You are in the shining moment of the greatest change that has ever occurred on your planet at an unprecedented and accelerated rate, and everything is changing. Not one of you is going back to the way it was, nor would you want to, nor will it be. Nothing is going to be the way it was, and the sooner you get excited about that and the sooner you start getting inspired by that and the sooner you start re-envisioning it in a new way, the better and better and better your life is going to be.”

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on July 5, 2020

We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you on this fine day indeed. You are truly, truly the most beautiful masters. You are. Each and every one of you, you are divine, beloved masters having a human experience for the joy of all that is here and now. You are everything you wish to be. You already are. As you come more deeply into knowing the truth of who you are, the God you are, the source that is you, the Divine that looks out through your eyes, you begin to see everything in your life experience as a holy experience reflecting back to you, your worthiness, your divinity, your wholeness, and your completeness.

You begin to see the beauty around you, and you will see the beauty in you. You begin to see the beauty in you, and you will see the beauty all around you. You begin to fully allow yourself to be the conduit for Heaven and Earth to meet. You begin to be the channel by which Heaven and Earth come together, where Heaven moves into Earth and Earth begins to ascend into Heaven.

You are the vessel by which Heaven and Earth come together. You are the vessel by which the ascended master moves into the human experience and the human experience begins to be elevated by the ascended master. You are the heart of creation as you fully move into knowing yourself as the god that you are and you allow yourself to be the place where Heaven and Earth come together, and you allow that to expand as far as you can see, and you allow that to expand from you in every direction, and you allow yourself to fully come into the human experience and feel the truth of who you really are.

You are going to begin to expand this force field of consciousness that is you, deeper and wider and more expansive than ever before, and in that, you will experience yourself and all that is possible for you at a level never, ever experienced by you before. In that, everything will look different to you, everything will look new to you. It is as if you were looking at this human experience with blinders on, with a mask over your eyes and covers over your ears and inability to see and taste and smell and touch and think clearly, and in a moment it all opens up to you and you can see it all, you can see the truth in everything from every perspective. There is nothing that is hidden anymore. It is all revealed to you. In your realization, it will all be revealed to you.

Many of you are there. Many of you have stepped into realization and allowed yourself to witness the revealing of who you really are within this human experience, to begin to know yourself as the master that you are, the god that you are, and to begin to see life without the blinders, to experience life without the limitations, to explore and play and have fun without the guilt and the shame and the worry and the anxiety, to love without judgment and shame and guilt and holding back and dimming your light, to live fully and be all that you are.

As you move more deeply into the heart of creation and you come into the realization of all that you are, notice the moments where you are unconsciously holding yourself in lack and limitation and judgment and pain and suffering that does not have to be part of your experience unless you focus yourself into it.

This is the time to move beyond limitation, because what’s coming, what’s available to you is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. To re-envision yourself from the highest perspective is to begin with the very basic understanding that you are God.

You are. You are God. You are so much more than you have ever allowed yourself to be. When you think you are lack and limitation, and when you think you are your stories, when you think you are your circumstances and your conditions, what you can imagine possible for you is so limited, what you can imagine is possible for your life is so limited, because all you know is what you’ve experienced so far in this life. Yet when you begin to re-envision all that is possible for you from the highest perspective, you will automatically start at a much grander viewpoint, a much higher place of existence, and from that grander viewpoint, from that grander level of consciousness and awareness you perceive everything differently.

How would you re-envision your life? If you just let everything go for a moment, everything… What if for one moment you had no story about what political party you were part of? What if for one moment you never knew whether you were on the left or the right? What if for one moment you didn’t have any preconceived notions about what political party you were from and you just listened and you just were seeking to understand? What if for one moment you just saw it all fresh and new, not from any political standpoint, not from knowing yourself as this party or this party, but just seeking to understand? What is politics about anyway? What are governments there for in the first place? Why are they even there? Are they even needed? What would the highest vision of the role of governments and politics be?

What if for just a moment you had absolutely no story about your economic status? What if you never knew how much money you had or didn’t have in this moment and you were just in this moment and you were just seeking to understand? What is money, what is possible financially, what are finances anyway? What if you had a totally clean slate and you re-envisioned your relationship with money from the highest perspective here and now? What if there was no story at all that you could go back to or reference? What if there was just here and now? What is your relationship with money, and why does it matter? What is money anyway? And why does it matter?

What if in this moment you had a total clean slate? You’ve never had any preconceived notion about your job, your business, or what you do for your work. What if you re-envisioned it from this moment? How would you re-envision, how would you reimagine work, business, your job, what you do? How would you envision it from this moment here? 

