This month we are being guided to pay attention to the clutter in our minds, especially if it’s preventing us from manifesting our ideas into the physical realm. More so we must be aware of our emotions that may be at the mercy of a mind driven by ego. During the ascension process, we clear away old patterns, behaviors, wounds, and trauma, but residual clearing can sneak up on us when we least expect it, creating the perfect playground for the ego to do its work. In the reading below, I’ll discuss what’s in store for us in June and how we can ride the waves instead of falling prey to our old ways.

Don’t forget to sign up for next week’s FREE webinar Harmonizing the Masculine & Feminine Energies on June 6th at 8 PM EST. When we learn to appreciate and understand what these energies are, we can bring them into balance and harmony within. I hope to see many of you there!

Love and light to you all,


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Nicole Frolick
Nicole Frolick is an international expert on Flexibility, inspirational speaker, and the author of Inflexible Me: Expanding Past the Inflexible Barriers of the Body, Mind, and Soul. She currently co-hosts a weekly radio show The Love Connection on Blog Talk Radio as well as her podcast Enlighten Up. Her spiritual practice has been a major part of her life since she was 17, but only fully stepped out of the spiritual closet in 2016, embracing her deepest passion: spirituality. Her passion lies in helping others discover what it means to live less out of fear and more out of love. She believes too many of us live in our limited (fearful) mindset, preventing us from expanding into our fullest potential. Her devotion to her work is anchored in illuminating the true power within you so that you become the best version of yourself in all aspects of your life.