Home Channeled Being Council Living Happily Ever After ~ Sara Landon

Living Happily Ever After ~ Sara Landon


The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on September 5, 2021


We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you all on this fine and glorious day indeed. We are here to remind you of the magnificent power within you, the incredible freedom that you have to live your lives to the fullest, and the love, oh, the love that you embody and emanate in your world.

We are here in this time to talk to you about power, freedom, and love. Each and every one of you are so much more powerful than you know yourselves to be. You are the power that creates worlds. You are the power that creates miracles. You are the power that brings through magic and manifestations and creations. You are this power. Are you allowing your power or are you denying this power that is you?

Your power is so important and so important in this time now. You see so much going on in your world. You see force. You see powerlessness. You see victim. You see control and manipulation. And yet all of this is merely an extension in the collective consciousness of what is going on for many in your own individual consciousness—feeling powerless, feeling controlled, trying to control, thinking you have to manipulate. You’re so much more powerful than that. You don’t have to manipulate energy. You don’t have to manipulate anything. You don’t have to manipulate people. All you have to do is step into your power.

You are so incredibly powerful, so incredibly worthy. You are so important. You are so needed on the planet at this time. And this is the time for you to fully step into the power of all that you are and let yourself feel it in every cell of your body and emanate it and expand it from you so that everywhere you go you notice people are smiling, people are happy, people are uplifted. There is a peace around you. There is a harmony that you experience. And as you move through the world, you take this reality that is you, you take this creation of reality within you and all around you everywhere you go. And you seed humanity as you move through the world with the reminder that they too have the power within them. It is so important that you shine brightly, and it’s so important that you shine brightly now, that you allow the magnificence your light and your power to shine, to shine brightly in the world at this time.

You are free, sovereign, divine beings. You are free. You are in an experience of free will. You are here with absolute free will to choose the thoughts you think, to choose the way you perceive, to focus on anything you choose, and to give it any meaning that you choose. You are free to create your realities, and you are as free as you could ever possibly be. You are as free as the formless, vibrational nonphysical part of you in this human experience while in the opportunity to play and create and expand in physical form.

You play these games with yourself where you pretend that you are not free to choose. You pretend that someone else has your ability to choose. You give your power to things outside of you and then you feel stuck and you feel like you do not have freedom. But we are here to remind you so that you do not forget that you are free, in an experience of free will, and anything, anything and everything is possible for you. You are either allowing the freedom and the power of your soul or you are denying your power and your freedom.

Oh, every single one of you is divine love expressing yourself in the world, love that has no description in physical form, a love that loves you so much and flows through you so freely that there is no judgment, there is no criticism, there’s no prejudice, there is only divine love, and that is what flows through you. And to even try to describe it in physical form is impossible because the love that you are is eternal, ever-present, beyond anything that you can even imagine. And you are this divine love expressing yourself in the world. And when you come to remember your power and your freedom and the love that you are, oh, well, then, dear master, anything, and we mean anything, is possible for you.

You are stepping into paradise. You are choosing it with your power, with your freedom, with your love, for the experience of paradise here on Earth, for your experience of Heaven on Earth. You’re here to create your Heaven on Earth. You have the power to do so. You are free to do so, and you do so through focusing the divine love that you are on what it is you want more of in your paradise and creation of Heaven on Earth.

You are in the New Earth much more than you realize, and some of you are really realizing it. We spoke a great deal last year at this time—although there is no time and space—everything is circular—time is circular. So, this is just an expansion of the realization that we have been talking about that you have been coming into alignment with for some time.

You are expanding that realization, not only into the realization of the power within you, not only the realization of the master that you are, not only the integration of every part of you, but the integration of everything that is here for you. You’re coming into the realization and the integration of all that is here for you. You come to the realization of all that you are so that you can live freely and love fully and be who you really are.

Realization is the integration of every part of you, no longer denying any part of your magnificent personality or your experiences because they all provided data and information that led you to this place now, and it’s perfect. But it is coming into realization instead of separating yourself and moving into lower dimensions of consciousness, which create lack and limitation and fear. It is the realization of every part of you and the integration of every part of you, the God part of you, the master part of you, the ascended master part of you, the human part of you, the multidimensional nature part of you, the aspects of you in every dimension that are awakening and coming into the realization of all that you are from the highest awareness of your beings as multidimensional.

You don’t need to intellectualize it. You don’t need to understand it, but you are fully coming into the realization and integration of every part of you. And then you’re expanding into the realization of all that is here for you, the resources, connections, opportunities, synchronicity, divine orchestration, the love, the peace, the joy, the harmony, the abundance, the wellbeing, the aspects of nature and the animal kingdom that are all here for you, the integration of the perfectly woven tapestry of humanity.