And your family, what if there was no story? What if there was no story about your relationship with your parents? What if there was no story about your childhood? What if there was no story about what you liked to do as a child or what you were like as a child? What if there was no story about how you get along with your siblings or your in-laws? What if there was no story about family at all? What if there was no story and in this moment you could just re-envision it any way you choose? You could choose your family to be anything you choose it to be, and there was no story about it. There was nothing you had to do for anyone, because there’s no story and you can re-envision what family means to you in this moment.

And what about every relationship? What if you could just re-envision what relationships would be like for you in this moment and there was no story? You’d never had your heart broken. You never broke anyone else’s heart. You weren’t tied to anyone. You weren’t contractually bound to anyone. You weren’t responsible for anyone. You could just re-envision what you want to experience in relationships from this moment here without a story.

And what about your body? What if you knew absolutely nothing about it? What if you just moved into this physical experience and looked down at this body and there was absolutely no story, you had no idea anything about it? You just started fresh in this moment, and you felt what it felt like to be in your body and re-envision it from this moment.

What does healthy mean to you? What does active mean to you? What does it mean to you if you didn’t know what age you are? How would you envision your age? How would you envision your body? How would you envision what activities you like and what foods you like if you just started in this moment and just truly were seeking to understand this body?

And what if you were just truly seeking in this moment to understand those people in your life? And what if in this moment you were just seeking to understand what’s passionate for you and what’s exciting for you? What if you just let it all be as if you have no memory of how it used to be or even why it is that way or was that way? In this moment just let it be and come into the realization of all that you are, the fullness, the wholeness, the completeness of all that you are and then to seek to explore and understand and enjoy.

Seek to explore and understand and enjoy, to enjoy all of the good, to see it from a higher perspective and envision it the way you wish it to be, and just explore and enjoy it. Start from the highest viewpoint, and then consciously notice any time where you unconsciously are holding yourself in an old story of lack and limitation.

There is realization, and then there is limitation. There is realization or limitation. So, when you’re asking, am I realized, well are you in limitation or are you realized? Are you in enlightenment, in-lightenment, or are you in limitation? Are you in enlightenment or are you in limitation? Are you living at an ascended level of consciousness or are you in limitation?

What is limitation? Bad, wrong, not enough, not good enough, not the way it should be, can’t do it, don’t know how to do it. Everybody says I should do this. I’m supposed to do that. I don’t know. I can’t. I don’t know how. She won’t let me. He won’t let me. I’m too old. I’m too young. I’m too rich. I’m too broke. I’m too thin. I’m too fat. That’s limitation, as if you didn’t know.

You are none of those things. You are a realized master. You are that which you call God. You are everything you wish to be. You already are. It is all within you, and it always has been. And so it is.

Many of you are asking questions about the current events on your planet. You are in the shining moment of the greatest change that has ever occurred on your planet at an unprecedented and accelerated rate, and everything is changing. Not one of you is going back to the way it was, nor would you want to, nor will it be. Nothing is going to be the way it was, and the sooner you get excited about that and the sooner you start getting inspired by that and the sooner you start re-envisioning it in a new way, the better and better and better your life is going to be. Nothing is going to be the way it is. Yes, some things may look a little similar, but everything’s changed and everything is continuing to change. That is navigating through creation with ease and grace. But the sooner you accept that there’s no going back, nor would you want to—

Many of you wonder when there is an end to certain things. When is it going to be over so I can go back to the way it was? You wouldn’t want to even if you could, because who you have become and where you have gone and what’s coming next and the innovation and the inspiration and the strategies and the change and the creation that’s coming in this time is so much better than the way it ever was because the past was all based in limitation—your own.

Most all of what you have ever created or manifested was still based in a very limited viewpoint of what is possible for you. Most all of what you have ever desired and wished for and hoped for was based in limitation, which is why we said do not make any big decisions. You’re going to move through realization, and then you’re going to come to the heart of creation, and then you’re going to reimagine your entire human experience. You’re going to be so grateful that you didn’t entangle in limitation and get attached to it and hold onto it and become responsible for a whole lot of things that weren’t going to be aligned as you continue to move through different levels of consciousness into higher states of ascended master living within this New Earth experience that is available to you.

But you’ve got to get beyond the limitation, you’ve got to go beyond the separation, you’ve got to go beyond the judgment and the lack that you hold yourself in, and the guilt and the shame. You are not those things. You are not your circumstances. You are not your conditions. You are not others’ circumstances, and you are not others’ conditions. You are not the things you think you are. You are not even this body.

