Tag: Predictions


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Amazing Technologies to Come to Humanity ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You have amazing technologies that you have yet to tap in to, and we are talking about the technologies that are inside of your physical human bodies. Many of you are excited for the e.t.s to come and to share with you their externalized technologies, but they do not compare at all to what you have within you. In other words, what you see outside of you is only a fraction of what you contain inside of you, but what you see outside of you is also a reflection of what you've been able to tune in to that is inside of you thus far.

We Tell it to You How it is & This is How it Is ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are big believers in all of you. We have to believe in you because you exist, but we also believe in you because you are creating your experience of your reality right now, and we know that you will continue to grow and expand because of what you are creating right now. We know that there is no other way to go but up, and we know that all of us are going home together. Therefore, we have very good reasons for believing in you, and we will always invite you to believe in yourselves.

The New Earth That’s Coming ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We stand firm in our assessment that all is well there on planet Earth and that it will continue to get better. Now, of course, there are many parts of Earth, and there are many places on Earth. There are many experiences being had on your planet at this time, and not every single one of them is an example of everything being well. You always will have room for growth. That is true with your spiritual evolution, with your relationships, with your satisfaction in your life.

What the Volunteers Really Volunteered For ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been noticing how many of you there on Earth are bearing witness to yourselves and to others in your lives without rushing to judgment, and we want you to know that this is a huge sign of spiritual evolution. Any time you are resisting the knee-jerk reaction of judgment, you are growing and evolving. And because you are not choosing judgment, you are choosing compassion, or at least acceptance. We want you to know that there is great power in just accepting yourself as you are, others as they are, the world as it is. Once you make peace with yourself and others, then you can make better decisions.

The Most Important Place on Earth ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been observing you, witnessing you, and recognizing your growth and evolution, and of course, we have some comments to make about what you are living there on Earth as well. We see how beautiful humanity can be in your desire to help one another and in your willingness to feel for others who are suffering in some way. We see every disaster that you experience there on Earth as another opportunity for you to grow the amount of compassion that you have within yourselves. And of course, there is usually also an opportunity in that to forgive. 

Earth’s Progress as Seen by the Arcturians ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been explaining to many of you who come to us in the astral plane that everything is working out there on Earth, and we want to say it to you while you are in your bodies as well. We want you to understand that the ascension of consciousness is happening no matter what and that it is a universal ascension and an ascension of the entire multiverse. Therefore, no one has anything to worry about. We invite you to focus on the aspects of your life and your world that are reflecting to you that truth that everything is indeed all right and going according to plan.

Avoiding Predictions of Cataclysmic Future Events ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very happy to remind all of you of how far you have come on your journeys. We know that you have all evolved tremendously throughout the course of your lives, and we want to assure you that everyone there on Earth is on a journey of evolving their consciousness. It may seem as though there is no hope for certain members of your family, certain segments of the population, and so on, but in actuality you are there to provide that hope to those who are asleep and to those who are very much seeming to want to stay asleep. You provide the formula; you provide the template. You are the wayshowers, and you are there to demonstrate to others how it is done.


It is now the ending of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, which could be filled with many emotions.  No two ways about it 2021 has been a hard year for everyone.  So we have to set our mind and spirit to going forward into the New Year in a positive way. Now, you will enter the unseen, and you can enter a new year equipped with an arsenal of heavenly energies.

Predictions About the Shift ~ Daniel Scranton

We have discovered that there are more ways than humanity has imagined to experience the shift in consciousness. We know that there are a lot of theories about how it will happen. There are some theories that sound very Biblical to us. There are some theories that sound very science fiction to us, and there are some theories that are very self-serving to those that are believing in them.

Your Higher Dimensional Selves ~ Daniel Scranton

We have ignited a flame that now burns within each of you, and we are excited to see what you will do with this passion and excitement that we have activated within you. We know that you are all excited about accessing your fifth dimensional abilities, about becoming your higher selves, and about being who you were always destined to become in this lifetime.

Don’t Wait for the Predictions to Come True ~ Daniel Scranton

We are considering the possibilities that you all have in front of you, and we know that you are also considering which timeline would be best for you as an individual and for the best possible experiences for the collective. We also recognize that many of you still believe certain things are just going to happen, no matter what. And we know this because we hear you asking and we see you speculating about what is going to happen, as though something could be set in stone.

The Next 5-10 Years ∞ Channeled by Daniel Scranton

You are the pioneers here. You are the creators and co-creators, and it is your time to be the deciders, the ones who actualize your own evolution. You can, of course, just wait and see what happens. You can look for new predictions to tell you what’s going to happen next, or you can take the wheel and decide for yourselves what it’s going to take for you as individuals to evolve.

