Tag: Perspective


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Trust in This Law of the Universe ∞The 12D Creators ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You know what lights you up and brings you joy at this point in your life, and you know that sometimes you have to set an intention to put aside the time to do that which is going to raise your vibration. You know that at times you can make a decision to go with the thing that is more responsible for you to do in terms of action taken, and you also know that if you have faith, if you trust in the laws of the universe, then doing that which brings you the most joy is in fact the most fruitful action to take. You know that so much can happen when you are following your bliss, and you know that the things that have to get done always do get done, but you may need to remind yourselves of these things when you are in the process of deciding what to do next in your lives.

How is Humanity Doing as 2024 Ends? ∞The Creators, ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You are making tremendous strides there as a collective consciousness, and you sometimes have quite a bit of difficulty in measuring how well you are doing as a whole, as a unit, as a collective. We want you to know that you don't have to look around at your world and judge your fellow humans, or your society, or your government. You don't have to do any of that. You do have to take it on faith from the likes of us that you are making those giant leaps forward as a collective consciousness, however. Some of you will tune in to the collective consciousness, and others of you will seek to commune with the energies that are coming in, the energies that you can feel. And you are the ones who are more likely to notice that humanity is doing better, that you are moving forward. You are on that upward spiral to the fifth dimension.

An Invitation from The Creators ∞The Creators ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We come to you in this moment as helpers, as guides, as teachers, but in other moments we come to you as pure energy, energy that you can use to co-create with. We desire to be more a part of your creations, and we assist you at times with an inspired thought, an idea, an impulse. We don't just come to you through this particular channel with words of wisdom to share to you. We come to you in a variety of ways, and we are not alone.

Change This & Change Your Journey, Your Timeline ∞ Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You are always embarking upon new journeys there on Earth, and it is a truth that you all are living in your own realities. You are not only having your own journeys, but you each experience your journeys differently. And therefore, it can be very challenging for you to relate to what another person or group of people is experiencing, and that is okay. It is perfectly fine for you not to understand why someone chose the journey that they are on.

The Role of Gratitude in Your Life Plan ~ Rob Schwartz

As those of you who have read either Your Soul’s Plan or Your Soul’s Gift know, the vast majority of what we plan prior to birth is planned not as a certainty, but rather as a possibility or probability. Whether a particular possibility or probability actualizes is determined by our free will decisions. In other words, the pre-birth planning we do creates what can be conceptualized as a vast, elaborate flow chart. What is a flow chart? It’s a series of decision points. If you do A, then X happens. If you do B, then Y happens. The plans we create before we come into body constitute a flow chart so immense as to be beyond human comprehension.

On Greater Perspectives From Other Dimensions ~ Angie

there are many things that are sacred that lack attention, sacred things like the smallest flower growing by the side of the road, or the tiny little corn row toes of a baby, a newborn baby. You see, there's so much that is sacred. And what is sacred does not need to be housed in a cathedral or a sanctuary, but you are the sanctuaries.

In and Out of the Flow - The Pleiadians – Nora

Take a breath and tune into yourself. Settle into your body, and just check in quickly here with yourself. How are you? How are you feeling right in this moment? And where do you notice any emotions or sensations that you’re processing? Where do you notice them echoing in your body? Where do you have a visceral experience of your feeling state as you allow yourself to feel, whatever it is you need to feel right now without judgment?

Wisdom of the Ages by Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson

Greetings and love, I am Archangel Metatron. May the joy of the Creator engulf you and surround you, may it bubble from within you. I wish to share the joy of the Creator with you so that you may experience joy in your current reality. Let your physical reality be a joyful experience, let your spiritual reality be a joyful experience. I know for many that it may not be a joyful time. It is important to realize that joy is born from within your being and therefore it radiates and reflects into your reality. You create a joyful reality for yourself from your own inner experience of joy. This is something that I encourage you to contemplate and bring into your awareness and embodiment. As you experience joy in your reality, so your energy vibration quickens therefore you speed along your ascension process. 

Will All the Good Humans Be Leaving on Spaceships? ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very satisfied with the way that humanity has been able to receive the recent energies that have been coming in to your atmosphere. You all have these incredible opportunities in front of you to take what you are being given and merge it with all of your experiences, all of your knowledge of what is truly needed there on Earth. And you can combine all of that to create new realities, new timelines, and a better experience of life on Earth right now.


We have the ability to share a perspective with one of you on one topic and to have a different perspective with that same person on another topic, and we do not see ourselves as having a different ideology than the person in question. We don’t have to share one hundred percent of our perspective with any of you to see you all as being on our side, our team. We know that you all disagree on so much at this time that you are seen as a very polarized society, and you can draw a line in the sand with someone else with whom you disagree on one topic. One subject is all it takes to start thinking in terms of us versus them.

Bringing the Human Race Together ∞ Channeled by Daniel Scranton

We have discovered that the greatest strength that humanity has is your ability to listen to one another and understand where the other is coming from. This ability that you have is what gives you compassion, and that compassion allows you to tap into the unconditional love that you truly are as Source Energy Beings.

Respecting Different Points of View and the People Who Hold Them ∞The Creators

It is quite all right for you to have a point of view. It is quite all right for you to express your point of view. It is also very supportive and serves you and your fellow humans very well to allow others to have whatever perspective they have. And to honor them. It is quite normal that you would all have a different point of view, because you have all had quite different experiences that have led you to where you are today. And we are not even talking about other lifetimes, where you originate from in this universe, and so on.

