I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame
I always welcome your thoughts, your opinions, and your ideas, and you are welcome to offer them to me at any time. If you want to feel more directly in contact with me, then imagine the violet flame around you, and then expand the violet flame out to all corners of this universe of ours, and you know you will be including me in your extended violet flame. The lines of communication are always open, but sometimes you need something like that to convince your minds that it is possible to connect with a being who exists in the nonphysical.
I want you to know that we take your thoughts, your opinions, and your ideas very seriously here in the twelfth dimension. We know that you are all powerful creator beings, and we want to create with all of you a better reality, a better universe. You are the ones who are there on the ground floor. You are the ones who are there having all the challenging experiences of the physical reality. And so we take you all very seriously, and we all want to help.
We also know that you want to help, and when we can sense that, we do send more help your way. And you may find yourself receiving inspired ideas, intuitive hits, and downloads of information on how you can help. Everyone is different, and everyone can help in a different way. It is perfectly fine for you to wait for that inspiration before you take action.
You don’t have to always be taking actions in order to be of service to your fellow humans. The intention that you set is a good place to start. I invite you to recognize yourselves as the masters that you are, because you wouldn’t be there in such a challenging place if you weren’t masters already. I also want you to consider that we are always co-creating together. The co-creating that happens between the physical and the nonphysical goes beyond your wildest imaginings.
Relax and know that so much more is happening than you can sense with your five or even six senses. Know that we are seeking to help you because that is our nature, not because any of you have earned that help or said the right prayer, the right invocation. We are always here for you, and we do consider you to be wise ones indeed. We also know that you have the benefit of experiencing the physical reality on the Earth plane, and we respect you so much for having made that choice. We honor you, and we know that together, we can make this universe a higher vibrational one.
And we can do it deliberately, consciously, and with all of the good intentions that you all have as awakened humans woven into each of the corners of this fabric that is the tapestry of the universe. Take that all into consideration, and speak to any and all of us in the higher realms knowing that we are listening.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
Image Credit: Pixabay