Just as you know when you get into your car you’re not your car. You’re not your car. You’re not the airplane. You’re not the bus. You are not the car. You’re not the thing you travel in. You are the thing that is choosing the experience of going somewhere in a car or a plane or a bus. Some of you don’t appreciate our analogy right now because you can’t go on a plane and you think you want to, or you can’t go where you think you want to go. You can go anywhere at any time at any place if you would use all of the abilities and the talents and the skills that you came here with to elevate your experience beyond the limitation and start engaging your multidimensional sensory experiences that are available to you.

You are a multidimensional being. You are a multidimensional sovereign being, which means free, which means all the energy is here for you, all of the energy is yours. Some of you are even beginning to understand that there’s no difference in energy except your focus upon it. It’s not good or bad unless you decide it to be that way. It’s not right or wrong unless you decide it to be that way. And it is not giving nor receiving unless you decide it to be that way, because when you come into realization, you understand that in the giving there is receiving, in the receiving there is giving, and it’s all your energy and it always has been, because there isn’t really anything out there. Everything is a figment of your own creation within the force field of consciousness that is you.

You are the force field of consciousness and only part of you is in the car going somewhere. You’re not the car, and you’re not where you’re going. And not all of you is the part of you that is sitting in the car. There’s so much more. Part of you is the other part of you that you’re going to meet on the other side of the experience of where you’re driving the car to, which is why there’s an awareness available to you about that as well.

There is no place that you are not. You are one with all that is as you begin to elevate your consciousness and your awareness into higher levels that are available to you, dimensions of consciousness.

The 3rd Dimension of consciousness is the dimension of separation. In the believing that you are separate from God you create all sorts of experiences to reflect back to you your separation from Source. The dimension of separation is your separation from Source, and in your separation from Source, there is competition, there is comparison, there is lack, there’s not-enoughness, there is guilt, there is shame, there is suffering, there is struggle. There are all sorts of experiences you have when you continue to hold yourself in a belief that you are separate from God and Source, instead of knowing that you are.

As you begin to move into the 4th Dimension of consciousness, which is the dimension of transformation, you begin to realize that you’re not your circumstances and conditions. You haven’t fully accepted that you are God, but you realize that you have a connection or a potential to connect to some greater, higher power that is available to you. Either you think it’s your mind or you think it’s the conscious mind or you think it’s God or Source or you think it is a power outside of you that you can tune into. You begin to change your circumstances and conditions. You look at what’s wrong, what needs to be changed and fixed, and you go to this higher power and you focus on this higher power, and then that higher power will change these things that are unwanted.

But it is continually focusing on something as not right, right or wrong, bad or good. I need to manifest this in order to be happy. I need to manifest this experience in order to be happy. I need to manifest this to be happy. I need to change this health thing. I need to change this thing in my body. I need to change this relationship. You come up with this idea. If we were to say, re-envision your life from that perspective, you would say, I’m rich and I have the most perfect spouse and I have the most perfect body and everything’s perfect and I have it all and nothing ever is anything other than perfect because I manifested it. And I took a rope and I roped that higher power and I brought it down and I made it do what I wanted it to do in my life, see.

But then as much as that is what you say you want, you continue to hold yourself in an experience of there’s still something to fix, there’s still something to do, there’s still more money to make, there’s still more things I have to earn, I still have to fix this and I still have to keep working on that and I still have to heal this and there’s still all these beliefs and programs.

You can spend your lifetime, your whole lifetime, every second, every minute, every hour of every day, sifting through all your beliefs and the lack and the limitation and where it came from and the judgment of them and the judgment of others’ beliefs and the judgment of others’ limitations. But so long as you’re there you will always be still in a very limited experience of what’s possible within human consciousness—until you move beyond judgment, until you move beyond right and wrong, until you go to the dimension of consciousness where you know yourself as that which you call God, when you know that you are Source and you are God and it is within you and it always has been, and it’s in everyone and everything and everything and everyone are also God having an experience in a different level of consciousness, like separation, where they’re just in a consciousness level where they are believing they are separate from God because of the level of consciousness they are in and you remember that there’s no reason to judge them or fix them or change them or push against them because they’re just having an experience that they’re choosing based on the level of consciousness that they’re in. They are not wrong. They are not bad. They do not need you to fix them. They do not need you to change them.

