Hello 2018! We are living in exciting times and this reading does not disappoint us on that front one bit. Before I went into this reading I went into meditation to ground and connect with my guides. While in meditation, I heard that I would be surprised by the reading from my liquid crystal oracle.
During this card reading you will see that not only was I indeed surprised (and mega excited) but the message that came through my conscious streamed writing BEFORE the card pull was in complete alignment with the crystal reading.
With the announcement from the Pentagon two weeks ago regarding UFO disclosure, this reading just blew me away. If you are experiencing contact already from your galactic friends and family, you have more of that to look forward to in January. And if you haven’t yet, this may be the month that you do!
Meditation is going to be your number one action tool for this month so try and make it part of your daily routine, even if for only 5-10 minutes.
“I Fearlessly take action, I am Love, Wisdom and Power.”
January is all about exercising your Freewill and creating the connection to our Galactic friends. Through meditation, we will see a shift towards enlightenment in the collective consciousness which will result in unified confidence with spirit to take action in all we do.
Be Fearless. The time is Now.