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Mind is Acting Like God – by Ishwar Puri

The secret of happiness is inside, and if you really meditate like this, you get real peace of mind. And the ultimate peace of mind is when the mind is no longer yourself, because all disturbance is in the mind. You are not the mind. You are the soul. Soul is always at peace of mind.

Illusion or Reality – by Ishwar Puri

The human mind performs three functions. The lower part of the mind does what is called the interpretative function by interpreting sense perceptions to us. The sense perceptions pick up sensations and stimuli from outside. The eyes see. The ears hear. The nose smells. The mouth, the tongue tastes. The hands and the body and the skin touches. And these sensations are transferred to the brain where the human mind performs the function of interpreting these sensations to us and giving it meaning. 

Functions of the Mind and Soul – by Ishwar Puri

The human mind performs three functions. The lower part of the mind does what is called the interpretative function by interpreting sense perceptions to us. The sense perceptions pick up sensations and stimuli from outside. The eyes see. The ears hear. The nose smells. The mouth, the tongue tastes. The hands and the body and the skin touches. And these sensations are transferred to the brain where the human mind performs the function of interpreting these sensations to us and giving it meaning. 

Imagination and Attention Needed for Good Meditation – by Ishwar Puri

What is it to meditate? If I ask this question from ten people, I normally get about ten answers. There are different kinds of yogas they practice. They say we meditate upon this, on that method. We have different ways of meditation, so when we just say meditation workshop, it's not clear what kind of meditation we are going to do here. I looked up the dictionary to see what meditation means. What does it mean to meditate? It is very simple: to meditate means to think about something. Whatever you think about, you are meditating on that. That made it very simple.

All the Answers Are Hidden Inside Us – by Ishwar Puri

In the morning I was talking to you about the usefulness of having a human body in which you can, by suitable practice, find out who you really are — as a spirit, as a soul, as an immortal soul, the one that is never born and never dies. And this does not mean that anybody can do it. Only human beings can do it. That means that others can’t do it.

Mind is the Only Problem on Spiritual Path – by Ishwar Puri

I have come here just to share with you my experiences with a Param Sant Satguru, Perfect Living Master Hazur Majaraj Baba Sawan Singh, whose photo you can see here. He initiated me, gave me naam daan in 1936, on the 9th of March. A few days ago, I celebrated my 79th initiation anniversary. I think that was the most important day of my life. There is nothing more important that we can ever get in human life than naam daan or initiation by a perfect satguru.


On the other hand, there are areas of existence within ourselves which can be opened up where you can hold time, freeze time if you like, and in the causal plane you can travel both ways with equal ease. The past and the future are identical in the causal plane. You can move into past events as easily as you can move into future events. It’s unthinkable over here. We are so used to, so accustomed to thinking the laws of this universe are universal and apply everywhere. They do not. How can we find it? We are sitting too far, too remote in physical universe to see that, but within in meditation you can go and explore those universes and see them for yourself. So it’s amazing how much opportunity we have to discover new experiences, new worlds just by a simple technique of going within ourselves.

Consciousness Creates Different Bodies – by Ishwar Puri

Our sense perceptions create this world. We think the world exists by itself. We don’t realize that our perceptions are creating the world for us. And each one is creating his own world. And all the people we see are just like people we see in a dream. So the astral body is just the means to have perceptions, and divided perceptions. That means seeing is separate from hearing. Touching is separate from smelling. So every sense becomes separated in the astral body. Do the same meditation again in the astral body. Withdraw attention behind the eyes of the astral body, and you find that astral body is only a cover. And it disappears the same way like the physical body disappears in the meditation. When that disappears, you discover that you have no form. But your thoughts, your concepts, are the reality. They become real things. And from there all these senses are being created. And you’ll find that the senses are only one, and they are split up in the astral body to have a different, varied experience. So the real reality is.

Astral Flying | Practical Meditation Tips – by Iswar Puri

This is a composite meditation in which you use all this that you’ve learned about proper location at the third eye center—the proper way to repeat the words of mantra, the proper way to adjust yourself between different options of listening to your simran or listening to the sound, the proper way to introduce the dhyan of the Master, and finally, not to do this exercise without Love and Devotion, that think of the Master and your Love and Devotion for the Master and express it along with your meditation. Even if you interrupt your meditation for a feeling—sometimes the feelings of Love are expressed in an emotional way, sometimes they’re expressed simply by saying something, sometimes they’re...the expression is simply of appreciation, that you can appreciate what’s going on.

Dhunatmak Resonance Comes from Sach Khand – by Iswar Puri

It’s amazing that the word tenth door has been called, not only here to escape from the physical prison, but to escape from the whole prison of the mind. There’s another tenth door that lies in Par Brahm beyond the mind. And when you open that, that’s the only way to find out who the author of the script is, who wrote the script. And there you discover that the script was written by your own consciousness, the creative power that makes everything alive, including yourself, including the whole universe. And then you say: “How could I have done that? How could I have done that when so many others were there also to do it? Why did I take the responsibility?” So, the journey is not over.

Death | Human Body | Karma | Mind | Soul | Attachments – by Iswar Puri

It’s amazing that the word tenth door has been called, not only here to escape from the physical prison, but to escape from the whole prison of the mind. There’s another tenth door that lies in Par Brahm beyond the mind. And when you open that, that’s the only way to find out who the author of the script is, who wrote the script. And there you discover that the script was written by your own consciousness, the creative power that makes everything alive, including yourself, including the whole universe. And then you say: “How could I have done that? How could I have done that when so many others were there also to do it? Why did I take the responsibility?” So, the journey is not over.

Consciousness Is the Creator of Everything – by Iswar Puri

We use the process of illusion to create reality, not that we create illusion. Illusion is a process through which we create the experience of reality. Therefore, at this time our whole world is real. That’s why, if you have to find the truth in this real world, we look to somebody in the real world. We say, “That guy has an open, enlightened being, he has got open consciousness,” little realizing we are making it up. We’re making the master up, because if everything is being projected by us, how can the master be a separate thing?