You’re coming into the realization of the perfection of this experience. You’re coming into the perfection and realization of all that is here for you. Infinite resources. No end to anything ever. No separation from anything. Indeed, the abundance of Heaven on Earth is here for you now. The abundance, the Promised Land. There is a knowing. It has been prophesized. It has been known somewhere inside of you that you would come into the realization of the Promised Land, promised before you focused yourself into this incarnation, promised, guaranteed, assured, could be no other way.

By land, it is meant all of the resources. Land is a resource for you to grow and thrive and live abundantly. The guaranteed abundance that you knew you would realize in this life, in consciousness, in vibration, but also in physical form.

For whatever reasons, you may have believed you took vows of poverty or vows of victimness or vows of practicality. Abundance isn’t here just for the practical things. Abundance is here for the creation of reality. Abundance is here for the creation of New Earth. The abundance of Heaven on Earth is here for you, for the creation of your reality. However, dear masters, your humans have not allowed the ease and harmony in the flow of abundance and infinite resources for whatever reason, but essentially because of your experiences in lower levels of consciousness.

But this is not where you are now. You are in a New Earth. You are. Claim it, choose it, allow it, embrace it, enjoy it, celebrate, rejoice. A New Earth is here now. And everything is of a higher vibration, a higher consciousness, and from that place so much more is possible for you, for your bodies, for your finances, for your relationships. And some of you are really starting to realize and integrate the infinite resources that are here for you to create your realities, to create your Heaven on Earth within a New Earth. It is knowing that you are worthy of it. But it is fully stepping into your power here and now, fully stepping into your sovereignty and powerfully focusing and expanding the divine love that you are.

Your power is your connection to Source. Your power is you showing up with your head held high and a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, feeling so good in your body and so good in the moment and so good in this life and so clear that you know the power of your consciousness will guide you in every moment, in every situation, and the highest good, the highest answers, the highest wisdom, the highest outcome, the highest truth is always available to you in every moment in your power. In your power the next step comes to you. In your power, in your being state, all things are done through you, in your power.

You have played around for lifetimes. You’ve played this game of giving your power away. Why? Because you didn’t think you were worthy of it. Because you thought by giving others your power they would somehow know how to use it better than you. Now, doesn’t that just seem silly?

There’s a whole lot of reasons why you’ve given your power away, none of which really matter. They’re all quite humorous from our perspective, although there’s no judgment ever. But the days, the lifetimes of giving your power away are all part of the old, the old stories, the old ways, the Old Earth experience that you had once upon a time. But it is not the now, and it’s not where you are, and it’s not who you are, and it’s not why you’re here, and it’s not what you’re choosing.

Be in your power. Breathe in your power right here, right now. Breathe in your power. Your power is for you. 

Allow, just allow. Allow yourself, allow yourself to relax, to melt, to flow, to float into your power. Relax into your power as you feel like the brightest light you’ve ever seen beginning to flow down to you and through you. It is your power and your power is for you.

You are the powerful force of divine love in the world. You are the powerful Source Energy in the world. You are the powerful light that shines so bright. You are the power. Allow your power here and now. Breathe it in. Take a deep breath and feel your power filling up every part of your body, every cell of your body receiving the power that is you as you go into your heart and feel your power.

Feel your power. Feel your power expand to the top of your head and down to the bottom of your feet and out your fingertips. Feel every cell in your body filling with the power of the divine love that you are, filling with the power of the divine light within you, filling with the powerful Source Energy that is you. Feel the power within you, the power that creates worlds, the power that creates your world. Feel the power within you that anything and everything is possible for you. Feel the power of the truth of who you really are. Feel the power of how important you are. Feel the power of how important it is that you are here in this life here and now, creator of your reality. Feel the power of knowing that you are Creator within your own creation.

Feel the power, the powerful I Am Creator frequency that you are. Feel the power that you are, the Isness of All That Is and all that will ever be. Feel the power. Feel the power of the creator that you are. Feel the power of your sovereignty. Feel the power of the freedom you have to choose and to create your reality any way you want it to be.

Feel the power. Feel the power. It’s your power. Your power is for you. And as you feel your power and you’re expanding from you in every direction the powerful love and light that is you, feel every aspect of your power that has somehow, somewhere to someone gone out beyond you. Feel it flowing back to you. Feel the love flowing through you as you allow all of your power to come back to you. Feel the power like nothing you’ve ever felt before in this moment. Feel all of your power coming back to you. Claim that your power is for you. 

