There is an inherent desire in all humans to find meaning and fulfillment in life. We search for it in career, in family, in relationships, in sports, in travel, the list goes on.
But none of these things ever brings lasting satisfaction. We are always left looking for the next hit, the next thing that can bring a sense of meaning and purpose to our short lives and quieten the subtle niggling feeling within that there must be something more.
We can spend our whole lives searching for that something more, thinking, analysing, trying to find answers in books, from teachers. The endless search. It almost all seems like a grand cosmic joke, because when we finally give up and stop searching for meaning, that is when meaning finds us.
There is a universal energy at play, choreographing every detail of life from the realm of the unmanifest. When we are tensed up in a state of seeking, we block this energy from communing with us. We try to take control of life, forcing, pushing, exerting effort in all directions, draining ourselves of the vital life force we so desperately seek.
But when we relax, when we cease the endless grasping, drop the masks and walls we have built for protection and allow our constructed personalities to naturally fall away, we finally dissipate into the depths of the vast unknown where all that remains is stillness, pure consciousness, the truth of our being.