The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on April 18, 2021
We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you all on this fine, glorious, magnificent day indeed. You are so much more powerful than you know yourself to be. You are so much more powerful than you know yourself to be. You are so much more powerful than you know yourself to be. You are perfect yet always expanding and becoming more. You are everything that you have become in the becoming of all that you are, and you are everything you wish to be. You already are. It is all within you, and it always has been.
You have been going through this time of truly stepping into realization, this time where your beloved humans, this magnificent personality that you express as you in this human experience has been allowing this master within you to come into the realization and to embody all that you are.
You, every single one of you, indeed are an embodied master here in physical form for the grandest life experience you can imagine for yourself. You are here to truly live your life to the fullest. It is time to really allow the big things, the grand things, the magical things, the miraculous, living an extraordinary life on your terms, the way you choose it to be. Now, that doesn’t mean that where you are is not enough. It doesn’t mean that there’s a gap. It doesn’t mean that you are in lack and limitation of anything to begin to elevate yourself into a grand and magnificent life experience.
You all know that Heaven on Earth is here for you. You all know that in the realization of all that you are that anything and everything is possible for you. You all know that you are Creator within your own creation. It is time to show yourself, show this magnificent human that is you what is really possible for you, what does it mean to really live your highest potential in this life.
None of you can even imagine all that is here for you and available to you when you just stop holding yourself in the struggle, in the lack, in the limitation with your stories. You are writing the script of your life. You are writing the script that is playing out on the big screen in front of you, which is what you call your reality. And some of you want it to change, but in your pushing and fighting against and resistance to what is you are not actively writing the script of your life.
Now, don’t mistake taking lots of action for creation. Now, action is a wonderful part of creation. Inspired action is the best part of creation. The inspiration. The inspiration of this next perfect step and this next perfect step and this next perfect step, all from this place of flow, all from this place of in this moment knowing you are whole and worthy and complete yet always expanding and becoming more, moving towards, expanding into, expressing more, choosing new experiences, continuing to explore.
And you have a blank canvas here, all of you, no matter what you think you’re responsible for, no matter what you think you have to do or you’re supposed to do. Every single day of your life is a blank canvas for you to paint your masterpiece. Now, you have all the colors. You have all the textures. You have all different sorts of paintbrushes. You have all the tools. You have all the resources. Create. Play and create.
We have been talking of the new energy for some time. It is all here for you now. We have been talking of the New Earth consciousness for some time. It is here for you now. We have been talking about New Earth realities. It is here for you now. But it is stepping into your masterpiece. It is stepping into the big screen and living your life to the fullest.
We want you to play big. We want you to shine. We are not saying we want you to do a whole bunch of things that we think you need to do or you think you need to do or other people think you should do. We’re saying allow the big, grand, magnificent life experience that is here for you. Let inspiration guide your way. Let the light shine brightly as the path unfolds before you. Let the energy fill your entire being such that you live in a rejuvenated, regenerated, revived, energized, excited, enlightened, passionate way. It’s all here for you now. And there’s always a perfect unfolding. When you are excited about the unfolding, when you don’t need to figure it out, but you can just get really excited about it, then life begins to be really, really fun for you.
You don’t want, from your limited human viewpoints, to try to figure it all out. You don’t want the answers you think you want sometimes. There’s only one answer for you: You are Creator within your own creation. You are living multiple timelines. Now, the one that you think you’re living, this human life that you identify as your own, is certainly the one that gets most of your attention. But understand that you can focus and feel your way into any reality that you choose for you.
And those around you, the circumstances, the conditions, the environments, are far more malleable than you give them credit for. You’re usually so focused on what’s wrong and what needs to change and who isn’t doing it right and how they’re not awakened or how they’re not doing it right that you’re creating more of the same, instead of understanding that your consciousness and your energy can do the impossible. And not because you’re trying to do the impossible, but because pure potential and possibility is what you are. Pure potential and possibility is what you are, and pure potential and possibility is who everyone else is too. Just as all things are possible for you, all things are possible for them too.
And so if you would choose to see the perfection, the divine, the potential in everyone around you, you would become very powerful in your life, in your relationships, in your families, in your workplaces, in your communities, because you know the truth. You’re seeing the truth. You are not your bodies. You are not your limitations. You are not your circumstances. You’re not your conditions, and no one else is either.
Now, most of you do and say and act the same way day after day after day because you’re thinking the same thoughts, you’re focused on the same things, and you’re giving those things that you’re thinking about and focused upon the same meaning that you gave them yesterday, which is why you continue to recreate them today.
If you begin to focus and feel something different and you begin to give the things in your life new meaning, in this day right here right now anything and everything becomes possible for you. Potentials, possibilities will present themselves to you just by you changing what you’re focused on, how you’re feeling, and the meaning you’re giving it.