Your power is love, and your power is here and now. And feel all of your power within you now. Feel the integration of every part of your power flowing back to you. Feel your power flowing back to you. And as you feel the integration of your power within you and you feel the wholeness and completeness of all of your power here in this moment for you, with you, of you, expanding from you, you are the power.

You are the power that creates worlds. You are the powerful I Am Creator frequency. You are the powerful, powerful creator of your reality, Creator within your own creation. Feel your power. And as you feel the completeness of all of your power and you feel so deeply into your worthiness to allow your power and to feel your power and to be in your power, know that this power is love. It’s kindness. It’s truth. It’s consciousness. It’s freedom. It’s harmony within you. Your power feels harmonious. Your power feels blissful. Your power feels peaceful. But your power feels the truth. Your power feels the master within you, the creator within you.

As you feel your power, you know that you are that which you call God. Creator exists within you now, lives within you now. The power is within you now. And you are that power. And with this power you can do anything. You are the power. You are the power. 

Now feel your power as the brightest light you’ve ever seen emanating from the core of your being, through you, expanding from you, illuminating the room that you’re in, illuminating the home or the building that you’re in, illuminating the town that you’re in, spreading across the meadows and the hills and the mountains and the rivers and the streams and the oceans, expanding across this entire planet, this entire Earth, being illuminated in the powerful, bright, beautiful light that is you, and that light shining all the way down through the layers of the Earth, through the roots of the trees and the crust of the Earth, through the center of the Earth.

Your power is limitless as it emanates from you across the horizon, across this Earth in every direction down, down, down into the core of the Earth. And your power emanating from you, illuminating the sky and the Heavens as far as you can see into all of the universe is your power, is the light shining from you, the power that you are, the love that you are. You are that power, and there’s nowhere that you are not. You are the light within the Heavens. You are the light in the sky. You are the light of the sun, you are the power of the sun, you are the power of the moon and the sun and the stars, and all of the universe exists within you. That is how powerful you are. You are the power. You are the power that creates worlds, and you are the power that creates your world. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is.

You are the power of divine love in the world. You are the power of divine love in your world. And you are the power that creates divine love everywhere. It is the truth of you. It is the truth of everyone. You are the power of divine love. That is what you are.

Take a deep breath and feel your power. Take a deep breath, feel your power. Take a deep breath, feel your power. And from this place you easily, effortlessly, harmoniously draw to you from infinite resources that are always available to you everything, everything that you could ever need and more for the creation of your reality, for the creation of your Heaven on Earth, for the creation of a New Earth that exists within you and around you right here, right now.

And you are either choosing this vibration, you are either choosing your power and choosing freedom and choosing love, or you’re choosing fear and limitation and separation. Your world does not need any more fear, so don’t contribute to it. Your world doesn’t need any more lack and limitation, so don’t contribute to it. Your world doesn’t need to feel any more separation, separation from their truth, from their soul, from their source, from each other, from those that they love.

Separation is an illusion. You talk about the illusion. You talk about the veil. It’s the belief in separation. You are all Source, God. The same divine love flows through each and every one of you. It is the truth of you. It is the truth of everyone.

It’s time to step into living at the level of God consciousness that is the truth of who you are. It is time to step into the unity consciousness that you have prayed for and asked for and imagined and hoped for. Oneness is here. The 5th Dimension of pure love, where your wellbeing and abundance is assured, it’s here. It’s here now for your choosing, and you’re free to choose it. It’s here now for your choosing, and you have the power to choose it. It’s here now for your choosing because it’s what you love.

You love love. You love kindness and harmony, and you love beauty, and you love abundance, and you love freedom, and you love fun, and you love creativity, and you love inspiration. And you love contribution and you love service, and you love living your purpose. It feels so good, doesn’t it? Those moments when you’re really in your joy doing what you love? You don’t ever have to choose anything other than that ever again. 

Many of you have asked about our reference to this time of September, October and the remainder of 2021 in your human Earth experience, and we simply say to you it’s Heaven on Earth, and it’s here for your choosing, and it’s time to really allow. And by allowing we mean no longer denying and no longer doubting the really big things, the miraculous things, the amazing things, the magical things that your soul has placed in your imagination as scratching the surface of what’s possible for you and the infinite potential that exists for you right here, right now, and forevermore.

We say WELCOME TO PARADISE. You think of fairytales, fairytales, the tales that the fairies have told. Have you ever thought of that word? Fairytales, what those in higher dimensions of consciousness—fairies—have told you tales about, stories about, visions about. Fairytales.

