Tag: Nicole Frolick

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Solar Eclipse Energies – Law of One, Frequency Family & Your Manifestation ~ Nicole Frolick

This Solar Eclipse is going to bring us some powerful energies that are most uplifting. After a more painful and darker solar eclipse last August, we can all breathe a little easier knowing the dark work has been done and this time period will bring much lighter notes of abundance through high frequency manifestation. The shadow work of the last 6 months will be paying off as you have now made room for higher frequency abundance to magnetize into your energy field.

February Energy Reading: Shine Light into the Darkest Places of Self ~ by Nicole Frolick

February is a short month but it's going to require your full attention. This month highlights the need to go deep within and shine light into our deepest and darkest parts we don't like to look into. The good news is this is the final push for clearing as the lunar eclipse on January 31st is signifying a closing of old energies from the solar eclipse in August and opening of new ones ahead of us.

Spiritual Loneliness: Transmuting Family Rejection into Acceptance – Nicole Frolick

For many of us who begin our spiritual awakening it's an exciting journey of self-discovery as well as exploring beyond what current institutions and society teach us to be true. This of course is what can take your desire to share your new discoveries with your friends and family from the high feelings of excitement to the low feelings of rejection and loneliness.

The Predator Prey Consciousness – Energy Harvesting via Parasitic Entities . – by Nicole Frolick

As promised here is a deeper dive into parasitic entities and how they feed the Predator Prey Consciousness of this planet and all of those living here. It's important to bring awareness to this topic however until we deal with deeper aspects on the consciousness level, we can't truly makes the changes necessary to effect a permanent shift in removal and healing.

6 Meditation Tips for a Deeper Connection with Enhanced Pineal Gland Activity

In my January energy reading, meditation came up as the path of action for us to make a shift towards enlightenment in the collective consciousness this month. As well, some of you have recently asked me to do a video on what I do to make a deeper connection within my own meditation practice. The tips I am offering you today are not your usual meditation tips.

2 Ways Parasitic Entities Attack Your High Vibration and Divine Sovereignty

One of the biggest blind sides to raising your vibrations is how quickly you become a target for negative attacks. When I first began to consciously raise my frequency through various methods like meditation, eating vegetarian, reducing EMF in my house and so forth, I was riding the high frequency vibes into pure bliss and nothing was going to stop me...or so I thought.

12:21 Portal Update – Diamond Activation, Universal Mind & Finding the God Space – by Nicole – Living Librarian

Today is the portal for our diamond (light body) activation. Yes, this includes DNA upgrades to assist with our ever expanding consciousness as we continue through our ascension process. This portal carries unifying energies so anywhere that you can bring balance into your life will be supported at this time.  Clearing our minds will assist us in being in our Now which is where the flow of creation exists.


The stomach area is your 3rd chakra and is your self-empowerment center. This is where your confidence resides. Your heart area is your 4th chakra and is your self-love center. By stimulating these 2 chakras while repeating these 6 words ‘I am sufficient. I am love’ you are really amplifying your vibrational frequency, increasing your levels of confidence and self-worth, and will be able to notice a shift even in how you say the words out loud.

My Gratitude Giveaway! WIN a 3 Month Coaching Program with Me for 2018 – by Nicole Frolick – Living Librarian

This has been one of the BEST years of my life and part of that reason is because of YOU! Since I was 17, I have been intrigued and passionate about spirituality and self-evolution more than anything to date.

A 12-12 Portal Energy Update: Truth and Non-Duality Consciousness

Here is a quick energy update for tomorrow's 12-12 portal. The message that comes today is from my higher self and in today's video I will read you what came through my conscious streamed writing (automatic writing). The theme of tomorrow's portal is truth and non-duality so focusing on these energies while in meditation will help to anchor them into the Christ Consciousness grid.

Shame – by Nicole Frolick

At the beginning of the year, I received a wake-up call to how vehemently shame is being used as a weapon to perpetuate separation and division of the collective. Many don't realize how destructive shame is on not just the human psyche but to the physical body as well. And as a result people use shame willingly and abundantly without realizing the destruction it creates.


d you know that you can increase your running speed with stretching alone? It may seem hard to believe but the reason why is quite simple. Understanding the functionality of your joints is key. When you can increase the range of motion of your joints, you're able to move with more ease because it requires less effort on your body. When your body can make bigger movements with less effort, you become faster.

