What kind of a relationship does our planet (and our sun) have with the Sirius star? How does this relate to certain interstellar contacts we may experience and where in our human history have we heard of this before? Are there any remarkable things to be said about the astrology or astronomy of Sirius and why.. just why is it called the RAINBOW star?? It is time to dive deeper into Sirius, into our oceans together with the cetaceans and as always; deeper into ourselves!! 😉 In this video Wieteke will share some general information from her own personal life and invite you to think along and perhaps even share your own experiences below! 🙂



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Wieteke Koolhof
My name is Wieteke Koolhof. It is my heartfelt passion to share with you as a light-worker / channel, the contact with my personal guide from the Yahyel, who I perceive as a loving higher dimensional being. Arjun has let us know to be a contact-specialist between us (Earth humans) and his own people (The YahYel) in co-operation with (among others) the people of the Pleiadies and Sirian Beings. The responses to my channelings with the Yahyel, have been so rewarding and mind-blowing, that I have decided to share this on a bigger platform. I am currently working both from the Netherlands as well as abroad, as a facilitator of these sessions – in private sessions and groups.