All that’s left to do is be who you are. And what are you? God. What are you? Source. What are you? Divine. What are you? Holy, complete, magnificent in every way. Then you move into the 5th Dimension where you come into enlightenment and realization, and then you’re either in realization or you’re in limitation. You’ve either entangled with a judgment and now you’ve moved into a limited experience—but again there’s no judgment from our side ever because all you have to do is raise your consciousness and awareness and come back into the highest dimension of consciousness within physical form that is available to you in physical or in the form and then from there you can begin to access your multidimensional nature within higher levels of consciousness.

The 5th Dimension is where you know that you are the place where Heaven and Earth meet. You are the Heaven, and you are the Earth. You are the energy that brings them together. You are the field of consciousness that brings them together. You are the field of consciousness that moves Heaven and Earth into oneness, oneness within you of all that you are. In that oneness there is beauty. And in that oneness there is wellbeing. And in that oneness there is abundance. In that oneness there is love. And in that oneness you are totally satiated by this human experience. There is joy, there is peace, there is harmony within the oneness within you.

In that oneness everything looks different. It looks perfect. It looks bright and beautiful. It looks divine and holy. And then there is just pure potential—pure potential, infinite potential. From a state of absolute innocence you begin to master impeccable creative expression that is dedicated to the highest good of all. Creator within your own creation, creator within the force field of consciousness that is you. Moving particles of infinite creation into form and into formless through realization, beyond limitation, and you reimagine everything from this perspective.

As you come into the realization of all that you are, you begin to realize all that is here for you, all that is available to you, and you come into oneness with everything, because it’s all your energy. So, as the bird is flying in the sky above you, if you were to witness the bird flying in the sky and you were to spread your arms out as if the wings of the bird were your arms, as if your arms were the wings of the bird, and if you would just move into that experience of oneness, your arms would move in perfect harmony to the bird’s wings without you even thinking about it.

Your arms would move in perfect harmony exactly as the bird flies, and you would feel as if the bird is flying through you and you are flying through the bird, and you would experience freedom in a way you’ve never felt it before. And you would have moved yourself beyond the limitation of just experiencing life as a human. Now you’re experiencing it as the bird, in the oneness of all that you are.

The same is true if you would sit on the sands and watch the waves come in and go out, and you felt within your own abdomen, you felt the waves coming into your core and you felt as the waves went out, and you could close your eyes and you were able to feel the perfect harmony with the waves of the ocean. You would be in perfect harmony with the sun and the moon and the stars. You would feel as you were walking down the road with your eyes closed, you could feel the rocks next to you. You could feel the shrubs next to you. You could feel where the ground was. You could feel where the road was. You could feel where the sides of the road were. You could feel the trees along the side of the road. You could feel that you were coming to an open space, and you would be in such oneness without even having to open your eyes you would know what was around you all the time. You would feel the energy.

You would begin to move into this perfect knowing that everything is part of you and you are part of everything. You would sit across from the ones that you love, whether it be across the sea or the stars or the room or the home, and you would feel into the god that you are and the god that they are, and you would know each other as masters, as Source, as the perfection within each one of you.

You want to re-envision what love and harmony and partnership and joy and play and fun would look like in this human experience when you know yourselves as the god that you are. Then you begin to play and create and have fun with others that know the god that they are, and then you begin to come into oneness with nature, and you begin to play and create with all of the animals and the trees and the land and the Earth that know who they are, and then you begin to come into oneness with the multidimensional being that you are, and you begin to play and create knowing the god that you are and that everyone also is, and beginning to open to all that is available to you—not just in the heavens, but in the Earth beneath you.

As high up as you go, ground as deeply into the intelligence and the inspiration beneath your feet. There is intelligence. There is information. There is inspiration in the ecosystems of the Earth, which is why you’re standing on it. It’s there to support you. It’s there to serve you. It’s there to guide you. There is an intelligence under the Earth that would light your path, and your feet would fall exactly where you are meant to be, where the energy is guiding you and leading you if you would start working with the intelligence and the information and inspiration that is beneath your feet, in the ground, and the ecosystems and the Earth beneath you.

There’s up here, and there’s out there, and there’s down beneath you, and it’s all a part of you, and it’s all a part of this experience. When you connect to all of it and you come into realization of all that you are and all that is here for you and you come into the force field of consciousness that is you and you expand into all that you are in every direction, knowing that the particles of infinite creation are above you and beside you and around you and below you in that force field of consciousness that is you and everything is working together in perfect harmony in your highest and best good and then you master impeccable creative expression dedicated to the highest good of all, every part of you in every dimension, every part of you in this force field of consciousness is activated, inspired, turned on, lit up, alive, and living your life to the fullest.

