Channeling Being : Angelic Guides ,  Channeled by : Dr Taryn Crimi

Today we would like to briefly discuss how your thoughts and expectations play significant roles in the relationships that you have with one another. Though this will not be a particularly long message, we do feel it is a rather important reminder. We say reminder because we are never sharing anything with you that you do not already know within on some level.

Now with that being said, each of you have all sorts of relationships with your friends, family and loved ones, however that does not mean that you love everything about each one of them. Though we do not see the differences as being a negative, not by any means, in fact they present you with wonderful learning opportunities.

There lies within every single being things that you like and things that you do not like, parts of them that resonate with your being and parts that are not in alignment with your being. What we would like to remind each of you to do is to concentrate on the parts of their being that you do very much like, the attributes that you admire and the actions that you are grateful for. You see it is up to each and every one of you to focus your attention on what you wish to expand. Many of you fall into the trap of becoming frustrated with the differences in opinions, or the differing view points that you do not wish to experience in one another and of course those attributes expand.

Though you never have the ability to change another being, you always have the ability to focus on the parts of them that you enjoy, the parts that you are grateful for and the views that are in alignment with your own. Just as with everything in your reality, what you focus on will always expand. What you expect out of someone will be what you receive. Expect great things from one another. You are all far more in harmony and similar to one another than you realize.

So again we remind you, focus on what you love about the people you come in contact with and you will surely witness your world transform. Remember you are the creators of every aspect of your reality. Focus on the good in one another.

We hope that this simple reminder has served you in some way.

We hope that we have served you in some way and that our message finds those of you who are in need of it most.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

Copyright © 2018 by Dr. Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Credit : Written by Dr. Taryn Crimi.  Dr. Taryn Crimi, Ph.D is an internationally acclaimed channel, intuitive, and teacher who thrives on sharing her gift with the world. The collective of Angels, which she channels, refer to themselves as the Angelic Guides. Their messages have been shared in over 110 countries and have helped many people all over the world on their journey to enlightenment. She is the mother of 3 young boys and a loving wife to her husband Richard. The Angelic Guides are masters at helping us to refocus our attention on what we could do differently or how we can shift our perceptions to allow greater growth and understanding into challenging situations. The angels have reminded us time and time again that we are the creators of our own reality and only we have the power to change or shift a potential outcome from manifesting in the here and now.

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Dr. Taryn Crimi
Hello and Welcome. I’m Dr. Taryn Crimi, and as an international intuitive, educator, and a pastoral counseling psychologist who thrives on dreaming big and helping others manifest the life of their dreams as they tap into their limitless potential I am thrilled to have you here with us! Like most of us, I wear many hats and play many roles throughout my day. I’m a mother of 3 vibrant little boys (all under the age of 6), a wife, a teacher, and an entrepreneur. I’m so honored to have the opportunity to meet so many wonderfully like-minded people that span over 110 countries around the world. I’m really looking forward to hearing from you, as we walk this exciting journey together. Much love, Dr. Taryn Crimi