We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
The occurrence of a phenomenon on your world is worth getting excited about. The occurrence of several phenomena is the start of a movement. It is a sign of an evolution of consciousness. You’re going to experience anomalies, outrageous events that are inexplicable to your logical minds. You are going to see things that you did not think were possible, and it is all going to happen simultaneously, in different parts of your world.
These events and occurrences are going to have an effect on the collective consciousness. A mass awakening, an awakening of more individuals at one time than you have previously seen, is going to occur. And those who once believed that you were weird for believing in what you believe, are going to look to your for support. This is why you are awakening in waves.
It is for the purpose of giving some of you the ability and the experience to be of service to others. You all have your roles to play, and right now, your role is to be out a bit in front of the rest of the collective. You are the trailblazers. You are the leaders of the movement. And as such, you are often seen as outsiders.
Now, when these occurrences on your world begin there will be a certain amount of panic and fear. But that is all right. You are prepared for that. You are prepared because many of you have been facing your own fears for quite some time, and you are not only capable of handling your emotions, but also of helping others to process theirs. Your world is ready for big changes to occur, and you are ready to support those who are not.
But these changes would not be coming if you were not asking, as a collective, for them. All in perfect timing, and all a part of your master plan as a collective consciousness.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.