It is in your light, through your light, receiving your light that any and all things become possible. It is not by trying to force and effort. It is not by holding yourself in limitation. It is not by focusing on the unwanted. It is by receiving and allowing the light that you are that all things become possible for you.
And all things are possible for you. All potentials and possibilities are available to you now. All potentials and possibilities are here for you now. All potentials and possibilities are wide open in your field of consciousness. All potentials and possibilities are available, and the particles of infinite creation that are always responding to you, it is all here for you now. In your light, allow it, receive it. This is an activation. This is a transmission. This is a rhythmic, energetic opening to your light. Open to receive it. Allow it and receive it. Allow the light that you are. Receive the light that you are.
Your light shall set you free. Your light shall set you free. Your light shall set you free—free to be all that you are, free to be all that you are. Your light shall set you free, free to be all that you are.
Your light is the light of abundance, the infinite supply of abundance. Your light is your abundance. Your light summons your abundance. Your light is the very place that you receive your abundance. Your light summons the energy of abundance. Your light allows you to receive the infinite supply of abundance that is here for every single one of you.
It is mastery to allow your abundance. It is to be of the light to allow your abundance. It is to be of the light to allow yourself freedom—freedom to do what you love, freedom to do what brings you joy. It is to be in your light to allow your wellbeing, to allow the vibrations and the frequencies within your being to expand and upgrade and regenerate.
It is through your light that you allow abundance, freedom, wellbeing. It is through your light that you allow yourself into the miraculous and the magical that is all around you. It is through your light that you allow the miraculous and the magical that is all around you. It is through your light that you see the beauty. It is through your light that beauty exists all around you. It is through your light, through your light, that all things become possible for you, dear master.
It is the light, it is your light that is bringing forth the light that is awakening humanity. It is through the light, your light that light is being summoned, even more light is coming to your planet. It is through the light, your light that humanity is moving into higher levels of consciousness. It is through the light, your light that you now realize the 5th Dimension of pure love. It is through your light that you experience pure love within you and all around you.
It is through the light, your light that you see the grander perspective here in all things, in all situations, in all circumstances. It is through the light, it is through your light that you hold the vision for all beings living in peace and joy and harmony and abundance for all. It is through the light, your light that humanity will realize, through the energy that is coming forth, through the light that is shining bright that there is a potential and a possibility that exists here and now for peace and joy and harmony and love and freedom and abundance for all. It is through the light, through your light that all of this not only becomes possible, not only a potential, but a realization for yourself and those around you, a realization, a dream within your heart that becomes a dream within a masterpiece, that becomes a masterpiece painted and expressed as reality, molded, created, painted, realized.
What is your masterpiece? What is your legacy? It is your life. It is the way you live it. It is your love. It is the way you love. It is you. It is all that you are. Your masterpiece is your life. Your legacy is your masterpiece, is the reality that you create.
What is the legacy that you are seeding into human consciousness? What is the legacy that you offer? What is the potential and the possibility that you create through your very existence? What is your legacy, dear master? What is your legacy, dear light? It is your light that is of the light that is your light that is your legacy here on Earth. What will you illuminate? What will you radiate? How will you shine in all of your brilliance? How will you shine in all of your magnificence? You know the answers. They are all within you.
The greatest wisdom of all: you will know what you need to know when you need to know it because in the now moment, everything is known. In the now moment, you know everything you need to know. When you come into the realization that you have no questions, you have only knowing, absolute knowing, the absolute knowing of the divine perfection, the absolute knowing of the divine unfolding, the absolute knowing of divine orchestration, the absolute knowing of you—of you, the light that you are, the power that you are, the freedom you have, the abundance you have, the wellbeing you have, the joy, the love, the beauty that is here for you—the absolute knowing of this grand adventure.