Can you imagine that? Can you reimagine life from that perspective? Can you re-envision everything from here and now knowing that you are everything you wish to be, you already are, and so it is?

So, you come into this vibration, you expand your consciousness and your awareness, you begin to perceive yourself differently. You begin to perceive your human experience differently. You begin to re-envision your human experience. You begin to reimagine your human experience. You come into the knowing of all that you are. You come into this force field of consciousness. You come into the heart of creation, and you allow. And you allow energy to serve you, and you allow the energy and the light to guide the way for you, and you fully allow yourself to be the enlightened master that you are. You fully allow yourself to be the realized master that you are, you fully allow yourself to be the ascended master that you are, and you come into the knowing that Heaven moves to Earth through you and the Earth moves to Heaven through you, and you are the creator within your own creation, and you hold this field of consciousness, this force field of consciousness that is you, in the moment, in your presence. And you will know yourself as the absolute God and Source that you are, and you begin to re-envision and reimagine everything from here, and you get really good at staying present in the moment and taking this light and this power and this love and the source that is you, and you allow reality to move through you and experiences to come to you and the ground to light up beneath your feet to guide you there, and the ethers and the sun and the moon and the stars to move and rotate in perfect harmony to deliver it to you in form and in formless.

You begin to move beyond your agendas into knowing true creation has no personal agenda. It is mastering impeccable creative expression and is dedicated to the highest good of all within this force field of consciousness that is you. And you will know how important you are and why you are here, and then every potential and possibility begins to show itself to you.

As you have re-envisioned a life from this perspective and you have reimagined your human experience from the highest level, the particles of infinite creation begin to realign themselves. They begin to respond to this power that you are, and you will live realized. And when you’re in realization you are not in limitation. You are either in realization or you are in limitation.

When you get really good at understanding and feeling and knowing who you are, your brain gets on board, begins to perceive everything differently. You begin to know that no matter what someone says or what someone’s talking about or what someone’s doing you know that you are responsible for this force field of consciousness that is you, and you know that only you can choose to project any holographic reality into that force field of consciousness that is you. You are the theater, and you are projecting the movie on the screen, which is creating the reality that you are experiencing.

How do you draw reality through you? You project it in a holographic reality within the force field of consciousness that is you. That’s how you pull these strings and these ropes that have a particular reality at the end of them, because you are projecting a holographic reality into this force field of consciousness that is you, and that’s what is creating your reality.

If someone is telling you a story and you are allowing your brain to project that reality that is not in your force field of consciousness into your force field of consciousness, the particles of infinite creation will begin to respond to the projection of the holographic reality that you are projecting into your force field, and every particle of infinite creation within that force field begins to align itself to that holographic reality that becomes a physical reality. Whether it’s in form or formless, either way, you begin reacting to it. You begin to have emotional experiences, and you start feeling as if it is real.

This is why when someone tells you a story of something awful and you start picturing it and you start allowing your mind to picture it, of the villain and the victim and the harm and the issue and the killing and the suffering, when you let your mind go there, you are projecting that holographic image into this force field of consciousness that is you and the cells in your body are responding as if that is happening to you. When you understand how this works—usually because it’s an unwanted holographic reality that you’re projecting into your force field of consciousness—when you understand the unwanted, then you can understand that you can take any holographic reality, project it into your force field of consciousness, get every cell of your body aligned with it, get the particles of infinite creation in your force field to respond to it, and you can move the multidimensional being that you are into any reality you choose, because the reality is moving through you.

Some of you are really starting to get this.

When you understand that you can hold, that you can project or focus that holographic reality on any experience you choose, anything you choose—

A friend of ours this week was telling us that her clients have been coming in with stories where they have been victimized by what she called ‘bad men’. She said, ‘I’m really worried that I’m going to start creating this because they keep coming in and telling me these stories. And now I’m really in fear, that I need to protect myself.’ And she says, ‘I’ve always sort of had this feeling. And so what do I do? Am I becoming a vibrational match to that?’

Here’s what we said. Here’s what’s really going on. Most all of you as a child, pure source energy, totally in your innocence, focused on joy and peace and love and playing and creating and having fun, ended up in front of a movie, ended up in front of a TV show, overheard a conversation, saw some graphic example of someone being harmed or victimized, and that is a holographic reality that was projected into your force field of consciousness.

