enjoyment of the good will shift you into a state of joy, which is where you allow your wellbeing. As you’re allowing your wellbeing you’re creating more wellbeing, you’re experiencing more wellbeing, you’re expanding the force field of consciousness that you are, and the particles of infinite creation that are always responding to you are focused on more wellbeing, and you will get more and more and more.

The same is true with abundance, prosperity, wealth, riches. Allowing abundance. Not working, struggling, suffering, working hard, working harder, working harder, figuring it out, creating more, doing more, making more, making more, making more, making more. What do I have to do next? What do I have to do next? What do I have to do next? What do I have to do next? Allow your abundance. That doesn’t mean you don’t create what’s fun to create, but do so with joy, not because you have to do something to allow abundance. You will know that you are allowing abundance when you feel joy. 

We want you to feel joyful about money. We want you to feel joy-full about money. Joy-full, full of joy in your relationship with money. You want you to feel it with your body. You want you to feel joy-full, full of joy. Wouldn’t that seem like the perfect, perfect formula for wellbeing? Full of joy equals wellbeing. Full of joy equals abundance, a plentiful supply of everything you could ever need and more.

How would it even make sense to you, how would it even make sense to you that you are not infinitely abundant in every way? Because the world taught you differently? So what? Change the game. Change the rules. That doesn’t mean that you don’t create and do things, but it’s from pure joy or nothing at all. Getting into a state of pure joy is more important than anything else.

Joy-full, full of joy. How easy is love, how easy are relationships when you are full of joy? You could spend your whole life allowing infinite love, allowing wellbeing, allowing abundance, allowing love. Hmm, for some of you this is the hardest one of all, and is it so important to all of them.

Love. Allow the love. You’ll know that you’re allowing love when you’re in a state of joy. If you’re not in a state of joy, focus on the enjoyment of the good, appreciating all the things you love—the animals, the plants, the sun, the moon, the stars, people that you love, the things that you love, the places that you love, the foods that you love, the feelings that you love, the colors that you love, the tastes that you love, the music that you love.

Infinite, infinite, infinite, infinite, infinite, infinite opportunities for you to focus on what you love, the enjoyment of the good, enjoying what you love, and in that joy-full state, a state full of joy, well, not only are you going to experience incredible self-love, you will experience incredible love in all of your relationships. Strangers will walk down the street with love for you. You’ll never meet a stranger again because there will just be love, because you’ve got your light turned on and you will draw to you love and more love and more love and your relationships will be so loving. Just allow it. Allow it. The very formula, allowing. You will know that you are allowing when you are in a state of joy.

Infinite wisdom, let’s talk about this. Allowing wellbeing, allowing abundance, allowing love. Allowing wisdom means that everything in your environment, everything in the world, everything in the universe in this moment is serving you, is guiding you, is giving messages to you, is providing wisdom, awareness. There’s an opportunity for conscious awareness in everything, in every moment.

Some of you want to be the healthiest person you know. Some of you want to be the wealthiest person you know. What about being the wisest person you know? Because the wisdom to focus your thoughts and your thinking and your attention, the wisdom of conscious awareness, allowing the wisdom of nature, animals, Source will make you the healthiest, the wealthiest, the most loving, the most joyful, the most beautiful, the most radiant, the most magnificent being because that is what you are.

Infinite wisdom is always available to you in every moment. It’s Source. It could be no other way. So allowing wisdom would mean that you stop questioning everything you’re questioning. Stop doubting, stop questioning it, stop worrying about it, stop denying it. Stop doubting, stop denying. You are either allowing or you are doubting. You’re either allowing or you’re denying. Allowing wisdom is everything, leads to everything, is everything. And wisdom is all around you supporting you in every moment, always.

Infinite intelligence, the intelligence that created you, the intelligence that created this world, the intelligence that created the universe is within you, is you. You are the intelligence. So, how could you ever be doubting or denying or not know? It’s what you are. It’s like when you’re walking around looking for your glasses and they’re on your head. ‘I can’t find my glasses anywhere, don’t know where they are,’ and then you catch yourself in a mirror and you say, ‘Oh, silly me, they’re right here. They’re on my head. I had them all along.’

The eyes to see, the ears to hear. The wisdom, the intelligence is what you are, so how could you ever doubt you or deny the Source that you are? Allowing it simply means you do not doubt it because the thoughts that you’re thinking are creating limitation for you in the moment. Not denying the power that you have to fill up this now moment with all of you and all of your light and allow from a state of joy. Allow your abundance. Allow your wellbeing. Allow love. Allow magic and miracles to guide you. Allow wisdom and intelligence from within you that is always, always supporting you.

