As a double Leo with one planet on the  Star Regulus, the Heart of the Lion, I wanted to give you a special message alongside this New Moon in Leo Lionsgate Portal on the 8th August 2021 collective starseed card reading.

The most important message for now is have your reset. Reset and reconnect to your heart, to your core heart, your Higher Heart. This is your direct connection to Source energy which will help you to remember and fully embody you being as your Divine Self. So enjoy this New Moon in Leo. I am sending you so much Leo love your way and if you wish to reconnect back to your Source energy, back to your core heart I invite you to take and use my free healing activation called Reconnect to Your Source Energy. I’m going to leave the link down below.

New Moon in Leo & Lionsgate Portal 8/8/21 Collective Starseed Card Reading

What energy or guidance do we need to embody to create for the next  month from this portal and new moon in order to embody our soul mission on this planet?

New Moon = New Energy, Intentions, New Manifestations

* Messages for Starseeds about your mission from your galactic origins

* Messages from Higher Self/Oversoul

* Message for your inner masculine and feminine to embody

* How to ground your mission into the planet


Card decks used:

The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell and Danielle Noel

Lightworker Oracle by Alana Fairchild

Red Moon Oracle Cards by Miranda Gray

God Cards for men by Richard the Grateful Bear

Crystal Deva Cards by Cindy Watlington and Rick Kopp

To receive your free heart reconnection audio go to:

To discuss a womb blessing go to:

Much love, Natasha x

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Natasha Bailey
Natasha is a Holistic Transformation Coach who uses her life experience and training as an Intuitive Healer & Soul Record Clearer, Female Energy Awakening Therapist, Galactic Human Activator, and Physical Wellbeing Practitioner to help people prepare for their Soul Mission. This is done through clearing any spiritual, mental, emotional or physical blocks, creating balance in all areas of life, keeping the individual centered within their heart space so they are focused and excited about stepping into their Soul Purpose.