So, many of you have taken your lives to places that you did not think they could go, and you are thankful for how far you have come in this lifetime. And that is a wonderful thing. It is wonderful to acknowledge that you are doing very well and to give thanks. There is so much more. More than we can tell you about, more than you could comprehend from where you stand.

So, we want you to feel satisfied. We want you to enjoy the lives that you have created. And we want you to get ready for so much more. So when you are considering your life and when you are asking yourself, ‘What is it that I want?’ we don’t want you to even think in terms of what it is you are used to. We don’t want you to look at the current reality in order to find aspects of it that you would like more of, or that you would like some of. For that is not where you are headed.

Therefore, instead of thinking about the life that you want for yourselves, and who you want to be with, and so on, give yourselves the opportunity to explore what it would be like to feel something that you have never felt before, to elevate your frequency beyond what the third dimension could allow you. We want you to get ready to feel, rather than to look at the environment around you and have a feeling response to it.

There is so much about the world you have experienced that is lovely. And we want you to know you have the totality of that experience now within you, within your consciousness, because you are all connected. And now, as a collective, you are moving. And where you are moving is not so much a place, with different rules and a different structure — it is a frequency. So when you are pondering your life and where it is going, we ask you to tune yourselves to a frequency that you cannot possibly imagine.

So how do you do this? You let go. You let go of preconceived notions. You let go of the idea of limitations, and you allow that frequency to envelop you, to take over that which you have been trying to manipulate and control. You will find that the ride is so much better when you release your hold on where you have been

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Daniel Scranton
Hi, I’m Daniel Scranton. I am a verbal channel, and I bring through beings like: Yeshua, Archangel Michael, The Hathors, The Arcturian Council, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Quan Yin, The Buddha, and The Creators. I also teach channeling, sound healing, meditation, and a whole host of other courses. I work with individuals one-on-one, and I do group events. I meet with my clients via phone, skype, or other internet portals. I channel a message from the beings I work with every day, and I post it on my website and send it out to my email list. I look forward to hearing from you! Love, -Daniel