What you’re focused on is affecting the way that you’re feeling. And what you’re giving meaning to, with all things in your life, is affecting your reality, is creating but most often just recreating the same reality that you lived yesterday because you’re focused on the same things and you feel the same way about them and you continue to give them the same meaning and you continue to do most all of the same things every day in the same way that you did them yesterday.
What is one thing right here right now that you can choose to focus on, that you can begin to feel differently about, that you can give new meaning to? Choose anything—your body, your relationships, your finances, your business, your purpose, something as simple as the shirt you’re wearing, the tree out front in your yard.

We said to one of you this week that you are the one giving meaning to everything. You could decide that that tree in your yard was planted by Jesus with a sacred seed from the Heavens, that was anointed to Jesus, who planted it in this very spot. It is a holy tree. It is a sacred tree. It is the tree of life. To just touch it brings eternal joy, eternal prosperity, eternal love, eternal wellbeing. And if you began to focus in that way and feel that way about the tree and give it that meaning, you would bring magnificent flowers and place them at the roots of the tree and you would bless the tree and you would dance around the tree and you would sing to the tree and you would go sit with your back against the tree and feel as if it was God there behind you, beneath you, holding you, supporting you, with you.
What if there was a great spirit within that tree which was the wisest and most noble of all spirits, the wisest tree in all of the land, placed precisely in the place where you live, in your presence, in your reality, the sacred tree of life, that just by touching it, just by gazing upon it, just by being in the presence of this tree you will receive eternal joy, eternal prosperity, eternal love, eternal wellbeing, ooh, and eternal truth, that you can go to the tree at any time and the tree has the answer, this wise, noble tree planted by Jesus with a seed from the Heavens?
And if you focused on that and you really focused on it so much that you felt the truth of that and that’s the meaning you gave this tree, you would have so much passion for this tree, so much excitement for this tree, so much appreciation for this tree, this sacred, holy, wise tree.
And this is the power you have. This is the power you have to give meaning to everything—to the sun, to the moon, to the stars. You have astrologies and religions that are created by giving meaning to something and focusing upon it and feeling your way into the reality of it. And yet very rarely do you ever begin to focus and feel something new and give new meaning to things in your life which would create whole new realities for you. No, most of you think the same thing day after day. Most of you have the same emotions day after day.
Now, the more you elevate your consciousness, the more you elevate your thinking, the more you elevate your emotions, the more you elevate the way that you feel and your vibration— You raise your vibration to raise your consciousness. You raise your consciousness to raise your vibration. The easiest way to raise your consciousness and raise your vibration is to do the things that bring you joy, to really, truly feel joy. And we would add inspiration, enthusiasm, excitement.
The very word enthusiasm in your language—entheos, in God, in the spirit of God, to be spirited as God. Enthusiasm for your life, for the trees, for the birds, for everything. For the animals, every animal. Every bird, every insect, every reptile, all of it. Enthusiasm for all of it.
If you see a bird, that bird is there for you, soaring above you to remind you how free you are. Every perfectly placed feather on its wings, on its back, and on its head, all created for you, all there for you, for your joy, for your enjoyment, for you to appreciate, as a reminder to you, serving you in your creation. A potential, a possibility, a divine messenger, the essence of your loved one on the other side.
You’re the one giving meaning to everything. But the more meaning you give it, the more you appreciate it, the more you observe it, the more you focus upon it, the more you feel your way into the reality of it, the more meaning it will have for you. You are the one giving meaning to everything.
We have been talking to you for some time about judgment. Many of you are getting really, really, really good at not entangling with judgment through your stories, through your focusing on what’s wrong and what’s right. You are aware of not entangling with your judgment. You’re finding yourself going beyond the 3rd Dimension of separation and the 4th Dimension of transformation into realization. Your humans are allowing the realization of all that you are because your humans are not doubting, your humans are not denying, your humans are simply allowing your way into realization.
But in the realization you remember that you are God, and in the realization you remember that all others are too. In the realization you remember everything is God. Everything is Source, and within that, energy is not created nor destroyed. It just changes form.
So anything and everything is possible because in the realization that you are that which you call God, that you are Creator within your own creation, anything and everything is possible for you. Then you begin to focus a bit differently. You begin to feel a bit different. You begin to give new meaning to things. And in one day your entire reality will change.
In this moment right here your entire reality can change. Not because anything’s wrong. Not because there was lack and limitation. Not because you pushed against what is. Because you allowed yourself into the realization of all that you are, Creator within your own creation, and now everything has a whole new meaning for you.