Your answers are not out there somewhere. We are just here to help you remember. We are here to allow you into your realization. We’re here to bring a grander perspective, the one you never intended to forget, about who you are and why you’re here and what’s possible for you. You never intended to forget, but you understood that there would be a remembering, an awakening. Your own awakening, then your remembering, then your realization, and then witnessing the awakening of your human family all around you at an unprecedented rate.

The most beautiful thing you could ever imagine every day, everywhere you go, in every now moment—you hold the potential for remembering, for awakening by you being in the realization of all that you are. You allow, you allow, you allow. You come into the realization of all that you are, and you allow. You allow wellbeing. You allow abundance. You allow love. You allow it all. You allow wisdom. You allow your own intelligence. You allow. In the realization of all that you are and in the allowing, in the enjoyment of all of the good within you and all around you, you will witness the remembering of the long-forgotten dream within every human heart. You will witness the awakening of your beloved human family to peace, to love, to harmony and to wellbeing and to abundance, awakening to the beauty that you are, awakening to the light within you all.

These are unprecedented times. You are needed now more than ever to allow. You are needed now more than ever to allow it all in. The more magnificent you allow your life to be, the greater you serve. The more magnificent you allow your life to be, the greater you serve. The more magnificent you allow your life to be, the greater your service to your beloved human family.

You are not serving by struggling and suffering and believing in limitation and holding yourself in lack. That is forgetting. That is denying. That is doubting. That is not who you are. It takes a lot of work, it feels awful, and it’s exhausting. And we love you so much, so just stop it.

It’s just sort of silly from our perspective because you are everything, everything. You are everything. You are love. You are everything. You are abundance. You are everything. You are wellbeing. You are everything. You are wisdom. You are everything. You are intelligence. You are everything. You’re everything. You are everything you wish to be, everything, everything you wish to be. You already are, but it’s only through the moment that you allow it.

Fill this moment with all of you, all of you, all of you, and you will live, you will live as the truly embodied realized master that you are, a master of wellbeing, a master of abundance, a master of love, a master of beauty, a master of consciousness, a master of awareness, a master of wisdom. 

For some of you who celebrate the upcoming Halloween holiday you get to dress up and be anything that you choose. It’s so ironic to us because you do this every day, so you don’t really need one special holiday to dress up and pretend you are whatever you wish to be.

So, what are you going to be this Halloween? What are you going to be? What costume are you going to put on? What role are you going to play? What mask are you wearing? The more consciously aware you are, the more fun it’s going to be, the more fun you can allow. Allow yourself to have some fun. Allow some freedom to be who you are. Allow some freedom to create yourself, to play whatever role you choose. Master of what? Master of abundance? Master of wellbeing? Master of fun? Master of creativity? Master of inspiration? Master of harmony? Master of music? Master of what?

Ascended master here on Earth, that is what you are. If you think of any of the ascended masters they all had something that was extra fun for them, extra special to them. The ascended master of animals, the ascended master of water, the ascended master of flowers, the ascended master of roses, the ascended master of children. The steward, not master over. The ascended master, the steward, here in stewardship of what they loved because they focused on what they loved, they enjoyed what they loved, they appreciated what they loved, and there was more and there was more and there was more. 

So, what do you love? What do you enjoy? Claim it! When you ask a small child who comes to your door and says, ‘Trick or treat?’ you say, ‘What are you?’ They say, ‘I’m a superhero. I’m a doctor. I’m a nurse. I’m a fireman. I’m a princess. I’m a dog. I’m a panda bear.’ They get to create any reality they choose. And that’s why it’s so fun, because they remember. And now so do you. So do you.

So, have some fun, celebrate, play. Create yourself. Be yourself. Allow, allow, allow yourself. Allow your abundance. Allow your wellbeing. Allow the love. Allow the wisdom. Allow the magic and the miracles. Oh, and remember to let the energy and the light guide the way. It’s time to go into a whole new level of living in abundance in every way. Abundance, prosperity, wealth, wellbeing, wisdom, and love like nothing you’ve ever imagined possible before. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is.

~ Sara Landon
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Sara has been called a leader of leaders for the next generation of transformation. A former corporate professional and entrepreneur turned inspirational speaker, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. Sara is recognized as a globally celebrated leader in the field of human potential and spiritual living. The Council is a higher level consciousness of non-physical beings who provide a grander perspective of the human experience and the wisdom to live one’s fullest potential. Sara’s passion is guiding leaders, wayshowers and change-makers to discover their unique life’s purpose and the power within them to create a positive impact in the world around them. Sara’s ability to channel The Council, offers clients, students and participants in her courses and Masters Class program, the ability to create their best life possible regardless of current limitations and life circumstances.