Conveyed through Méline Portia Lafont

Greetings to you,

Today we wish to speak with you about the integrations of the Infrared Spectrum. We have spoken of this before in one of our first messages and we will elaborate on this matter now a little bit more profoundly. The infrared spectrum is capable of providing you with a certain degree of illumination as it contains fractals and a diaphragmatic composition that such views of other vibrations may become your reality and senses. (“diaphragmatic meaning that it vibrates as a response to certain waves and brings out signals or to produce waves”)

It is a spectrum one integrates at this time to be able and perceive other worlds and parallel realities such as your own Dimensional homes and beings. It allows one to lift up the veils and to see/perceive beyond the gamma waves into a more profound vibrating frequency, which is the core of every Ray/wave and formation of Light. The invisible waves and frequencies are only able to be perceived when such Infrared spectrum is fully integrated and activated within one’s own mind and eyes along with the awakening of the Inner eye.

It is not so much to take in these waves, for one must know that the infrared Spectrum already is a part of you and always has been. Yet it has been unawakened and not able to fully function in your physical bodies and realities. Now that new vibrations and Rays are taking their role to function on this plane of Earth, there are new frequencies available and arising which bring in new codes to seed upon one’s mental plane, emotional plane, ethereal plane and physical plane: namely the cellular structure, the brain waves and the DNA.

These new seeded codes which come from ethereal planes and other Dimensions, are able to convey information through you and thus your bodies and energy consciousness are taking those in: absorbing and digesting this all. It is these codes, given to you, that are awakening and activating the Infrared spectrum which resides in all of you already.

This becomes possible for you now once again, for the energies on your Earth are able to bring this forth and are able to sustain this for all who linger in that part of the consciousness of Self realization and Self embodiment. The more one realizes the Self the more he/she shall come to see the Self and that surpasses the many waves you have come to know. This is what the infrared spectrum does: to filter through all of the Rays and to see the core and the essence of all reflected from the inner vision.

You, who are there already, shall start to see movements around you in such a detailed manner as if you see it with your physical eyes. Nevertheless it is not with the physical eyes you come to see, rather it is the inner eye which is reflecting its vision onto you. You come to proceed in those radical changes as to where you start to sense all with the inner Heart and perceive with the inner eye. It is an eye that sees all as it is without all of the layers that form the disguise; it sees only the true core underneath it.

This is because you are releasing all the layers you have formed around the Self and have taken for reality. You are awakening from Within and you are paying your attention to that instead of that which is without. You are realizing that all of your world and reality has been playing within you all along and that the Universe dwells within you. Expand from your inner to the outer and not from your outer to a further layer of your outer world. You will run into a border, a layer of consciousness that will reflect to you in the hard way that all is within. It will send you back to where you came from and tell you to find it there, to spend your energy and time there and to explore yourself.

The infrared Spectrum is a consciousness that can form into waves and frequencies, illuminating all that is unseen for the eyes. When the inner eye awakens and changes within, it fully activates through the dormant codes that are awakening at the same time. A radiant Fire of energy spins, it illuminates and it nurtures its seeds that are held within. These are the seeds of the Infrared spectrum that lie dormant within the center of your Third eye, your Heart, your DNA and your pineal gland. Those seeds are now brought to an opportunity to awaken fully through the codes that are given at this time.

It is achieved through a deeper awakening and a full realization of the Self, for minds who are still seeking all without, the Spectrum shall not fully awaken nor activate. For firstly one needs to awaken to the knowing that all lies within and realize this to awaken his/her power.

This lies all into your own hands, yet it is here available to work with. We come to assist you in this and to pass on the seeds of that form of illumination. One who activates his/her infrared spectrum within may have the experience of a full vibrating spine, as the spine is the mediator for all energy processes and integrations towards and from the heart, the brain and all other chakra’s/organs. The Heart may feel different to you and pulsating a bit more than usual, the brain may feel pitching at the Pineal gland area and the Pituitary gland, your eyes may perceive new things and have a more blurry view in your direct surrounding. Your Third eye will vibrate and pulsate more and have a strong magnetic wave as it awakens to its full potential.

We come to offer you the Keys to Universal wisdom and to awaken the keys of the infrared spectrum biological devices within you. Our light tones shall prove to be of assistance to you in this process, it is here for you if you wish to accept it as a gift.

Music by Aeoliah ~ Out of Silence (website:

The Tsolians

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Meline Lafont
Méline Lafont is a lightworker living in Belgium, Europe. She is a full time single mom of 3 children in the Earthly vessel performing the Multidimensional tasks as a Contactee, Gatekeeper and Ascension guide birthed through the Violet Ray. One of her tasks is to serve and to embody what she represents in order to assist fellow travelers of Light in this community of Oneness and Love. She works with Master Saint Germain as her Divine companion as well as with the Ascended Master realms and the Pleiadians because these are an intrinsic part of her journey, service work and Being. Méline provides messages, activations, Light language, courses, tools and energy service work that assists you with the re-alignment with your SELF which is done by offering a key to inner work and re-awakening, which is YOU. With a little "push" she guides you to where you need to be at this time in a most clear and loving way.