Take a breath and tune into yourself. Settle into your body, and just check in quickly here with yourself. How are you? How are you feeling right in this moment? And where do you notice any emotions or sensations that you’re processing? Where do you notice them echoing in your body? Where do you have a visceral experience of your feeling state as you allow yourself to feel, whatever it is you need to feel right now without judgment?
Just let yourself relax into yourself exactly as you are, beautiful, perfect, exactly as you are right now. As you accept yourself in this way, and observe yourself from within, you love yourself and all aspects of you more. You also become more available when you do this, available to yourself and to others. When you allow yourself to sit with yourself, exactly as you are, without filtering or judging or compartmentalizing or repressing, when you just let it all hang out, so to speak, without judgment, “Ah, this is who I am, exactly as I am, all that I am,” you become more available.
As you are more available, you are able to do more in this life. You’re able to create more of the experiences you want. You’re able to have a clearer sense of what it is you want as opposed to trying to project onto yourself or your reality who you think you should be, how you think it should all be going, and then start to enumerate your many, many failures. Because this is what happens when you repress and deny and judge, you fall into a competitive game with yourself that causes you then to focus on the shadowy aspects of reality and all of your disappointments, even if you’re trying to be joyful on the surface. So when you stop doing this and get real and just let yourself be exactly as you are, all of that noise goes away. All of that bullshit fades into the background and falls off, and you are just as you are, a being of Love incarnate here, your value inherent in this, and then what you do becomes an expression of your value and this opens you up to more and more adventures, more love, more joy, more fun, more play.
So this flow right now that we’re talking about, we want to run kind of a metaphor here, and you’re going to use this as you move forward, both to address yourself and your own experience and then also you’ll use it when you’re observing others. So your natural state of being as love incarnate, your natural state of being is kindness, openness, generosity. Think of all of the younger beings you know, children, especially those below the age of let’s say four, and you see this in them, just inherent kindness and generosity and play and fun, more often than not. That’s the energy they’re running. Yes, by the time they’re four years old, perhaps they’ve had some things happen that may at times trigger, oh, some meanness or competition or even repression of themselves, but by and large when you’re in that period of time, you’re in this state of flow where you just want to be joyful, and it feels natural to be joyful and available and connect because this is the closest to the truth of who you are as love incarnate, free-flowing love energy, desiring to connect from a place of kindness and generosity with all around you.
So, as Pluto moves through Aquarius for this period of time, and Pluto has just gone retrograde today, so, as Pluto has this experience now of being retrograde in Aquarius, it’s going to move back into Capricorn on June 11th. It’ll hang out in Capricorn through the end of the year. It will go direct on October 10th, and Pluto being retrograde is not that big of a deal, it happens just about every year for a period of months. It’s something that you have normalized in your reality, but the big deal about Pluto right now is that it’s leaving Capricorn. It’s currently hanging out in Aquarius, and it’s going to move back into Capricorn. Then I will jump back into Aquarius for the first few months of next year 2024, and it’ll head back into Capricorn again for a few months, and then finally settle into Aquarius for about 20 years.
So, as Pluto moves through Aquarius, and as it is retrograde right now and then even while this is true in Capricorn, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, it’s going to become very easy for you to see and notice and observe those who are flowing with this energy of kindness, generosity, of inherently desiring to run that love through them, be that love, and connect with others in a loving way, from the space of kindness. And then, conversely, those who are operating, and we’re going to use a term that Nora was playing with earlier today, those who are operating like “garbage people”. So you can have, you can have kind of a laugh about this as we use this term, but you know what this means, those who lead with meanness, those who hold their love back, those who intentionally withhold their love, those who hoard their resources and hoard their wealth.
One of the reasons why the wealth hoarders on your world do so, hoard their wealth in the ways that they do, is because it takes a lot more energy to operate outside of the natural flow, meaning as a “garbage person”. It takes a lot more energy to operate that way than it does to operate in the genuine way that you truly are, in that inherent way of operating from kindness as love incarnate. Now this of course doesn’t mean that you are this way at all times. You all have your moments when your shit gets activated and you step outside of that natural flow, sometimes to protect yourselves, sometimes because past stuff has come up for you. But you can see when you do this, when you fall out of that flow, that unconditional giving and receiving of energy as Yeshua has talked about, and repress and compartmentalize and go into your kind of darker, shadowier, crankier aspects, how exhausting this is because it uses more energy. You’re using more energy to remove yourselves from your natural state of being. So one of the reasons the wealth hoarders hoard their wealth in the way they do is because they equate their wealth to energy and resources, and they are constantly feeling in a deficit, constantly feeling in a deficit because they are operating outside of the flow, outside of the natural flow.
So, we’re giving you this perspective today because it’s going to become more and more apparent to you as you move into this period of time, especially as Pluto moves back into Capricorn. Pluto moving through Capricorn has really highlighted oh, the dark side of capitalism and money and individual-above-the-collective ideologies and experiences. Pluto in Capricorn has really done its job there and helped you all kind of mine whatever gold you can from this for yourself personally.
As you witness the collective, and just notice who it is that’s in the flow around you and who is not, and notice how they are with money as you notice this because that’s going to be a real tell for you, those who are clamping on and piling it up, money, stuff, objects, anything material in this way, they’re doing so because they feel they’re in a deficit, they are in a lack of energy. That energy that they’re lacking, that they’re missing, is because they’ve taken themselves out of the flow.
So, for you personally, you can start to ask yourself. “Okay? Now, what do I do when I’m in this situation?” Boundaries are still important. Yes. And you have to be able to employ those boundaries that also allow you to stay in the flow. Meaning, you can physically remove yourself from a situation if you need to, while still staying in that energetic flow and space of love, kindness, and generosity, while at the same time employing healthy boundaries that take you to a place of safety in the moment when you need to. So this will be something for you to play with and kind of practice as well as you make your way through the next few months.
Full audio recording of this transmission available here