Everything is a Reflection
Everything that exists in this world is a reflection from the mind of the Infinite.
Infinity reflects back to us that which it wants us to see.
Intent (i.e., “plan”) arrives first.
The “facts,” which you can also call light/time/space/energy/matter follow thereafter.
Each and every physical arrangement in the universe is a reflection of the carefully planned, meticulously aligned, mathematically precise, plan of an Infinitely Intelligent Conscious Thought From the Mind of an Infinitely Intelligent Creator.
Everything we see, hear, touch, taste and smell is “by (mathematical) design.”
The energy that is created upon the application of one conscious thought from the mind of The Infinite is enough to fuel the entire universe. All of the energy created from this one conscious thought is manifested as “the universe.” The “Energy of Everything” is equivalent to one (1) conscious thought in the mind of The Infinite.
On this basis, humans experience a new and different configuration essentially upon each and every “blink.” From one blink to the next, a new energy arrangement arises from the mind of The Infinite.
The True Meaning and Purpose of Math
Using a math analogy, the energy arrangement in the universe is the “solution” to an equation that exists in the mind of The Infinite. The reason our reality is so precise is because we are the result of math — we are the result of mathematically-precise, physically perfect calculations.
From the perspective of The Infinite, if life were to be rendered as an equation, then life is what occurs after the Equal (“=”) symbol.
From the mind of The Infinite , there is no distinction or separation. All of life exists to bring forth and to sustain life. From the perspective of the mind of The Infinite, all of life =1.
The Zero Realm
Between life and The Infinite, there is a “realm of possibilities” where everything exists not in physical form, but as pure energy, or possibilities Going back to the math analogy, the best numerical expression for the spiritual realm is zero (0).
The concept of zero (0) (or also referred to as “nothing”) is the intersection of The Infinite, “Man,” and the “Zero Realm.”
Infinity is the opposite of Everything. Thus, if anything exists, it exists as a result of the same conscious thought in the mind of the Infinitely Intelligent Creator.
Everything in existence is a “re-configuration” of the same energy.
The Zero Realm is the “meeting point” for the three aspects of existence — (1) The Infinite; (2) The Infinite Mind (as a projection); (3) The Infinite Mind (as a reflection); and (4) the zero realm.
Life Takes Place at the Intersection of the Infinite Projection/Reflection
Life takes place at the intersection of the Infinite experiencing its own mind as a “projection/reflection.”
There is a formula in the mind of the Infinite that allows the Infinite to essentially “forget” the previous iteration of energy so that it will not collapse back into the source (i.e., “Infinity”).
Life exists in order to maintain the balance between Infinite Intelligence and the exact amount of knowledge that can/must exist in order to maintain the balance between Infinity and Life (i.e., life springs forth based on a formula to allow the exact amount of energy/knowledge to exist that will maintain the “illusion”).
Stated another way, there is a built-in formula that prevents the Infinite Mind from peering “behind” the mirror to see its own reflection. It is like an illusion where the Infinite sees the mirror only from the front side to prevent it from seeing that, behind the mirror, there is nothing.
Accessing the Zero Realm
Since the beginning of time, it is a well known fact that the zero realm is accessible through “matterless” means of communication.
To access this space, you must clear your mind of all thoughts, and essentially tune your mind to zero (0).
From this position of zero, Intelligent Life Forms are able to access the Zero Realm, which consists of dimensions beyond the 3D reality in which the “projection/reflection reality” occurs.
Communication between Intelligent Life and the Zero Realm is based on the exchange of “Zero Energy,” which most would refer to as “pure consciousness.”
The key to communication within the Zero Realm is discovering the manner in which the energy from the Zero Realm communicates through a specific person. There is no universal method of communication.
Rather, the Zero Energy communicates through a specific person because this is the only “hack-proof” means of: (1) reaching the right person; (2) verifying the accuracy of the information to/from both sides.
The only person who can validate the force of the communication is the person receiving the information.
Each person has to discover for themselves the unique ways, and the unique symbols, this energy will employ to get your attention.