Tag: Yoga


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Initiation – Preparing Your Body ~ Jonathan Trinity Martin

The initiation of your world is set in stone quite literally. It was known in your distant past that these times would come when your world would descend into chaos. The sacredness and divinity of your world would be forgotton and in it’s place an insatiable desire for material objects and wealth would take over. Man would fight between himself for sparkly objects out of fear for survival and addiction to the objects of the world. Desperately trying to plug the hole of discontent he felt in himself.

6 Benefits Of Kundalini Yoga

I often tell students that it will no longer be the same after Kundalini yoga exercise. The true nature of what we do is to awaken the energy of consciousness. Practice leads to our awareness of the beliefs and patterns of self-limited habits we have inherited from the past. She invites us to process painful memories stored in our subconscious and release. It awakens our ability to become intelligent and sensitive, to understand a person or a situation, even if words are not spoken, and to know the consequences of actions before they occur.

Shivani Yadav

Note : All these videos are links to their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PLU7DqS14iCy9ihpl8VTexKSnwISYW3IP0&layout=gallery


d you know that you can increase your running speed with stretching alone? It may seem hard to believe but the reason why is quite simple. Understanding the functionality of your joints is key. When you can increase the range of motion of your joints, you're able to move with more ease because it requires less effort on your body. When your body can make bigger movements with less effort, you become faster.

Ina Lukas

Note : All these videos are links to their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PL3S0BQeKL_b0WeeXIBsN38k5WHUSBrwmj&layout=gallery

