Saturday Morning Soul Tea & Alchemy: Episode 21
How do you let go of control and get in the flow?
Do you have the tendency to want to control your circumstances when you’re surrounded by the unknown? This week’s episode of Soul Tea and Alchemy is a clip taken from a Q&A in my Sacred Self Love year long program. It’s an amazing conversation about being in control versus allowing the Universe to flow to you MUCH bigger possibilities.
“We want to distinguish the difference between control and creating containers for flow. Control is a disbelief in possibility. It’s a cutting off of what’s really possible. It’s a massive way to limit yourself … So we want you to move more in the direction of containers and rhythms.” – The Alchemists
Here is the basis of the question:
“I’m moving forward, getting our house ready for sale, and wanting to travel around the country. I’m wondering if I have some blocks in the way. I feel like I have resistance, and I want to know what I can do to move forward more easily and clearly, because so much of it is unknown.”
Ina and the Alchemists