Every person in your life is your soulmate. Every person in your life is your kindred soul. Every person in your life is part of your soul family. Every person in your life is a great master. Every person in your life is a great teacher. Every person in your life is God. All of them. If you gave them that meaning instead of that mean rotten bugger or that mean selfish person or that wounded victim or whatever other meanings you give people, they would either be the presence of the Divine in your reality or they wouldn’t be there, and you wouldn’t really notice who wasn’t there because of the magnificence standing before you in all that are there.
You are the masters. You are the creators. You are the wayshowers. You are The Council here on Earth. You know you’re here for a reason. You know there’s a grander purpose for your life. You know that you answered the call. You answered the call to come here and give new meaning to life, new meaning to love, new meaning to abundance, new meaning to relationships, new meaning in the new energy of the new consciousness in the New Earth. New meaning.
There is new energy here for you. You are in a whole new consciousness. New Earth reality is here for you now. You’re the ones here to give new meaning to everything. What is possible in love and relationships? What is possible in your magnificent bodies? What is possible with your magnificent abundance? What is possible with creativity? What is possible with inspiration? What is possible with beauty? What is possible? That’s why you’re here: to choose and to expand and express and experience more and more as you create in your creation the reality that you want to experience for you.
What are you focused on? What meaning are you giving it? How do you feel?
We’ve said your thoughts affect your emotions, your emotions affect the way that you feel. Your thoughts are habitual, and so are your emotions. They’re defining your reality. If your emotional state most of the time is joyful and abundant and loving and kind and generous, then that’s your life. If your emotions the majority of the time are resentful and frustrated, then your life is frustrating. If your emotions are sad, then your life is going to feel sad.
But where does this all come from? It comes from what you’re focused on and what meaning you’re giving it. And you’re so free and you are so loved that you can create a sad life or a joyful life. You can create an abundant life or a life of struggle. You are so much more powerful than you know yourself to be. You are so much more powerful than you know yourself to be. You are so much more powerful than you know yourself to be. But we come forth to remind you so that you never forget who you are and why you’re here and what you intended when you chose this magnificent life experience, when you focused yourself into this grand adventure.
You have sacred places in your world—the wonders of the world, great walls and great castles, great empires and buildings, majestic mountains, sacred ruins, temples, pyramids, all sorts of things. They’re grand. They’re big. They’re filled with riches and beauty. They are signs of prosperity. They are a symbol of holiness. Only because that’s the meaning you give them, that’s the story you tell about them. That’s the energy in them because that’s what you’re focused on. That’s the meaning you give them.
You could walk down the road, just any ordinary road, just the road you always walk down, nothing special, or you can be walking down the path that the greatest, most holy, most powerful, mystical sages, the Greats, they all walked down this road because this road is sacred. This road has sacred energy. There are sacred ley lines beneath this road that are like nothing else anywhere. And as you walk down this road and you feel the Earth beneath your feet, the energy of these ley lines is rising up, filling your body with a frequency and a vibration that can lead to spontaneous enlightenment and realization that brings you into a power where you can create anything in just one day because of how the frequency and the vibration of this place creates miracles like that of the Greats. Same road. You decide the meaning you give it. You decide what you focus on.
You’re all magnificent storytellers. We hear your stories. We listen to your stories. We observe your stories. We laugh at your stories. We find great entertainment in your stories. You’re all really good storytellers. That story you told about that person that was so awful and so terrible and did all those terrible things to you and took all your power away and ruined your life, good story. That person that was your soulmate that you fell madly in love with, the one that just fulfilled your entire life, and after you met them your whole life changed and was magical because they’re your soulmate, good story. That job that was so terrible and no one ever liked you and it was so difficult and no one appreciated you and you never got paid what you were worth and you didn’t like it and every day you drove to work and suffered and struggled, good story. That inspiration you got from Source itself, that aha moment that led to a phenomenon in your life that changed everything and brought in levels of prosperity and abundance you could have never dreamed of, really good story.
You’re all magnificent storytellers, so you’re never going to convince us that you can’t tell a story that gives the most exquisite, extraordinary, exciting, enthusiastic, incredible, incredible meaning to anything, anything at all—a rock. The rock that got stuck in the bottom of your shoe came from a wall in a far off land that was around the most magical, richest treasure ever on Earth. And the treasure was truly priceless, and the strongest, sturdiest, most amazing wall was constructed around this priceless treasure that existed for hundreds, thousands of years.
And in time they took down the wall, and over time the wall broke down and broke down and broke down, and it would travel in debris or in the moving of the Earth or this pebble got stuck in someone else’s shoe and someone else’s shoe and someone else’s shoe until it found its way to you. But this little stone stuck in your shoe made it all the way to you from the wall that was constructed around the most priceless treasure on Earth. Good story.
So we think you get our point. Have some fun with this. What are you focused on? How do you feel about it? What meeting are you giving it? It will change everything for you. You want to see a flow of infinite potentials and possibilities like never before, start telling better stories about everything, start giving meaning to everything, start making everything sacred. Don’t worship the ground someone else walks on, worship the ground that you are walking on. You’re the one that makes it sacred. You’re the one that makes it holy.