You’ve heard fairytales about the Promised Land, about Heaven on Earth, about New Earth, about happily ever after. There’s a reason that when you heard ‘happily ever after’—happily ever after, forevermore happy, forevermore joyful, forevermore loving, peaceful, harmonious, abundant, forevermore abundant, forevermore prosperous, forevermore wealthy, forevermore conscious, forevermore powerful, forevermore in the power of your consciousness, forevermore in the highest vibration of the truth of who you are, forevermore in the highest state of consciousness aligned to the truth of who you are, forevermore with a grander perspective of what’s really going on here, forevermore in the truth of who you really are, forevermore happily ever after.

We can assure you that if it is your choosing, nothing bad will ever happen again. If it is your choosing, nothing will ever go wrong again. If it is your choosing, you will never say ‘oh, that’s so awful’ ever again. If it is your choosing, you can live happily ever after from the grandest perspective of the truth of who you really are and what’s going on here. You can live happily ever after in a New Earth, in Heaven on Earth, in your fairytale, in your paradise. And it’s practical, and it’s real, and it was promised. You promised it to you. You promised it to you.

You came here to remember, and you came here for the realization of the truth of who you are. That is why you’re here. You’re not ‘should’ or ‘supposed to’ do anything. There’s not one particular job or one particular relationship or any one particular choice that is your purpose or reason for being here. Do you want to do it? Would it be fun to do it? Would it bring you joy to do it? Would you love to do it? That’s all you’re supposed to do. That’s what you should do. What you love, what brings you joy, what excites you, what you’re passionate about, what you want to create, for the fun of creating it, for the fun of cocreating with other masters, for the fun of giving and sharing and loving and receiving, for the fun of knowing that giving and receiving are one, for the fun of allowing, for the fun—the fun of allowing. Just for the fun of allowing. For the fun of being open and embracing. For the fun of it.

Feeling fun in your body, feeling fun in your life, feeling fun in your relationships, feeling spontaneous, feeling creative, feeling inspired, feeling intuitive, feeling sensual, feeling powerful and strong but sensual and in the flow. For the fun of allowing it.

Allowing your relationships to be happy. Do you know how hard some of you work on making sure your relationships are not happy, on making sure they know what they did wrong, and making sure they know what they need to do right, and making sure they know what you think they should do, and making sure you control or try to figure out how they do what you think they should do?

If you want happily ever after, you create it within yourself. You remember that nothing is worth your Heaven on Earth, your happily ever after. Is controlling another worth your happily ever after? Is choosing for another? You can live happily ever after and still serve at the highest levels and contribute and help and create a better world and make an impact while also living happily ever after.

The secret to happily ever after is your power, your freedom, and love. The secret to happily ever after is being in your power, knowing you are free, and expressing and being the love that you are. You don’t have to do anything other than what you love or what brings you joy or what you’re excited about or what feels good or what lights up or where the energy is guiding you or where the light is guiding the way.

Happily ever after, that’s what’s here in this month and next month and the month after that and the month after that and in the new year and in the year after that. Happily ever after here and now. Choose it, claim it, be it, allow it. And allow your life to be fun, and allow yourself to create, and allow inspiration, and allow the infinite resources that are here to support you.

And remember that TRUE CREATION has no agenda. You’re just allowing the fun, and you expand the fun. You’re allowing joy, and you expand the joy. You allow the love, and there’s more love. And you allow the prosperity, and there’s more prosperity. And you allow the freedom, and there’s more freedom. And you allow the wellbeing, and there’s more wellbeing.

In allowing your happily ever after you’re going to allow really big things, really magical things, really amazing things. Things that you’ve dreamed of, that you’ve hoped for, things of the level of the fairytales, those in nonphysical or higher dimensions of consciousness that told you stories of a beautiful world and a magnificent life and true love and vitality and longevity and beauty and strength and happily ever after.

Some of you have had times of happily ever after, and then it ended. It went away. It didn’t last. This is not that kind of happily ever after. It was your judgment of creation that made you believe that something had ended or gone wrong or fallen apart. It was often your grasping onto things that were not in vibrational harmony with you, as often you’re grasping onto the old and trying to drag it into the new.

You can live in happily ever after forevermore, and we assure you the shoe will not drop. It will not go away. It will not end if you create it within your consciousness, within this force field of consciousness that is you. And it wouldn’t matter what changed. You would know it was creation and it was new levels of creation, and you would embrace it, and you would allow it, and you would say, well, this is going to be fun, can’t wait to see how this turns out for me, can’t wait to see where this is guiding me, can’t wait to see the magnificent adventure that this is going to unfold for me, can’t wait to see how this is going to expand my experience of paradise and Heaven on Earth in this New Earth reality. The power of knowing you are Creator within your own creation, that there’s only more and there’s always more of everything you need.

