Nora Herold, Yeshua, and the Pleiadian Collective
Excerpt from the September 7, 2021 Transmission
This is Yeshua. We greet you with love and joy and honor your light. So really take a breath here, and tune in to your own very specific and unique vibration. Just really let yourself breathe right now, and step in with yourself. When we worked with you in our last transmission around self-care magic, the information about knowing the self, knowing yourself fully and completely, from our perspective, is an extremely valuable and important piece to be working with right now. So we want to help you in this moment really tune into your own particular vibration, your flavor of frequency from an energetic standpoint.
So just take a breath here. You may feel The Pleiadians and The Faeries braiding in here as well in the transmission, but we really wanted to come forward tonight, The Yeshua Collective, because this timeline that you are traversing is so challenging, triggering so much hurt and pain and sadness and loss and frustration and fear and worry and anxiety and powerlessness and hopelessness even at times in so many of you. We wanted to come in with our very special vibration and frequency and offer you some healing. So you are going to get a lot of us tonight. You are going to get a lot of Yeshua tonight, even when The Pleiadians come in full voice we will still be running in the background, transmitting at all times.
So just take a breath here, and tune into your heart center as you are breathing, and now let your awareness expand up and down throughout the totality of your energetic structure, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet and into your etheric field that expands outward beyond the physical dimensions of your physical body. So really just swim in your own energy right now. And just really notice what you notice. Do you see a color? Do you feel a sensation? Do you hear music? Do you hear laughter? Do you hear words or something else? Do you see shapes and forms? Are you one light or are you many lights? Just really tune in. Notice how you feel. Where is it easy for you to tune into the vibration of who you are? Where is it more challenging in your body to tune into this? What are the feelings you are accessing? Are you expansive? Are you contracting anywhere? Just breathe here and know yourself fully. This is you accessing both the energetic signatures of your third dimensional and your fifth dimensional consciousnesses from within.
Now let it coalesce into your hearts. Really just bring your attention fully back to your heart center here, as you are breathing, and simplify all the data and information that you just sorted through about yourself, about your own vibration and your own frequency, your own knowing of yourself. Get very simple here in your heart chakra as you find information that helps you truly define you.
As you continue to breathe.
And now as you inhale, take some pink light right into your heart chakra, and as you exhale feel that pink light moving throughout the totality of your body and your energetic field, soothing, nurturing, loving you. On every inhalation of breath, you receive more of this pink light of healing, and on every exhalation you allow that pink light to make its way into the most fearful, most hurting aspects of your being, as you also hold your center in your heart. And you will notice as this pink light moves into areas that want to hide, that feel afraid, that are very vulnerable, you are suddenly able to access the totality of who you are in these spaces in your body and your energetic field as well.
So just continue to breathe here, as you receive, as you heal, as you expand, as you know yourself more.
Alright, this is The Pleiadians here, as always it is so wonderful to connect with all of you beautiful universal beings of love. So as Yeshua said, they are just going to continue to run that pink light transmission and their supporting energy throughout the entirety of this program and transmission tonight.
You are in a space right now of really cleaning up and clearing up aspects of yourself that you could not get to prior to this moment. Take a breath here and really let yourself get in touch with this. This is why a lot of you are finding yourselves recycling through, in your mental body, old issues, and problems and wounds and hurts and traumas. This is coming up again for you all now as you are in this clearing process prior to the Equinox that will happen just in a couple of weeks.
So you are using this period of time right now to really clear and heal and expand and become more available so when you step into the equinox portal when you step into and through that gateway that takes you onto the beginning of a new timeline as the prior gateway closes out, the gateway that opened right around the equinox in September of 2019, so as you begin to move through this gateway, here, this year, two years later and begin to step onto what is going to first, probably feel very much like it was feeling just a week or two or three ago and then suddenly you will start to see that you are, ah, really in a new timeline, and in a new arena, you will be more available to be who you are in this moment, because your identity shift, this major reworking of the self, that has taken center stage for all of you, is not coming to a close because these things don’t really ever fully end, but what you will find is, it is going to be less intense.
Full audio recording of this transmission available here
~ Nora