Co-creation blog with Behind society:
The last question of this 5 part series to Wieteke Koolhof from Design 4 Awareness and Philip Fiolet from Beyond Medicine. I submitted 5 questions to both of them which they answered with the help of their ET guide and give their reflections.
The previous questions can be found here. The 5th and final question of this series is as follows:
In what ways are we humans connected to/with extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings?
Wieteke and her guide: This is a great opportunity to illuminate the ‘mirror’ one last time on both sides. And understand that this mirror is reversible. We see it as follows:
Mirror side: we are related in several ways, both genetically and from a Cosmic point of view. We understand that everything we encounter in the Universe, everything we perceive, is part of All That Is, and thus in that sense; is part of ourselves. We see you as an (extension) of ourselves, like a branch on the same tree. That is why we can love you unconditionally, even if you decide not to have anything to do with us. Jliie are free – as we are. So our love comes without expectations.
Reflection inside the mirror: The same goes for you the other way around; As you come into contact with these concepts or concepts (of extraterrestrials and multidimensional pieces) that may be entirely new to some of you, you are essentially invited to turn your attention inward and ‘explore’ what you want to do with this information. . That is the inner journey.
This information, which probably arrives at you in many ways and from countless sources and in all kinds of keys, is, again and again, a piece of the big puzzle that asks to be ‘felt’ again by who you feel at that moment that you are fully aware of. to grow from this information in your own unique way. In that sense, we are already part of your journey. Now as a ‘concept’ and later perhaps as a ‘tangible part of your reality.
What the latter will mean, for each individual, is essential that that person has found complete peace with ‘the concept of us’, of that which we represent, within themselves. Understand that nothing can materialize in your personal perception of the tangible world unless it has been first conjured up by a certain part of your (collective sub-)consciousness. Whether that is because that manifestation reflects to you something that your Higher self knows would like to be seen and integrated, or whether it is to show you how wonderful you are in the flow (so as confirmation and underlining of that which you are essentially your fullest; a God/Goddess co-creator). In either case, the reflection of the manifestation is at your disposal to be used as a tool for inner growth.
In short, the ‘concept’ that we still are too many now is essentially nothing but an open invitation to travel ‘beyond the hitherto known boundaries of your old self-concept’ to your multidimensional self, where we (already) be part of.
From your body consciousness to the energetic/universal consciousness, through the heart, through trust, and through the path of unconditional love. It is our passion and joy to inspire you on that path, for those who want it.
We are One. Or as we say Ha’ah-me (I see in you – myself – and love both).
Philip and his guide: This question has multiple layers and should be considered from those different perspectives as well. As mentioned before, the body that you use as a vehicle on your planet did not originate on your planet and has also undergone multiple modifications since it was created by adding parts to your blueprint from other civilizations. So your bodies share in this area both – let’s say the prototype with other civilizations – and also there are similarities with other civilizations through modifications. Also, the body has undergone modifications through evolutionary processes that are unique to your biological body.
On other layers, you need to realize that you have this body as a vehicle and that your consciousness is connected to us in a very different way. Ultimately everything comes from the same source and somewhere in between civilizations, collective consciousnesses, have a link with each of you individually and collectively. We don’t call you family for nothing, we are one big family tied together in this one great game of creation.
I would like to thank Wieteke, Philip, and their two guides again for their reflections on these question sessions. I personally found it very useful and clear information, but it is up to everyone to decide what they ultimately want to do or not do with these reflections.
After these 5 questions, should people still have pressing questions about which they would like to receive the perspectives of the ET guides from Wieteke and Philip? Then ask those questions in the comments below this article.