I just returned from Jessica Alstrom’s Quantum Revolution Tour (which was AMAZING) and the topic working the Matrix from the inside was discussed. I am so happy it was because during the awakening and ascension process, many lightworkers want to EXIT the matrix or leave this planet altogether. The matrix is so incongruent with the Truth that many don’t want anything to do with it when they are realizing their own truth. But the reality is that if you want to collapse a system, the most effective way to do it is from the inside.

I get this question a lot from clients and your emails/comments. It’s completely understandable as to why many want nothing to do with this Matrix. But today, I am going to show you through the example of building demolition, why we MUST implode this system from inside the matrix, not outside. Understanding this concept will drastically shift your perception of what’s going on and how your work here in 3D is most effective.

Being a boots on the ground Lightworker is not for the faint of heart. But if you didn’t have what it takes, you wouldn’t have been allowed to enter the game and carry out this most important mission of our time.

Remember, if this could be done from the stars, it would already be done. But to effectively carry out this mission, we need you on the inside! Find those support columns and non-load bearing walls and start weakening them!

Light and love to you all,

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Nicole Frolick
Nicole Frolick is an international expert on Flexibility, inspirational speaker, and the author of Inflexible Me: Expanding Past the Inflexible Barriers of the Body, Mind, and Soul. She currently co-hosts a weekly radio show The Love Connection on Blog Talk Radio as well as her podcast Enlighten Up. Her spiritual practice has been a major part of her life since she was 17, but only fully stepped out of the spiritual closet in 2016, embracing her deepest passion: spirituality. Her passion lies in helping others discover what it means to live less out of fear and more out of love. She believes too many of us live in our limited (fearful) mindset, preventing us from expanding into our fullest potential. Her devotion to her work is anchored in illuminating the true power within you so that you become the best version of yourself in all aspects of your life.