Tag: enlightenment


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The Eight Shifts of Enlightenment Part One ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Where do you think Human emotion comes from? Where do you think love comes from? I will tell you this - it''s part of God in you! Why do you feel the way you do when you have so much love for another? You think that's all Human, don't you? No. That's the God part in you being activated even between Human and Human. Even the Humans who don't believe in God can't help the fact that it is still so. You might not believe in a kidney either, but you still have one. You are creatures of free choice, so you are free to accept what's going on now at this moment or not. You are totally free, and Spirit isn't going to come and touch you to make you believe it. This is our gift to you - free choice.

Your Relationships & What They’re All About ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are so willing to help all of you there on Earth, because we know that the helper and one who is being helped relationship is important in this universe. We get to play this role of the helper, and you get to have the experience of being helped, and that is why we set up this relationship with all of you and to all of you, and you can look at all of your relationships in life in the same way. Each person interacting with another person is playing a role. Perhaps you are playing the role of someone who cheers someone else up, or perhaps you are playing the role of someone who is experiencing abundance and is being generous to someone who is in need, because they are experiencing lack. 

Book Release : A Seeker’s path to Enlightenment, Pearls of wisdom for a peaceful life and Journey to Utopia ~ Dev

All knowledge and wisdom is within us but has been forgotten. Devkumar strives to bring the knowledge that other great beings have shared through this book in order to help you to remember who you truly are. Devkumar comes from a corporate background but has been studying spirituality for almost 14 years. During this time of research and study, he found a profound depth of wisdom and knowledge that changed the course of his life. He truly believes that we are eternal beings having this physical experience at this moment. Dev invites you to appease the curiosity that led you to this book. You are welcomed, with an open heart, to open its pages and start your path to enlightenment. Hopefully, in the process, finding the knowledge that your soul has been yearning for. Dev’s hope is that through numerous explanations, examples, and helpful illustrations you will find something of value for your soul. Let’s start this journey together, combined concisely, and with all the knowledge.

Book Release : Journey to Utopia : Finding Emma ~ Dev

Chaos in the world isn’t a myth but a mere reality. This is the story of Jason and his journey in a chaotic world when the love of his life Emma was abducted. His love for her served as a goal to bring her back where he encountered many unique souls whose lives were wrapped with inner and outer conflicts. He battles the darkness and overcomes all hurdles but does he eventually find Emma?

There’s Nothing Routine About Enlightenment ~ Maria Chambers

How often have you heard that it’s good to shake things up?  To do something new?  To try something different?   You may tell yourself that you are in a rut. I am all for keeping the energies moving in our life.  It’s easy for them to get stagnant.  Energies get stuck in our mind, and in our bodies. We can all agree that this whole enlightenment process has shaken us up, disrupted our lives, our minds, our bodies, our finances, and our relationships.  There is such a massive transformation taking place within us.  There are days we wonder who the hell we are anymore!

Do This Every Day Before You Get Out of Bed ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are open to any and all possibilities that will make this journey easier for all of you. We are not attached to one path, to one way of going about expanding your consciousness, evolving, and ascending, but we have noticed some things about humanity and your approaches to returning home, returning to Source. We have noticed that there are many false paths that appear in front of you when you are more physically oriented and physically focused. When you are looking outside of yourselves for the path that will return you to Source, you often find something or someone, some activity or some way of approaching life, and then you believe that it is ‘the way,’ ‘the one true way.’ You believe that it is the only way you could ever return home to Source, because in your experience it works.

What the Shift in Consciousness is Really All About ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are so very grateful for all of you who receive our transmissions and reach out to us with your desires and with your intention to connect. We appreciate each and every one of you, and we know that this is a beautiful relationship that didn’t just begin in this lifetime for all of you. This is something that we have experienced for quite some time, and so have you, because we got to know all of you at some other point in our journey and your journeys. Everyone in the universe is connected and has some sort of history with each other.

Creating Your Path to the Fifth Dimension ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are putting a great deal of emphasis at this time on your free will to choose what you want to create for yourselves, and we want to be very clear about the fact that you do get to choose which reality, or timeline, you find yourselves on. You have more freedom to choose now than ever before because you have already shifted to the fourth dimension, and because if you choose to take part in the shift to the fifth dimension, you will.

Shifting to 5D & Returning to Source ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very determined to bring you everything that you need through these transmissions, and what you need is always better than what you want, because what you need brings you closer to the ultimate goal of existence, which is to return home to Source. We know what you need, and so does your higher self. Your guides know what you need, and so does your galactic team. All the Ascended Masters and Archangels know what you need.


All knowledge and wisdom are within us but have been forgotten. Devkumar strives to bring these pearls of wisdom through this book that he has learned through experience in order to help others to navigate their life easier and to understand who they truly are. Devkumar has been studying and practicing spirituality for more than a decade and comes from a corporate background. He discovered a tremendous depth of insight and understanding throughout the period of research and study, which transformed the trajectory of his life. His first book, "A SEEKER'S PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT," covered in-depth knowledge on spirituality, whereas this second book, "PEARLS OF WISDOM FOR A PEACEFUL LIFE" provides a wide spectrum of wisdom that may be applied in everyday life and aid in maintaining a high vibration state at all times. 

A Seeker’s path to Enlightenment Book ~ Dev

All knowledge and wisdom is within us but has been forgotten. Devkumar strives to bring the knowledge that other great beings have shared through this book in order to help you to remember who you truly are. Devkumar comes from a corporate background but has been studying spirituality for almost 14 years. During this time of research and study, he found a profound depth of wisdom and knowledge that changed the course of his life. He truly believes that we are eternal beings having this physical experience at this moment. Dev invites you to appease the curiosity that led you to this book. You are welcomed, with an open heart, to open its pages and start your path to enlightenment. Hopefully, in the process, finding the knowledge that your soul has been yearning for. Dev’s hope is that through numerous explanations, examples, and helpful illustrations you will find something of value for your soul. Let’s start this journey together, combined concisely, and with all the knowledge.

Your Path to Enlightenment – Daniel Scranton

We have been enjoying witnessing the mystery that is the unknown to humanity and how you have found various ways of dealing with the anxiety that comes up around the unknown. There are so many things about life there on Earth that require you to have faith in something because they are unknowable. Certain things can be proven and repeated over and over again, like the boiling point of water, the freezing point of water, and so on. But how many of the aspects of your lives require you to believe in something that cannot be empirically, scientifically proven? There are too many to number.

