Nora Herold, the Pleiadian Collective, Yeshua, & Ursula
Excerpt from the February 1, 2022 Transmission
The Pleiadians:
Greetings, this is the Pleiadian Collective. As always, It is so wonderful to connect with all of you beautiful Universal Beings of Love. So take a breath……..and as you inhale and exhale, just take a moment here to connect with yourself first. Fully connect with yourself or at least as much as you can right now. So just continue to breathe gently, and just feel yourself kind of settle into your body and align and center within……… you breathe.
Just give yourself a moment here to feel gratitude and appreciation for your body, for your human form, this vehicle that you are using that is currently the highest expression of your energy, because it is where your attention is focused right now, and wherever your attention is focused in the moment, however your energy projects itself in that moment, is the highest version of you. There is no need to go up and out to find something higher or better. There is instead a need for you to go deeper within, to accept and love yourself, all of you, every smidge of you, right in this moment, exactly as you are.
As you do this, as you step deeper and deeper into this relationship with yourself, partnering with yourself, accepting, embracing, unconditionally loving yourself, this facilitates the integration of your fifth dimensional consciousness more and more into the density of this vehicle you are using, your body. Which allows you to vibrate at a higher rate of frequency from within, which enables you to feel more connected, more loved. Which enables you to love more, to be truly, love in action, and know yourself to be this at all times.
So just put your attention on your hearts now as you breathe. We know that January was challenging for a lot of you, and there is some residual grief and exhaustion and gunk just kind of floating around there in your heart chakras, you might notice as you’re connecting with your heart. So just let yourself really feel whatever is coming up for you right now, as you continue to breathe. If you’re feeling feelings elsewhere in your body, connected to other energy systems, that’s fine, that’s perfectly fine. Let yourself expand your awareness now, out and all the way up and all the way down to the soles of your feet, and really tune in and check in. Notice any heaviness, resistance, fear, pain, worry, sadness, depression, anxiety, rage, etc. And just really let yourself connect as you breathe and just feel.
Now observe from within as you feel, activating your fifth dimensional consciousness from within your body, which allows you a deeper level of acceptance and activates that unconditional love that runs and flows through your system, that helps to clear up anything that’s ready to be cleared up, that goes to any version of you in any moment of time and space that needs it, whether it be you from five minutes ago, or you from five lifetimes ago, or you from five lifetimes in the future. Expand your awareness ahead as well as behind you, and again, remember that you, this you right now, is the highest expression of your light, your consciousness, you as this human.
This is Yeshua we greet you with love and joy and honor your beingness.
Human. Let the word roll around in your head, in your heart, in your third chakra. Human. Notice your response and your reaction to the word itself. Human. Are you jazzed at being human? Do you believe you are somehow less than because you are human? Just let yourself take stock right now, and notice. Notice your old and outdated programs that tell you to be human or a piece of humanity is a lesser experience. See if those programs still come online, and notice the upgraded blueprint that is available to you, that became available on the winter solstice of 2012, that lets you remember that you as human are the highest version of yourself right now, and feel the excitement activate in your first chakra, as you integrate this truth more deeply into your body.
Ursula from a bit later in the transmission:
This is Ursula. Alright, so you are pregnant with the fullness of your desires for yourself and the collective in your bodies growing, growing, gently, lovingly your reality and your connection to collective reality here. So what’s going to happen as you move forward now is you’re going to begin to notice when it is you encounter outside of you, whether it be via connections with other people or opportunities that open up or destinations that suddenly light up for you or expressions of your creative energy that land and offer collaboration with another, whatever, you’re going to start to notice commonality, common seeds, both within other humans and then also within the container of again, experiences, destinations, events, opportunities.
So, it’s just a matter of noticing these connections, these commonalities, these vibrations, and you will at times say, “Yes! Of course there is an alignment with this being or this place, or this thing.”
And at other times, you will say, “I cannot believe there is an alignment with this being, this opportunity, this place.”
When you find yourself astonished at the compatibility, at the correlation, at the connection, let yourself really take a breath, watch your knee-jerk rejection response want to come online, because it will happen. This often happens when you are astonished by connection. It happens when you’re astonished sometimes by magic, by that manifestation of or outcome of magic. You want to very quickly undo it because it feels so big to you, beyond what you thought you were capable of or could contain in your body or even beyond who you thought you were. So notice that rejection moment want to come online. Take a breath, slow yourself down, and just observe. Observe the magic at play, observe the opportunities, and let yourself say, “Yes”, to things that feel new, beyond your scope of what has been comfortable for you.
There are going to be many opportunities for this coming online, for you all this year, as you move forward. So use this period of time to start to say, “Yes”, to that which you might keep yourself away from. Now, of course, continue to support your boundaries, support all of your self-care, all of your health. We’re not saying go outside of that, but we are saying some of what may approach you, may surprise you, and if it’s surprising you, and you feel delighted by that surprise even as you want to reject it, say “Yes!”.
There is huge magic in these Yeses.
Full audio recording of this transmission available here
~ Nora