Tag: Karma


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Your Good Karma is Coming to You ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been impressed once again by humanity, as you have demonstrated that you have more fortitude within you than anyone could’ve hoped for here in the higher realms. The fact that you are still there at this time is huge. You are holding the space for the entire collective, in spite of how hard it is for you to be there yourselves. 

The Karma of the Beings of Darkness ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have a tremendous amount of respect for everyone who is there on Earth at this time, regardless of who they are, what they have done, and whether they are playing the role of a being of light or a being of darkness. We keep telling you that we are all in this together, and that includes those who are playing the role of the dark ones. They agreed to be the villains for all of you, in spite of the fact that they knew they would have to pay off their karma if they were going to ascend in this lifetime. And if they do not ascend in this lifetime, they will have to go back to a third-dimensional reality to pay off that karma that they are accumulating at this time.

Moving Beyond Shame and Guilt ~ Rob Schwartz

Learning from your past mistakes is good and appropriate; however, when you dwell excessively on past mistakes it begins to create toxic shame and guilt. The weight of these heavy emotions then keeps you from acting from a place of love, joy, and light in the present moment and blocks the flow of Spirit within and through you.  These heavy energies born from a lack of self-forgiveness can be very debilitating.  The ‘stuckness’ that often results is very easily used by the ego to create an even greater sense of shame and guilt through its mental narratives.  Thus, the heavy energy can easily reseed itself.  For more on the relationship between ego-based thoughts and heavy emotions, please read Our ‘Weeds and Seeds’ channeling.  

Karma ~ Rob Schwartz

The purpose of karma is not to punish.  The purpose of karma is to reunite you with the part of the One that you have artificially separated yourself from by giving you the experience from the other frame of reference, the opposing role in the dynamic.  Think of it as a kind of built-in guardrail system for incarnate reality to keep you from going too far off track into the perception of separation. 

Collective Karma and the Evolution of Humanity – The Pleiadians — Nora

There is one more piece we want to talk about that you are going to find really coming online now especially with the assist here with this full moon in Aquarius. This is really going to start to come online in your individuated consciousnesses right now, and it is going to really help you better understand not just what is happening right now but what has always happened throughout your lifetime, what has happened throughout all of these other lifetimes, and the potential for what it is possible moving forward. So we want to talk about the idea of karma for a little bit here. Primarily your understanding of karma as individuals is that you have these individual experiences of karma and that karma is about understanding. It is about totality. It is about experiencing all sides of the situation for an expansion of your individuated consciousness and an expansion of yourself. It is about generating more compassion, more unconditional love, more acceptance. This has been our take on it.

Just as a Stone Scatters Many Crows, a Moment of Self-Reflection Can Erase Numerous Bad Karmas ~ Pulkit Mathur

This story shows that even one moment of sincere self-reflection and introspection can completely change the direction of our life and save us from committing many sins in the future. Such a change when effected with a sincere feeling of regret and a firm resolution to not repeat the mistakes of the past, is so powerful that it can free us from the effects of many bad Karmas accumulated over previous births. Just as a single stone cast is sufficient to disperse hundreds of assembled crows, similarly one moment of sincere self reflection and surrender to God is enough to wipe out numerous bad karmas. Therefore instead of criticizing others, and always finding faults with them, we must turn our gaze inwards and introspect to find what are the bad habits within our own nature that need to be changed. We are all familiar with the saying – “Empty handed we are born into this world, and empty handed we shall return.” The process of life and death is such that we cannot take even a grain of sand out of this world, when we depart. However, while we cannot take our cherished possessions with us, nevertheless there is 1 highly critical, yet deeply overlooked “thing”, which we do take with us when we die!

Your Good Karma is Coming to You ∞ Daniel Scranton

We have been impressed once again by humanity, as you have demonstrated that you have more fortitude within you than anyone could’ve hoped for here in the higher realms. The fact that you are still there at this time is huge. You are holding the space for the entire collective, in spite of how hard it is for you to be there yourselves.

The Karma of the Beings of Darkness ∞ Daniel Scranton

We have a tremendous amount of respect for everyone who is there on Earth at this time, regardless of who they are, what they have done, and whether they are playing the role of a being of light or a being of darkness. We keep telling you that we are all in this together, and that includes those who are playing the role of the dark ones. They agreed to be the villains for all of you, in spite of the fact that they knew they would have to pay off their karma if they were going to ascend in this lifetime. And if they do not ascend in this lifetime, they will have to go back to a third-dimensional reality to pay off that karma that they are accumulating at this time.

Moving in and out of Time ~ Maria Chambers

I don’t know about anyone else here but August was a very intense month for me. I have felt especially sensitive and insular. I had a couple of mini-meltdowns. Things just felt kind of endless and hopeless. My human self felt like it didn’t need too much more to push it over the edge into a precipice.  And then there were moments when I felt the extraordinary bliss of my soul.

This Planet Is An Incredible Playground ~ Maria Chambers

I like watching those documentaries where there is a crime, usually murder, and then the police and detectives try to solve it.  I find real-life events are far more intriguing than any  fabricated drama. Family, friends, and associates of the victim are interviewed for the documentary, and there are many tears shed on their part, and sometimes my own, too.

How to Reap the Rewards of Your Good Karma ∞ Daniel Scranton

We have been examining the effects of the energies on all of you that have been coming in during this month of your solstice and this recent eclipse that you have had, and there are of course other energies always coming in to support you, to help you heal, and to give you the upgrades and activations that are a natural part of this transition that you are in. You are transitioning from knowing yourself as a singular, mortal, egoic, being to a collective, immortal, higher self being, and as you continue on in this most beautiful of journeys, you will be continuing to receive a lot of help. And therefore, now is the time to be letting go of unnecessary mental and physical exertion.

How to Survive and Thrive During the Corona Virus Pandemic ~ Natasha Bailey

Three steps on how to survive and thrive during the corona virus pandemic.