So in times past when things ended or things changed or you felt like you were happily ever after and then it all came crashing down, those experiences were in dimensions of consciousness that you have expanded beyond. That was the old. This is the new. And we’re not creating or intending to create polarity in saying such. It’s just understanding that you can elevate yourself into a higher dimension of consciousness where the truth is always known and always available to you.

And so the ‘Higher Earth’ doesn’t have quite the same ring as New Earth. Not higher in hierarchically better than anyone else’s experience that they have the free will to choose here on Earth, but a higher vibrational and higher level of consciousness which elevates your experience where so much more is available to you.

So, let go, let go, let go, let go of the old that has kept you stuck, that has deemed you unworthy or not valuable or unable. Let go of the stories of why it didn’t work before. Let go of all of that.

Most all of you understand that there’s a level of consciousness where anything and everything is possible for you, where you are abundant, where you experience your highest wellbeing, where are you are free. That is a reality. And while we have said for many years that those are often formless levels of creation or nonphysical realities, they’re going to become physical. You are bridging higher dimensions of consciousness into physical form. You are serving as the bridge for higher levels of consciousness to move into physical form and physical form to be elevated into higher levels of consciousness. You’re building the bridges but you are the bridges.

You are the wayshowers. You are guides to a New Earth. So just like any guide, if you were to take people down a path, you yourself have been down that path. So you stepping into a New Earth, creating your Heaven on Earth and living in your paradise and serving as guides for any and all who are ready to also step into their New Earth reality that is also here for them too, well, it’s all available to you now if it is your choosing, if you’re really ready to step into your power and your purpose for why you’re here with your absolute freedom and the power of love, knowing the divine love that you are.

Love is the most transformative power in all the universe. Love is what does the impossible. Love is what can do the impossible. Love is what makes everything possible. Every single person on your planet just wants to be loved. They don’t want to be saved as much as you think they do, they want to be loved. Animals want to be loved. Nature, the trees, the flowers, the birds, the rivers, the hills, the mountains, the oceans, the streams, they all just want to be loved.

You seeing the beauty, you loving is what expands that love, is what raises the consciousness of this planet, is what raises the vibration of this planet. You are all, every single one of you, you are pure, divine love. That is what you are. And that is the truth of everyone else too. Everything else—the stories, the personalities, the good habits, the bad habits, the what they say they are, what they aren’t, or what they did, or what they haven’t done—it’s just all a bunch of stories that in the moment you release the density of the body and emerge into higher dimensions of consciousness the stories will be gone.

Just like when you go on a grand, magnificent vacation or adventure you enjoy every moment. You have fun. You know you’re on that vacation for a period of time. So rest and play and eat the food you want to eat and create the things you want to create and have the experiences you want to have and love fully and live fully and be all that you are.

There’s no end to anything ever. But this is a grand adventure. This is a magnificent vacation into paradise, into Heaven on Earth, into a New Earth. Live every moment to the fullest. Love fully in every moment. 

Everyone just wants to be loved. They just want to be loved. And yes, we know you’re trying to do the right thing for them and you’re trying to help them and you want them to wake up and you want them to get it and you want them to understand. They just want to be loved, so just love them. Love is what does the impossible. Just love them.

And right here in this moment, not because we have some power to do so that you do not have, but because you have the power and because you are free and because the truth of who you are is love, we assure you that if it is your choosing, from this moment on you can live happily ever after, happily ever after, happily ever after. And so it is. And in addition to happily ever after you can live abundantly ever after, joyfully ever after, prosperous ever after, loving ever after, healthy ever after, highest wellbeing forevermore, forevermore, here and now. Happily, healthily, wealthily ever after. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is.

~ Sara Landon
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Sara has been called a leader of leaders for the next generation of transformation. A former corporate professional and entrepreneur turned inspirational speaker, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. Sara is recognized as a globally celebrated leader in the field of human potential and spiritual living. The Council is a higher level consciousness of non-physical beings who provide a grander perspective of the human experience and the wisdom to live one’s fullest potential. Sara’s passion is guiding leaders, wayshowers and change-makers to discover their unique life’s purpose and the power within them to create a positive impact in the world around them. Sara’s ability to channel The Council, offers clients, students and participants in her courses and Masters Class program, the ability to create their best life possible regardless of current limitations and life circumstances.