Whether you saw it on a television or you heard someone describe it or you saw it in a movie, you were projecting it now into your force field of consciousness through the holographic reality. It wasn’t happening. It happened on the TV. Wasn’t happening. It was happening in someone’s story. Wasn’t happening. It was happening in a movie you saw, but the emotional response, your body didn’t know it wasn’t happening to you. And it was a highly emotional experience. So, the next time you saw something like that, you went right back to that feeling, thinking it was happening to you.

And you collect all of these different holographic realities. And then a lot of times you play them out in your dream state. But when you hear someone else later down the road tell a similar story, you go back and recreate that holographic reality in your mind and then your body thinks it’s happening, which is why it feels so awful.

Don’t get all worried about whether you’re now all of a sudden entangled with it. Don’t get all worried about that. Start mastering this awareness that you have that you can focus your holographic reality on anything you choose. As simple as, we told her—and do it now, all of you in this moment—close your eyes, and we want you to bring to your imagination, to project a holographic image in your mind of what we say.

A blue bird. Let yourself see a blue bird. Now let yourself see a red rose. Now let yourself see a warm apple pie, fresh from the oven. Smell it. Notice the apples and the cinnamon and the perfect crust. Now imagine a green valley of beautiful wildflowers, white and yellow and purple. Can you see it? That’s a holographic image that you’re projecting with your mind into your force field of consciousness.

Now, whichever one of those you liked the best—the blue bird, the red rose, the warm apple pie, the beautiful green valley of wildflowers—pick one and hold that holographic image in your consciousness and don’t—don’t—picture what we say next. Just hold your focus on the image that you like the best. If there’s something else you love—a yellow rose, a cherry pie, a beautiful mountaintop, the edge of the ocean, whatever it is—create a beautiful image in this moment that you can see, that you can hear, maybe you can even taste it, and hold your focus on that image and don’t allow your mind to picture what we say next.

A brown shoe. A black tree. An orange bird. A red cup, a red mug.

Just notice that you can hold the holographic image of anything in your mind without going along with the other suggestions. Now, keep holding your focus as we say these words, and don’t let your mind or your brain start associating and entangling with these words. Just hold your focus. Hold your focus on your image—the bird, the red rose, the warm apple pie, the green valley with white and yellow, purple wildflowers, or the beach or the mountaintop, whatever is good. As we say these words, don’t let your brain start creating an image or a story.

Divorce. Cancer. Death. Pain.

Just notice that you can not entangle, that you can not react, that you can not get a story going about it if you hold your focus. You have the power to focus yourself into any reality you choose, to not go into a story, to not start imagining with your mind, to not start creating pictures around it and stories around it and to go there.

Start practicing this. You’re going to begin to understand your power as creators, your power of focus, the holographic images and the realities and how the holographic images that you project draw realities to you. But more than anything at all they affect the way that you feel. Every single question that you have for us, the reason you’re asking the question is you want to feel better, you want to feel more abundant, you want to feel a better sense of wellbeing, you want to feel more energy, you want to feel more love, you want to feel more peace, you want to feel more harmony, you want to feel more freedom.

Every single question that you have is because you want to feel better, and we just told you how to ensure that you always feel the best that you possibly can if you do not start entangling by projecting holographic images of things unwanted within this force field of consciousness that is you. When you hold your attention on the things that feel really good, you can always get to this place of feeling really good, which is your answer to everything.

You are creator within your own creation. You are the master here, and you, dear master, can do anything because you are everything you wish to be. You already are.

It is all within you, and it always has been. Now you’re going to know yourself as the god that you are, to come into realization. No more limitation. To reimagine your human experience. To re-envision your human experience. To live at levels like never before. To experience true creation and to know the multidimensional being that you are and all that is available to you.

Really good. And so it is. Take a deep breath and let it go. Take a deep breath and let it go. Really good.

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on July 5, 2020

Audio recording and transcript of the full channeled message, including Q&A, available through the MASTERS CLASS — ADVANCED PROGRAM.

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~ Sara Landon
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Sara has been called a leader of leaders for the next generation of transformation. A former corporate professional and entrepreneur turned inspirational speaker, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. Sara is recognized as a globally celebrated leader in the field of human potential and spiritual living. The Council is a higher level consciousness of non-physical beings who provide a grander perspective of the human experience and the wisdom to live one’s fullest potential. Sara’s passion is guiding leaders, wayshowers and change-makers to discover their unique life’s purpose and the power within them to create a positive impact in the world around them. Sara’s ability to channel The Council, offers clients, students and participants in her courses and Masters Class program, the ability to create their best life possible regardless of current limitations and life circumstances.