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More Effective Spiritual Practices ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very practical in our approach to our spirituality. We do still have spiritual practices that we engage in, even though we are ninth dimensional, nonphysical, and a collective. We can still experience a range of vibrations, and we seek the higher ones. That’s why we say we are very practical. We are very efficient beings, and we like to use our ability to focus wisely, and that is why we pay such close attention to whether something we are doing or focusing upon is actually raising our vibration, causing us to feel something we’ve never felt before, bringing us closer to Source, or whether these things are not accomplishing those goals. 

Who are we? ~ Dev

Have you ever had a thought in your mind asking yourself, Who am I? Am I just this body or something bigger than what I think I am?  We have different layers within our body similar to this nested nutcracker. Our physical body is the outermost cover which we have physical experience using our five senses. Small, taste, touch, see and hear.  Within this body lies another body known as the Astral body and it has the same sense experience like the physical one. Sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell but these are internal senses.  You may ask how do we know for sure.  Suppose when you are dreaming or imagining something, let's say I am imagining eating ice cream. I can still see myself eating ice cream and I can feel the chill on my tongue and the breeze of the outside air touching my skin and the dog barking. Even though I didn't experience it physically, I can still feel all of it. All these are the inner senses of the astral body. 

Mastery from Archangel Michael ~ Shanta Gabriel

We will speak today of Mastery. Mastery of Self in the world becomes the principle that allows you to thrive on the Earth, where discipline and focus are essential. However, this discipline is not in a harsh or strict sense of being but more from alignment with your Highest Self. Mastery is made simple when one can stay in alignment with the soul’s highest reality in any given moment. This allows you to be in the center of your being in full awareness, no matter what is going on outside of you. Withdraw your focus from attention to the waves of change going on in the world. Instead, create a deep system of roots and core connections to the world of Nature and the Earth that supports and nourishes you on an energetic level. You will find that this focus will serve you in greater ways than you have known before.

Arcturian Tricks & Spiritual Practices ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been witnessing such tremendous growth in those of you there on Earth who are willing to take just a little bit of your time in your day to engage in some sort of spiritual practice. We are talking about yoga, meditation, conscious breathing, and a host of other spiritual practices that you have there on Earth to keep you aligned and in tune with your bodies and your emotions. 

The Light of Wellbeing with Archangel Sandalphon ~ Shanta Gabriel

At the heart of all your desires is the powerful calling of Wellbeing. Is there an area of your life that lacks Wellbeing? Perhaps it has to do with finances or health. These are the issues of a weak Base Chakra which lies at the base of your spine. Each of the individual energy centers, called Chakras in the yogic traditions, has a purpose for your life. When they are not being met you experience a lack of Wellbeing. Well-being is a reality that provides for all your needs to be met with Grace and Ease. This is the foundation for a happy life. If you are feeling left out of the flow of Divine Energy there is an opening that allows you to bring back a sense of alignment within.

How to Nourish Your Soul ~ Shanta Gabriel

You are literally filling up your personal energy system with God’s love. You can even see it in your mind’s eye if you check in. With your imagination, look at your body as a sacred vessel that is empty and waiting. See how it changes before and after your spiritual practice. In your mind’s eye fill it like a vase of water and place the flowers of Love, Balance and Wellbeing into your sacred container. It feels so magical.

How to Nourish Your Soul ~ Shanta Gabriel

Do you know that your Soul is nourished by your spiritual practice? You are literally filling up your personal energy system with God’s love. You can even see it in your mind’s eye if you check in. With your imagination, look at your body as a sacred vessel that is empty and waiting. See how it changes before and after your spiritual practice. In your mind’s eye fill it like a vase of water and place the flowers of Love, Balance and Wellbeing into your sacred container. It feels so magical.

What Does It Mean to Embody Your Divinity and How Do You Do it? ~ Shanta Gabriel

It feels like I have spent years creating the energy field that would allow me to fill myself with God’s Light. It was the most important thing for me to do when I first opened to my Soul Path in the 70’s. I was not thinking of it as Embodiment, because being on the Earth was not priority to me for the first 20 years of my spiritual practice. In the past 20+ years however, grounding has become essential to my happiness. The more grounded I become, the better I feel in my body. There has been a lot of energetic bush-wacking by fellow older Lightworkers since the 70’s which helped open the way.

Wholeness is Now from Archangel Gabriel ~ Shanta Gabriel

Do you feel a subtle pulsing within you today? There is a very new rhythm being created through your life right now. A new empowered substance of divinity is flowing through your energy system. The rhythm of your heart is pulsing God’s name throughout your being. The meridians are lighting up with this essence. With every candle you light in the name of God, a deep connection to your spirit is illuminated. This is enhancing your experience of the new rhythms sparking with Divine Connection.  More and more as you bring Divinity into your human form, an integration is occurring that will allow you to live a more blended life as a Divine human.

More Effective Spiritual Practices – Daniel Scranton

We are very practical in our approach to our spirituality. We do still have spiritual practices that we engage in, even though we are ninth dimensional, nonphysical, and a collective. We can still experience a range of vibrations, and we seek the higher ones. That’s why we say we are very practical. We are very efficient beings, and we like to use our ability to focus wisely, and that is why we pay such close attention to whether something we are doing or focusing upon is actually raising our vibration, causing us to feel something we’ve never felt before, bringing us closer to Source, or whether these things are not accomplishing those goals.

Arcturian Tricks & Spiritual Practices – Daniel Scranton

We have been witnessing such tremendous growth in those of you there on Earth who are willing to take just a little bit of your time in your day to engage in some sort of spiritual practice. We are talking about yoga, meditation, conscious breathing, and a host of other spiritual practices that you have there on Earth to keep you aligned and in tune with your bodies and your emotions.

New Spiritual Practices ∞ Channeled by Daniel Scranton

We have been putting the finishing touches on a transmission of light and love that will be coming to you from the Arcturian Star System. The light will be encoded, and the codes will contain new spiritual practices that you will uncover. You will begin to partake in these spiritual practices without knowing that you have received the inspiration to do so from us.

