Dear Ones,

Self expression is a highly desirable quality in modern life. So much depends on your ability to communicate that vast self-help industries have been built around this need.

When people are not able to communicate their truth it can cause pain and lack of self-esteem. They often need assistance to articulate and clear the blocks within the throat chakra which are cutting off their ability to speak.

But what about the ability to express your Soul and the gifts that you may be holding back from their expression? This becomes the leading question for those who are wanting to experience a deeper aspect of themselves. The desire to express your Soul’s gifts and share in more meaningful ways can be a driving force for an awakening person ready to express themselves in the world.

Your Soul came for this Earth experience, specifically at this time of mass awakening and change on the planet. There are lessons to learn and there are many gifts waiting for the time, place and development necessary for the spiritual connection required. Spiritual expression means taking the time every day to tune into your heart and to invite  alignment with the most divine aspect of yourself.

Soul expression also needs to feel the grounded nurturing presence of the Earth in order to feel safe enough to free the channels you have held back because of fear. The throat chakra is an important vehicle for the expression of creativity. There is such a need for the world to be lifted in vibrational frequency that it requires the throat chakra to open into the expansive field of your heart giving wings to your expression.

When the words you speak lift your own frequencies into the empowered presence of Soul expression, you can be assured they are working for the highest good of humanity as well. Using words of Power becomes an important tool in your expression of your soul’s voice. High frequency words have been escalating in power since 2012. They are often pure positive expressions of Gratitude, Beauty and Wellbeing. Each word vibrates in a way that not only raises your frequencies but also stimulates light in every cell of your body. In this way you become a radiant field of expanded Light using the frequency of your expression.

Your voice has the power to uplift others and expand compassion in the world. Prayer, devotion and commitment to your Spirit are the forces that activate your Soul’s expression. Your devotion to the Divinity at work within you uplifts your vibration and allows you direct connection to your Higher Self. This Divine Presence working in you is what your Souls voice is here to express. As you use the power of this most Divine essence within you, your Soul gifts and your Soul’s purpose express through your throat chakra.

Each mantra you say can stimulate the petals of the throat chakra. Each affirmation with specific words of power anchors more strength and connection with your divinity. The love and respect you offer to the Earth becomes the foundation for the new expression of your soul’s gifts in the world.

When you dedicate every word to the power of Love active on the planet, you become a conduit for new life birthing in the heart of all beings. You are being inspired in this Anusthan practice to open and expand your throat chakra so that all that you are, can be a gift in the world.

You are needed. Allow your voice to be inspired so that every heart is uplifted by your words of Love. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for

Archangel Gabriel

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Shanta Gabriel
Shanta Gabriel has been an energy healer for over 40 years. As an author and teacher, her life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth by embodying and teaching about Divine Light. She began her studies with an Indian Shaktipat master of the ancient Science of Sound in 1977, Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas. It is from this initiation, with the inspired ancient practices that she received and has used for 40 years, that makes up the transmissions she offers to others in her programs. Her work with the Archangels began in 1988. She shares this work through alignment, immersion, and transmissions from the Archangels through her classes, membership groups and private sessions. Her mission is to facilitate and invite people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love. From the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 more Divine Light has descended to the Earth than ever in history, creating the greatest awakening of consciousness of all time. Since 2012 the dimensions have been shifting to allow all of us more access to the realms of Light where we can receive more Illumination, Peace, Love and Wellbeing. This often requires a new way of perceiving the world that we are living in, one that allows for the magic of synchronicities to inspire us, and more faith to guide us. "But we are definitely not alone in the process," Shanta says. "And that is why I am so excited to offer new opportunities to recreate your life using the power of Divine Light. This has been true not only in my life but in the lives of all humanity. The Archangels have opened new doors to your freedom and to your ability to receive from the Divine Essence they represent for your life. I would love to share that inspired Wisdom and Support with you."