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Dev Kumar
I’m a seeker and have been on a spiritual path for many years now. I truly believe that the knowledge I acquired all these years has completely changed my life. I now see and understand reality differently from the way I used to. Over many eras, a number of masters/teachers have guided and shared their great wisdom on spirituality. Even today, I see a number of great Masters and Channelers helping individuals raise their frequencies and vibrations by guiding them to follow the path of oneness. My vision is to bring awareness and share their knowledge to as many beings as I can.Living Librarian then is formed to bring people together to promote peace, love, wisdom, spiritual knowledge, acceptance and compassion. If you ask me to come up with one word that sums up what I’ve learned thus far in my spiritual journey, I would say it is “Love.” Loving unconditionally everything and everyone, regardless of who they are, where they are from, or the perspectives they hold is the ultimate sign of a spiritually evolved being. see more..