The clothes you wear, the food you eat, the things you buy, everything that you touch, everything that you see, everyone that you speak to, everyone that you know, let the story be satiating. Let the story be magical. Let yourself be in the innocence, the pure innocence of who you really are. Let yourself come back to that place with that innocent little boy or that innocent little girl within you that imagined, that played make-believe—make believe—that used their imagination, that played, that if they wanted to be a superhero, they ran in the house, and they got a sheet or a towel, and they threw it over their shoulders and now they had a magical cape. Or they wanted to be a king or a queen, and they went inside and got some Tupperware and put it on their head, maybe glued some little jewels to it, and called a crown.
That innocent little boy and little girl is still in there, and they have magnificent stories to tell you. They have magical things to show you. Oh, they are so beautiful. They are so innocent. They are so powerful.
You are far more powerful than you know yourself to be. You are far more powerful than you know yourself to be. You are far more powerful than you know yourself to be. But if you would start telling the story of how magical everything is, how loved you are, how much potential and possibility is here for you, how fun this all is, how incredibly divine everyone in your life is, how precious every moment is, you would really begin to see that today isn’t like yesterday and that tomorrow even more to be excited and enthusiastic about is possible.
But be in the moment. You can only tell the story in this moment, but it is creating your reality. You can only tell the story in the moment, but it is creating your truth. You can only tell the story in the moment, but it is creating your future. Do you have a destiny? Do you have a purpose? Are you living it? It’s all a story. Do you have a soulmate? Do you have a twin flame? It’s all a story. Are the stars aligned for you? It’s all a story.

Now, those of you who really believe in some of these things would say, well, yeah, but no, that’s really true. Yeah, because that’s what you’re focused on and the meaning you give it. You’re far more powerful than you know yourself to be, and you are all such good storytellers.
And there’s no judgment from our side ever when there’s judgment in your stories, judgment of yourself or others, but when you begin to see that the stories with the judgment aren’t nearly as good as the stories of love and the stories of power and the stories of freedom and the stories that are really fun, where you get to play and create and dance with All That Is all the time— You’re always telling stories. You’re really good at telling stories. Tell the stories the way you want them to be.
It’s all here for you. New energy is here for you. The new consciousness is here for you. New Earth reality is here for you. Heaven on Earth is here for you. A new meaning for everything is here for you. But you must take total responsibility as Creator within your own creation.
You are Creator within your own creation. Focus your power. Feel your power. Give your power the meaning it deserves. You are Source. You are God. You are the Divine. You are Creator. It’s all you. Give your power the meaning it deserves. No more playing small. No more dimming your light. No more holding back. No more waiting. No more forcing. No more efforting. No more trying to figure it all out. Stand in your power. Write your story. Tell your story. Create your masterpiece. Live your destiny now. Live your purpose now. Live an extraordinary life now. You’re not waiting. You’ll never convince us it’s about being patient. It’s about being in your power. You’re not waiting. You’re just denying and doubting your power.
Rise up and shine. Stand tall. Be bold. Be you. You are far more powerful than you know yourself to be, but don’t you want to know? Don’t you want to feel it? Don’t you want to really experience your true power, the truth of who you are? Just say yes. Say yes. Say yes. Allow it, allow it, allow it, and start telling the story of how powerful you are. Start telling the story of how powerful everyone else is too.
There is so much power in taking total responsibility for your life. There is no power in being a victim to your life. There is no power in being a victim to someone else. There is no power in being a victim of your circumstances and your conditions or your past or your history or what has happened to you.
And there’s no judgment from our side ever. You didn’t come here to be a victim. You came here to be the powerful creator that you are. You came here to embody the master that you are. You came here to live as Creator within your own creation. And so it is.
One of your greatest lines in any movie in all of human history: You’ve had the power all along, darling. You’ve had the power along. You’ve had the power all along. It’s right here, right now.
You are empowered in this moment forevermore to create the story of your life. What are you focused on? What are you thinking about? What are the emotions you’re experiencing? Because that’s the life you’re living. What meaning are you giving to things in your life, to your life? It’s all up to you.
There is no judgment. From this moment you can just take total responsibility. It’s just a feeling of feeling empowered and responsible. To feel into your power and know that you are Creator within your own creation. You always have been, and you always will be. And it’s not about the outside so much. It’s not about anything out there. It’s about the meaning you’re giving it. It’s about what you’re focused on. It’s about what you’re thinking about. And it’s about the emotions, the emotional habits that you have that are creating your life. Anything and everything is possible for every single one of you, every single one of you. You are Creator within your own creation. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is.