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BLUE AVIANS: 12/21 The ACCELERATOR Portal – Nicole-Frolick

Last night while in meditation I received some information from the Blue Avians on the upcoming 12/21 portal also known as The Great Conjunction. With 15 days to go, there are some points they would like me to address to help you benefit as much as possible from the energies coming in.

Breaking Free of the Matrix’s Emotional Binding System (JUNE ENERGIES 2020) – Nicole-Frolick

This month’s message for us couldn’t be better timed. With the protests and rioting occurring at this time, we are witnessing the collective being whipped up into an emotional frenzy. It’s hijacking the original message and ultimately creating more chaos and destruction.

ALL SIGNS MAY 2020 (1-15) + Super Chats – Nicole-Frolick

WOW! The water signs reading felt like a reading for any of you working in timelines to save the children and take down the darkness. Some interesting messages in there that I think many of you will resonate with. All readings are for Sun, Moon, Rising & Venus. Please never give your power away to a tarot reading - these messages are general and take only what applies.

ALL SIGNS – APRIL 2020 (TAROT READINGS) – Nicole-Frolick

With Saturn now in Aquarius, we are experiencing some big changes that inspire us to connect with the all-knowing, higher aspect of our Self including our connection to the One Creator. As old structure begin to fall, we are in the midst of chaotic and uncertain times. But, it is this very uncertainty that calls us inward to lean on our faith and trust in something bigger than us. There is a lot of change present in the readings but it is stimulating the birth of something better. So if things feel uncomfortable now, trust that the old way wasn’t working and the new construction of your reality will sustain you in a much more positive light.

Opening Your Akashic Records – Nicole-Frolick

This video is intended to help you breakthrough any belief systems that you may have around the difficulties in opening your own records or that you need someone else to do it for you. The truth is, any one can do it. It simply requires a few basic reminders not in how to open them, but how not to block yourself from opening the records.

ALL SIGNS – MID JANUARY 2020 – Nicole-Frolick

Happy lunar eclipse everyone! This is an opportunity to face our shadows and execute some incredible healing. And it couldn’t come at a more poignant time with the Saturn and Pluto conjunction on the 12th - asking us to let go of the old and welcome the new. All readings are for Sun, Moon, Rising & Venus. Please never give your power away to a reading - these messages are general and take only what applies.

ALL SIGNS – SEPTEMBER 2019 – Nicole-Frolick

The September readings are out. All readings are for Sun, Moon, Rising & Venus. Please never give your power away to a reading - these messages are general and take only what applies.

ALL SIGNS – AUGUST 2019 ~ Nicole Frolick

Coming out of the eclipses, August has a lot in store for us. We are finally getting some reprieve from some of the retrogrades as Mercury goes direct on July 31st and Jupiter goes direct on August 11th. We also have the upcoming Lion’s Gate Portal to look forward to on August 8th! Plenty of expansive energy is returning and that can be seen in the readings. All readings are for Sun, Moon, Rising & Venus. Please never give your power away to a reading - these messages are general and take only what applies.

DARKEST BEFORE DAWN – Partial Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon in Capricorn) ~ Nicole Frolick

Do you feel like you’re taking crazy pills? Are your emotions running high into the heights of joy while simultaneously hitting rock bottom? Well, you’re not alone - welcome to the partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn! AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MONTH… I mentioned two weeks ago in my solar eclipse video that the solar eclipse would have a lighter energy to it than the lunar eclipse, and to prepare for the intensity that the full moon would be bringing us on July 16th. I gotta say though…even I didn’t realize it would be THIS intense. July is all about ending major cycles to prepare for a new cycle of expansive heart energy. I’d like to say that this lunar eclipse is lending us a helping hand, but if I’m going to be straight with you, it’s more of a shove into the deep end.

My Pleiadian Heart Activation ~ Nicole Frolick

For many months, I have been on a unique healing journey that has taken me deeper into my spiritual body than I anticipated. However, equally impressive has been the journey of my emotional body and its impact on my physical health and connection to past lives, in particular one of Mayan origins. This Mayan lifetime initiated a painful cycle of grief and loss that I couldn’t escape and it took me many lifetimes to get to this current one where I am finally in a position to ‘break the cycle’ or ‘time loop’.

ASCENSION HACKS: How Cells Hold More Light with Intermittent Fasting & HIIT ~ Nicole Frolick

This is a post I’ve been wanting to do for awhile. Ascension has so many layers to it and a lot of the information can feel intangible. When we begin learning about frequencies and raising our vibration to tune into the higher dimensions, it can feel a little overwhelming to the logical brain. But there is a lot available to us in some of the knowledge many of us have learned through a basic high school education. It’s simply a matter of applying this knowledge to everything we are now learning.

Imploding the Matrix from the Inside: Your High-Level Lightworker Mission ~ Nicole Frolick

I just returned from Jessica Alstrom’s Quantum Revolution Tour (which was AMAZING) and the topic working the Matrix from the inside was discussed. I am so happy it was because during the awakening and ascension process, many lightworkers want to EXIT the matrix or leave this planet altogether. The matrix is so incongruent with the Truth that many don’t want anything to do with it when they are realizing their own truth. But the reality is that if you want to collapse a system, the most effective way to do it is from the inside.

